
What Is Ego Death And Why You Should Avoid It

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(What you about to read are my collection of beliefs I've worked hard to put together, to understand life. Mostly it's a programmer's/creator's point of view which I find to be the most accurate one. There are plenty of statements which might not be true, but probably have to be to fit into the story)

Introduction to reality: Ego is You. You came to existence because it was useful for Source to make a split. This is permanent. Source wants to grow and you are fully connected to that process whether you know it or not (your feelings will make sure you do the work). Source will keep you in a "detached ego form" but will let you experience things (as a reward, mostly called "heaven") depending on how much value you bring in growth "Mining World" in which you live right now. There should also be "hell" as well if you have been knowingly harming the growth process - not sure how it works though. "Heaven" should be about rewarding you with anything you want. Maybe whatever you will come up with. But also there should be ways to experience what Source already has created. So it's possible that your life will be observed countless times - just like a video - by other "travelers". It looks like a wonderful system and overall it has to work perfectly (no room for error) to work at all.

Problem with Ego death: As I've mentioned - Ego can't be destroyed anymore. It's good enough in a state that it is and will serve Source in one way or the other. Source wants to keep the identity of - "management system / God". But what about the experience? (Note that I haven't experienced anything "drug-induced" or what could be called as "near death experience - NDE". Simply collected the data.) Let's start with NDEs: It looks like people go to the state of "choice". They want to leave "Mining World", but because they are presented with the "choice" Source will try to convince "to continue the work". To do that Source can only use "current relationships" and "potential" - possibly only the knowledge you already know. But I am still wondering about "people's extra perception" - It doesn't make sense that Source would allow that. There is a way to predict the future through patterns and so far I found no reason to believe in other means, even "special dreams". Otherwise you can somehow ask for the Source some pretty powerful things simply by threatening with "Ego Death".

Ego Death Experience: Simply the opposite of being - You refuse to Grow. "Ego Death" (commonly by Leo is described more as..) "forgetting being" because of all the other Ego's that exist - which is actually not Ego death - but Lust. So the Source will quickly remind you of how things work and that you have to have your own collection of experience. While actual Ego Death is simply suicide. And obviously this is ridiculous - of-course you would want to avoid it. Should you have a way to completely give up Ego? Source WILL take a lot of Ego powers from you if you will do something like this. But no matter how much power you lose Source will keep the "Ego Origin" - the idea that creating you was still a good idea.

Most importantly Feel free to play with my ideas :3 (Instead of trying to attack them or take them too seriously)



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Ego gives you nothing but illusion. The power that comes from the ego is only illusory. 

What do you mean with "Ego Death Experience: Simply the opposite of being"? pure being is the result of the disappearance of the ego; The ego veils being with false beliefs. "Ego Death is simply suicide" Yes! that's exactly what we are here for. Complete annihilation of the false. We don't "kill" anything that's true, but only that which was never true in the first place


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What I referred to Ego as "The whole Consciousness / A wish to Grow" - which could really use a short word like this. (I will call it Soul from now on)

Your Definition of Ego is "False power" which you have to give up to start growing again.

[Edit] It's very important because in that way: the problem is solved. Sort of. Everything requires balance. You should only kill Ego if you see and acknowledge a mistake that you've made. Anything beyond that is a problem. Anything until that - and you still have holes in your Soul - your Soul always grows as a "whole / everything at once" (so all the holes too).

Edited by Gurunext

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Ego=Identification with Body/Mind.  The "self" is just exploding into everything and is pure presence. pure being. "A wish to grow" is in time and requires a future. Consciousness is timelessness, it just wants to express and experience itself through different perspectives

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1 minute ago, Echoes said:


Ego=Identification with Body/Mind.  The "self" is just exploding into everything and is pure presence. pure being. "A wish to grow" is in time and requires a future. Consciousness is timelessness, it just wants to express and experience itself through different perspectives

Oh so you identify Ego as "the barrier" of knowing that there is a Soul (Your existence beyond the body, independence from the Nature you live in).

