
Selfishness in Sollipism

26 posts in this topic

How do you guys interpret selfishness in the context of solipsism? You can basically look at it from two sides:

  1. All is me so I have to walk on egg shells not to hurt myself
  2. All is me so it doesn't matter if I'm selfish, from the Self everything is evened out (everything cancels itself out at the end)

Humans live in a dualistic reality and this is not going to change anytime soon. In my opinion we all have to be selfish (preferably mutually selfish to create win win) and to deny that is just low conscious. Even the ghurus are all selfish to some degree. The only ghuru I know of who isn't selfish is Conner who gave all his shit away and lived up to his word instead of other ghurus who puff up certain ideals and not live according to it.

At the end it doesn't matter how you live, if you live selfish or not selfish, from the Self it doesn't matter in my understanding. This also counts for eating animals. Eventually you have to eat something, and when you eat something the universe is eating itself. If you are vegan (basically an identity you made up) you might say "I eat this but I won't eat that" because of some category/label/judgement you pulled out of your behind. At the end it doesn't matter though; you have to eat/consume something alive to stay alive. At the end everything is alive/consciousness.

Edited by StarStruck

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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

The only ghuru I know of who isn't selfish is Conner who gave all his shit away and lived up to his word instead of other ghurus who puff up certain ideals and not live according to it.

How does giving all your shit away and living up to your word make your selfless?


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3 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

How does giving all your shit away and living up to your word make your selfless?

Ego = illusion = selfishness

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Yeah, I can relate. Personally I had a hard time accepting that selfishness is OK and is not bad. Morality has done a lot of damage in this regard.

This is mi opinion: Accept your selfishness and embrace it, until you are so well within yourself and so conscious, that effortlessly you really want to give or help people.

But helping people or being selfless withouth not feeling abundant inside or conscious, it's a big big mistake, and usually how people understand selflessness. Again, morality can be blamed for this. 

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13 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Ego = illusion = selfishness

I concur. 


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I like to see it as just be good. Be yourself god made you a certain way be that way. Live both ways

Edited by Hojo

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It is basically balancing love with wisdom.

It is a great podcast on the topic 


In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Solipsism is perspectively selfish, like a random mirror seeing its reflection in a multitude of other mirrors, without realizing that it is also a mirror.

On survival within relative reality, it is the nature of the cosmos to consume itself in order to create itself. The elements in our bodies are sacrificial offerings from stars formed billions of years ago, and will likely constitute countless forms in the future. Matter, energy, and time are just building blocks for the absolute within its dream.

Morality is a pragmatic set of rules promoting order within the cosmos, but absolutely there is no morality. There is only god.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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19 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Solipsism is perspectively selfish, like a random mirror seeing its reflection in a multitude of other mirrors, without realizing that it is also a mirror.

On survival within relative reality, it is the nature of the cosmos to consume itself in order to create itself. The elements in our bodies are sacrificial offerings from stars formed billions of years ago, and will likely constitute countless forms in the future. Matter, energy, and time are just building blocks for the absolute within its dream.

Morality is a pragmatic set of rules promoting order within the cosmos, but absolutely there is no morality. There is only god.

So would you say that God is infinitely selfish?

That would go against the grain what gurus say who say God is infinitely unselfish.

I'm finally understanding what Selfish means.

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3 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

So would you say that God is infinitely selfish?

That would go against the grain what gurus say who say God is infinitely unselfish.

I'm finally understanding what Selfish means.

Choose your definition.

If God is Self, how can it be anything other than Selfish?

If God is Seamless, how can it be anything other than Love?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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29 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Choose your definition.

If God is Self, how can it be anything other than Selfish?

If God is Seamless, how can it be anything other than Love?

That is what I’m saying. God is not unselfish. It is highly selfish. That is why people don’t understand god IMO. Selfishness is not bad. Ego is not bad. God has an ego(s) too. If egos didn’t exist it wouldn’t exist. 

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4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

That is what I’m saying. God is not unselfish. It is highly selfish. That is why people don’t understand god IMO. Selfishness is not bad. Ego is not bad. God has an ego(s) too. If egos didn’t exist it wouldn’t exist. 

Again definitions, but for me ego is the masked god. When the mask is removed, ego no longer exists. It never did exist in truth, but the appearance of it did.

By selfishness, people usually mean placing the interests of one's apparent form over the interests of another's apparent form. By this definition, when awakening reveals the seamlessness of all things, selfishness becomes impossible.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Solipsism means that you are this experience that is going on, not the guy who seems to be the center of the experience. when you see this you realize the need to be completely integral and upright in your way of being. not to create distortion with lies, violence and domination. of the need to create a clean, pure experience. Why? because you are this experience and you love yourself

Edited by Breakingthewall

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If I could change one thing about this forum, it's the way solipsism is conflated with non-duality.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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13 hours ago, StarStruck said:

How do you guys interpret selfishness in the context of solipsism? You can basically look at it from two sides:

  1. All is me so I have to walk on egg shells not to hurt myself
  2. All is me so it doesn't matter if I'm selfish, from the Self everything is evened out (everything cancels itself out at the end)

Humans live in a dualistic reality and this is not going to change anytime soon. In my opinion we all have to be selfish (preferably mutually selfish to create win win) and to deny that is just low conscious. Even the ghurus are all selfish to some degree. The only ghuru I know of who isn't selfish is Conner who gave all his shit away and lived up to his word instead of other ghurus who puff up certain ideals and not live according to it.

