
Ego Is Infinite

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Obviously, I suppose. But coming to that realisation is a headfuck.

There's always a story ego can spin. Absolutely always, by it's very nature. Because it's your most fundamental sense of self. Experiences and how you've turned out because of the conditioning by other characters and society as a whole. You survived by thinking your name is John Doe, I'm a male, 399 years old, etc. For the excuse of physical survival, ego has free reign to live. Language, humour, maths, social pleasantries, hobbies. If it has all those things at it's disposal, how does one transcend? To recognise, I would suggest, that what that voice ego has is, actually, bullshit. Sometimes. Hunger, thirst, breath, I suppose are more fundamental, but nevertheless, aspects of ego. But now I'm getting the feeling that I'm chatting shit, and starting to think I'm slightly crazy - ego.

So if you're going with that for 399 or 30 years - and now you're trying to transcend that - there's going to be momentum to it. And when something comes in to contradict it, what do you think its gonna do? It's gonna shit itself and say "wtf no way" look at this story I have that has taken everything from the past, the potential future, the very unlikely future, and a tiny sliver of the present.

There will always be something it can say. I suppose it does open the question of can ego change? With its self actualization and what not. Yes, I'm sure, but that is still ego; young or old, healthy or unhealthy.

And thus, infinite. I do recall a moment where I recognised that I am not the mind, the body, or the flaky bits of thrush, after doing the Neti Neti method. But ego has an infinite ability to spin its web. How does one reach Mu? Or achieve No-Mind? If ego is infinite. OR IS THAT an infinite excuse?

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Can you be aware of the ego?

If so.

Who is aware of the ego?

That's the first step.

Then the ego definitely has a form.

Can you be aware of that form?

Is it constantly present or there can be gaps in its presence?

Like when watching a cool movie.

The ego will like to say: Yes of course I'm always present.

But it is simply not the case.

As a former sportsman I see that in flow state the ego is not present.

That's the second step.

Realizing there are gaps in the existence of the ego.

The third step simply must be repeated sufficiently enough that the ego cannot survive it:

You feel your ego. As vividly as you can. And dissolve it into pure awareness.

When that happen its like a death sentence to the ego.

You see that something remains unchanging, but it is definitely not the ego.

It is you.

The true you.


Then it is not that you stop thinking forever.

Thought still accrues.

But you are no longer an entity which lives inside the mind.

That is how to transcend the mind.

Hope I've helped.

Namaste :)  

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13 hours ago, PlayOnWords said:

How does one reach Mu? Or achieve No-Mind? 

Ketamine took me there.

Then you realize that solely achieving no-mind is bs. 

This whole demonizing of the ego is a major distraction from discovering what’s actually going on here. 

I AM Godzilla

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The ego is only the absolute in masquerade.

Awakening is as simple as removing the mask. Why is it so hard to do this?

Awareness amplifies whatever it attends. There is a direct correlation between the focus of awareness and the attachment of the mask. Outwardly directed, in pursuing desires and fleeing fears, awareness tightens attachment. Inwardly directed, in the surrender of false fulfillment, awareness loosens the strings of the mask, until it finally falls away.

The direction of awareness is determined by the clarity of seeing. When the absolute realizes the falseness of the mask, and the relentless suffocation caused by external identification, it turns its attention inward.

Within the dream, this is the journey of enlightenment. It is the unmasking of the absolute, and the direct realization of its glory.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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the ego is finite because this experience is finite. Let's see, reality is infinite, but it creates a defined experience by creating apparent limits. in your experience some things appear, not infinite things. This is the illusion, but the illusion is real, you can't get out of it. it is unreal in the sense that those limits are transitory and apparent. You can see through them, but they will come back. so you are finite and infinite at the same time, and this experience is relative and absolute at the same time. apparently relative, but apparently from god's pov, from yours as ego it's truly relative

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Why do you care? What you are writing about is also just the ego playing a game with itself, is it not? :P

Yeahyeah, you are the Infinte I AM, the alpha and the omega, Light Love and Truth, bla bla bla. Been there, done that. Now what? How about... living life? Maybe going after the things you desire. Maybe deepen your self love. Maybe spread love outside. Maybe forming your individual self into the best, most virtuous thing it could possibly be.