(I'd call it E-God :3. I found "the barrier" principle SO important. It creates "The Cycle" which I use to understand everything. It's about how you approach the barrier, learn barrier, break it, explore beyond - then help to build it "stronger". And this process explains "every action ever")

Also you introduce time to the equation. And Source decides what kind of actions take how much time. Time is a direct link to - value management. How much profit/value can you get - how powerful your Soul is. Time is needed to compare value. Not sure why "consciousness is timelessness", but I've mentioned how Soul once created is Infinite (can't be destroyed).

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Time and value are illusions; human concepts. They do not exist in pure being. Everything you add to pure being are only ideas. Who wants to compare value with what? 

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Just now, Echoes said:


Time and value are illusions; human concepts. They do not exist in pure being. Everything you add to pure being are only ideas. Who wants to compare value with what? 

Well whatever "doesn't exist in pure being" doesn't mean that doesn't exist outside. Which is exactly what can be compared: Souls and their "work/value of pure being".

Growth is the meaning of everything. Because Souls want to grow and Source has a lot of Souls growing in it (which could trade useful experiences). It's actually likely that you own your Soul (any experience you've collected) and you will have a chance to trade it with other Souls. This way Source remains just a "Management system" and Souls are totally free to grow and interact with others.

So what Souls OWN is valuable. And again, time helps to determine the amount of value. (How fast the experience is) There are of-course many other dimensions that also increase the value of experience. It all depends on what kind of Nature you live in.

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@Gurunext Value is an arbitrary conceptual construct shaped by a limited perspective. You can't make an objective definition of value, it is always only  an individual judgement. Only the ego (Identification with Body&Mind) wants to create and compare value and power. All is one, why should "the one" compare itself with itself? Whatever does exist outside of pure being (the eternal now) is speculation and theorizing, but not absolute truth.

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28 minutes ago, Echoes said:

@Gurunext Value is an arbitrary conceptual construct shaped by a limited perspective. You can't make an objective definition of value, it is always only  an individual judgement. Only the ego (Identification with Body&Mind) wants to create and compare value and power. All is one, why should "the one" compare itself with itself? Whatever does exist outside of pure being (the eternal now) is speculation and theorizing, but not absolute truth.

Every "conceptual construct" is as real as anything else - because it's all based on Intention. Eventually with enough power - "every Intention is real / every version of reality can be created". So just to make sure you don't underestimate Intention to the point of "Illusion / something useless". You must give yourself the power of imagination and understand that there is potential for it to become reality if you work at it. (This is my personal advice)

So why Source should compare Souls (parts of itself)? Source just wants to grow and it doesn't do any comparing - Souls do that, because they want to and Source provides with a way to achieve that. Source grows as a Management System only because there are "Spaces/Natures/Realities" & Souls to manage.

It's totally your choice whatever value you put on your Experiences when you trade. And it's totally other Soul's choice to reject whatever value you declare. Now depending on how many "rules of trading" you are following and how many Souls agree to follow the same rules - this is what makes up the Management System (Source).

I don't know if Management System is in place yet outside of our Nature/Reality - It sure isn't in this One. I am not yet sure if it's possible for Source not to be pure "for anything to exist / since the start of everything". But at some point such system WILL be created and Souls will have to agree and join the order OR keep their own version of rules/beliefs.

Speculation and Theorizing is called - Playing with Reality. You should do that more often as I've advised. In fact this is the current problem with the world as we will have harder and harder time - listening to other people's opinions. You have to PLAY other people's opinions. Imagine that they are real and compare with the facts. (That's why in original post I've made that "most importantly" statement)

[Edit] "The outside" is what you observe. It becomes the Inside. And this is why I am talking about "Play". You gather enough of outside experience to the point where you can Play with it. Eventually simply by playing you will bump into problems. Like "how to trade efficiently" "how to express this message without double meanings". This is why I've said Programmer's/Creator's perspective is probably the most accurate in describing reality.