At the end it doesn't matter how you live, if you live selfish or not selfish, from the Self it doesn't matter in my understanding. This also counts for eating animals. Eventually you have to eat something, and when you eat something the universe is eating itself. If you are vegan (basically an identity you made up) you might say "I eat this but I won't eat that" because of some category/label/judgement you pulled out of your behind. At the end it doesn't matter though; you have to eat/consume something alive to stay alive. At the end everything is alive/consciousness.

If you breathe air you are selfish, it is literally impossible to not be selfish you take up space in the world. You breathe, you poop, you eat, that is making use of resources somebody else could utilize which means you are selfish.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Solipsism means that you are this experience that is going on, not the guy who seems to be the center of the experience. when you see this you realize the need to be completely integral and upright in your way of being. not to create distortion with lies, violence and domination. of the need to create a clean, pure experience. Why? because you are this experience and you love yourself

You mean the individual is the fabric of consciousness?  I don't love the fabric of consciousness to be honest ... :ph34r:

I mean there are a lot of joys of it. I have a lot of hobbies and found my LP, but there is also a hustle to life, eventually loosing everything I gained in samsara including my loved ones. There is more hurt than joy on the bottom line.

9 hours ago, Moksha said:

Again definitions, but for me ego is the masked god. When the mask is removed, ego no longer exists. It never did exist in truth, but the appearance of it did.

By selfishness, people usually mean placing the interests of one's apparent form over the interests of another's apparent form. By this definition, when awakening reveals the seamlessness of all things, selfishness becomes impossible.

I don't get this..

8 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

If I could change one thing about this forum, it's the way solipsism is conflated with non-duality.

You are God so you can change it. Just do it!


6 hours ago, Razard86 said:

If you breathe air you are selfish, it is literally impossible to not be selfish you take up space in the world. You breathe, you poop, you eat, that is making use of resources somebody else could utilize which means you are selfish.

Exactly. That is what I don't get about SD green people who pretend to be otherwise. I'm in the transition of SD green to becoming fully SD yellow and it is amazing how much SD green imprinted my psyche.

Edited by StarStruck

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the form is egoism, without egoism there is no form. For there to be a form, it must want to be, and this is selfishness. even a proton is selfish, and a human is enormously selfish. It's the jungle and you have to survive. you have to uproot plants, kill animals and if necessary (and it does) win over other humans. You do not want to be under the pyramid, with you and your children with diseases and hunger. This is obvious. but being aware of it, you can be completely integral in this game, and the first step is to be realistic and see it

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

the form is egoism, without egoism there is no form. For there to be a form, it must want to be, and this is selfishness. even a proton is selfish, and a human is enormously selfish. It's the jungle and you have to survive. you have to uproot plants, kill animals and if necessary (and it does) win over other humans. You do not want to be under the pyramid, with you and your children with diseases and hunger. This is obvious. but being aware of it, you can be completely integral in this game, and the first step is to be realistic and see it

Form = beauty = love

And beauty can't exist without protecting itself

And protecting itself, protecting its own form, is egoism

But beauty comes and goes. A beautiful girl for example will reach her peak between 16-21 and from there it will only go down hill in the grand scheme of her life.

Beauty is temporary and that is why it is beautiful. So it is wise to not get obsessed with the form. The mythology of narcissus portrays this very well: young man who got obsessed with his own form in the illusion of his own image in the water, falling in it and drowning in his own illusion.

When I look at a beautiful girl, I'm thinking like, she has to be selfish/egoistic to protect herself. I see the Selfish.

Edited by StarStruck

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5 hours ago, StarStruck said:

You mean the individual is the fabric of consciousness?  I don't love the fabric of consciousness to be honest ... :ph34r:

That’s another way of saying you don’t love yourself. 

5 hours ago, StarStruck said:

I mean there are a lot of joys of it. I have a lot of hobbies and found my LP, but there is also a hustle to life, eventually loosing everything I gained in samsara including my loved ones. There is more hurt than joy on the bottom line.

Love the hurt. Seriously, don’t run away from it. Understand it… listen to what it’s trying to tell you.

This takes a radical degree of consciousness, but it’s possible. Even a glimpse of Infinite Love will be enough to confirm that you are beyond fear and death. 


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4 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

the form is egoism, without egoism there is no form. For there to be a form, it must want to be, and this is selfishness.

There is ultimately no such thing as ego. You don’t have to get rid of form to understand this. Because even form is imagined.

Getting rid of form is a mistake! That’s equivalent to saying get rid of God! The key is understanding; not rejecting. Even rejecting reality has key lessons you can become conscious of when you contemplate the nature of rejecting reality.

You can literally see everything as God, but we resist it because we believe Reality is something beyond the form. But what does form imply? Seriously, this needs to be contemplated until it drowns you in Infinite Love.

And one awakening is not enough. This is going to be integrated at ever deeper levels. I’m having an awakening every single day. And this is just the beginning of an infinite unraveling. 

Welcome to Reality!

Edited by Yimpa


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