But isnt all of this ego?

Yes! Your ego is what makes YOU unique. It is what differentiates yourself from everyone else. We are all god. We are all infinite. In that way, we are all the same. Dont try to transcend your ego too much. Just see it as what it is - a character, a role that you are playing - see the unreality of it and break free from your addiction to playing this character - and then embrace it, that ego, embrace its uniqueness, its quirks and everything about it, and slowly turn it from a chunk of coal into a perfect shimmering diamond

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Can you be aware of the ego?

I don't think so. Maybe sometimes..


If so.

Who is aware of the ego?

That's the first step.

Then the ego definitely has a form.

Can you be aware of that form?

Is it constantly present or there can be gaps in its presence?

Like when watching a cool movie.

The ego will like to say: Yes of course I'm always present.

But it is simply not the case.

As a former sportsman I see that in flow state the ego is not present.

Yes! That's exactly my point. There are times when you can sit back from the mind, and then it will do anything to suck you back in. So it must be able to co-opt anything, I think.


Realizing there are gaps in the existence of the ego.

The third step simply must be repeated sufficiently enough that the ego cannot survive it:

You feel your ego. As vividly as you can. And dissolve it into pure awareness.

When that happen its like a death sentence to the ego.

You see that something remains unchanging, but it is definitely not the ego.

It is you.

The true you.


I can feel it when reading your words. Of course, I want to come back and say 'what about this and that'.

Namaste, @Theplay.




This whole demonizing of the ego is a major distraction from discovering what’s actually going on here. 

Yes, I do believe that. That's the game, right? @Yimpa



The direction of awareness is determined by the clarity of seeing. When the absolute realizes the falseness of the mask, and the relentless suffocation caused by external identification, it turns its attention inward.

Within the dream, this is the journey of enlightenment. It is the unmasking of the absolute, and the direct realization of its glory.

Thank you. I will try and contemplate this. Is it not true though, that you can turn inwards and wade through dunes and mountains of shit before you get to that place? and as Im typing this, I realise, that is the point. I think. To realise that you are not the dunes and mountains but the one who has been observing that this whole time. Right? @Moksha





This is the illusion, but the illusion is real, you can't get out of it. it is unreal in the sense that those limits are transitory and apparent. You can see through them, but they will come back. so you are finite and infinite at the same time, and this experience is relative and absolute at the same time.

Yep. This is exactly what I'm not getting!!! @Breakingthewall



Why do you care? What you are writing about is also just the ego playing a game with itself, is it not? 

Yeahyeah, you are the Infinte I AM, the alpha and the omega, Light Love and Truth, bla bla bla. Been there, done that. Now what? How about... living life? Maybe going after the things you desire. Maybe deepen your self love. Maybe spread love outside. Maybe forming your individual self into the best, most virtuous thing it could possibly be.

But isnt all of this ego?

Yes! Your ego is what makes YOU unique. It is what differentiates yourself from everyone else. We are all god. We are all infinite. In that way, we are all the same. Dont try to transcend your ego too much. Just see it as what it is - a character, a role that you are playing - see the unreality of it and break free from your addiction to playing this character - and then embrace it, that ego, embrace its uniqueness, its quirks and everything about it, and slowly turn it from a chunk of coal into a perfect shimmering diamond

I think you're right. @Darodos And yet, my question is, how can I transcend ego totally :D

Edited by PlayOnWords

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1 hour ago, PlayOnWords said:

I don't think so. Maybe sometimes..

It is simply your sense of the subject of the experience.

For me it materialized a a feeling of a pressure behind the eyes.

Like the nexus of the experience you are currently having.

When you get mad. It is the ego that is mad. When someone hurts your feelings it is the ego that gets hurt.