Edited by Gurunext
The outside

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@Gurunext As long as it is a concept it is an idea and not reality. Also, there is a difference in intention or intention based imagination/visualization and the conceptual description of metaphysical truths. 

The human race is already playing it's delusional game with reality. Having all sorts of beliefs who are not grounded in anything. Isn't this the real problem the world has? Everybody beliefs something and identifies with it. This starts with the belief "I am this body, and there is this outside world" seperation and suffering is born. No need to belief in more things people say and create even more delusion.

The "outside" is what is not here and now in your current experience. In fact, nothing is outside.

What do you mean with this whole "Management System" and trading value thing? Not sure if I understand what you are trying to say.

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"Ego is You"

"You came to existence because it was useful for Source to make a split. "

"Source wants to grow"

"As I've mentioned - Ego can't be destroyed anymore. It's good enough in a state that it is and will serve Source in one way or the other."

Mate. You. Are. Lost.

Take some psychdelics and you'll see. You can't really theorize about this. Or, of course you can, but it's worth absolutely NOTHING compared to direct experience with what reality is.

But I can also theorize and tell you where you're wrong.

1. Ego is not you. You is not ego. Ego is a concept. You are a concept. Ego is nothing. You are nothing. You don't exist. You are nothing. You get it? You prolly don't, but let me repeat: The "you" you think you are = illusion. Plain and simple. What you really are is nothingness/conciouscness/"Source" as you call it.

2. You have always existed and will never not exist. You = "Source" = Nothingness = Consciousness

3. To be clear, You have no desires to grow or not grow. You have no desires actually. The only desire you have is Being/Love because that's the natural state, and even that is not really a "desire", it's just the ground state of reality as i said.

4. Ego can't be destroyed of course, because there is no fucking ego to be destroyed in the first place ;) It's an illusion. What CAN be "destroyed" momentarily is this illusion, i.e. the illusory "feeling" of being an indvidiual self can be destroyed. But as you can read, it's just a feeling, there is no self/you anywhere to be found (see this for yourself, it's not that hard to grasp, or maybe it is lol).

5. Let me repeat. What you really are is NOT ego. What you really are is non-concept, non-word, non-thing, non-non-thing... it's: Nothing at all. Therefore since you are nothing there is no "you" to serve any 3rd-party-thing ("Source").

You are making a religion here. But let's be clear:

God is unknown by those who know what God is.
God is known by those who don't know what God is.

That's two paradoxes for your mind to think about.

Ego = Mind = Person = Illusion. Since in this reality we call you a person and me another person, this clearly shows that this world we live in = one big fat illusion; A game of playing out certain roles;) 

In reality, you are not an ego, you are not a mind, you are not a person. 

A mind/person is an EXPERIENCE to have.
You are currently having the experience of having a particular mind/being a particular person. 
I am currently having another experience of having a particular mind/being a particular person.

You = I = Nothingness = God = "Source" = Absolute Infinity = Consciousness = and so forth, call it what you want, it's nothing.

It is possible to have an (momentarily) experience of not being a particular person (getting rid of the biggest illusion played by yourself). Such an experience we normally call "ego-death" or a "no-self-experience" or an "enlightenment experience". Go have one and then come back and theorize ;) 

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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We are spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience but sometimes to remember who and what we are, we need to die egoistically lol for a little while :P

Edited by pluto


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@Gurunext yes, but ego isn't real, its a made up projection that passes down generation after generation unfortunately.  Awakened, you will see that there is no "you" to work on.  When the delusion of ego goes away, you instantly become reality.  You become it.  There doesn't need to be an extra individual identity added to function in the world.  Words of caution:  when you do merge and realize...  you realize you can't go back to old ways of navigating the world.  When it happened to me it occurred during a contemplative walk.  I was stunned and shocked like never before.  This is an experience that will change your LIFE.  IT is profound.

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