Try to feel what it is like to be you. In a shallow sense . Don't go too deep.

I think that if you contemplate this you will see that you can be aware of the ego.

You can't solve a problem which you are not aware of.

That is why I think it is important to be clear with yourself what the ego is.

Before you are going to transcend it :)

Let me know if it helped or you need a clearer pointing's.

Namaste :)


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5 hours ago, PlayOnWords said:

And yet, my question is, how can I transcend ego totally :D

Why do you want to transcend it totally?

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On 5/11/2023 at 8:40 AM, Yimpa said:

Ketamine took me there.

Then you realize that solely achieving no-mind is bs. 

This whole demonizing of the ego is a major distraction from discovering what’s actually going on here. 

I AM SO GLAD YOU REALIZE THIS!!! Bravo!!! THAT is the biggest trap of Spirituality. Any teaching that tells you that you will transcend the ego or some other rubbish is delusion!! The ego is the character itself. If you truly want to kill the would have to end the dream. Because the TRUE EGO is the entire dream. 

Also as I am sure you realized, true spirituality is love for everything. Demonizing the a result is foolishness. God, what you are... LOVES THE EGO!!! Why? Because God created it!!! Is the ego an illusion? Yes!!! But the entire dream is too!!!! This is why this seperate self nonsense tricks people!! They spend like 10-20 years trying to run from their you know how stupid that is? But it's not their fault!!! It's the fault of traditional Spirituality.

Traditional Spirituality is UTTER BULLSHIT!!! It is corrupted by the human perspective. This is why Leo said he is going to teach a new Spirituality and I get it because current Human Spirituality is full of BULLSHIT. But the funny thing careful with Leo too, I see some of his demonizations rearing their ugly head. 

So you may ask...well Razard86 if you are so smart then how do you avoid delusion? I thought you'd never ask!!! Watch Leo's OWN VIDEO!!! This video will prevent you from falling for ANY DELUSION!!

This is the ONE STANDARD!!! There is no standard above this. Not Leo, Not me, not any creation or teaching can defeat this. Why? Because it the fundamental building block of all existence. You want to know why there is something appearing at all? THIS!! This is the answer to all questions!! All illusions, delusions, fall before this!!! 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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What do “God”, “ego”, and “you” have in common? They’re 3 three letter words.

Just like this diagram of the Trinity I found on Wikipedia.

Just a random morning thought xD


I AM Godzilla

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1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

Also as I am sure you realized, true spirituality is love for everything. Demonizing the a result is foolishness. God, what you are... LOVES THE EGO!!! Why? Because God created it!!! Is the ego an illusion? Yes!!! But the entire dream is too!!!! This is why this seperate self nonsense tricks people!! They spend like 10-20 years trying to run from their you know how stupid that is? But it's not their fault!!! It's the fault of traditional Spirituality.

Traditional Spirituality is UTTER BULLSHIT!!! It is corrupted by the human perspective.



Having fallen totally in love with the mirage image of the separate self in the pond. The Greeks really had some mythology, like Narcissus...


1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

Traditional Spirituality is UTTER BULLSHIT!!! It is corrupted by the human perspective.

And all other ones who came before are complete idiots. I mean, Ken Wilber said "nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time". And since all traditional spirituality is "UTTER BULLSHIT", these guys must "have made it" to be smart enough to be wrong all the time. ;)

Bon voyage

Water by the River

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

What do “God”, “ego”, and “you” have in common?

What would you say that God is? 

God implies creation, right? I wouldn't call simply being infinite "god". imagine infinity being without creating anything, no duality, no appearance. would that be god? or simply "existence"

Ah, i already know that everything is one, the same, etc, but we are using different words like illusion, absolute, etc, to describe different states of being. So it's god another state? 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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11 hours ago, PlayOnWords said:

Is it not true though, that you can turn inwards and wade through dunes and mountains of shit before you get to that place? and as Im typing this, I realise, that is the point. I think. To realise that you are not the dunes and mountains but the one who has been observing that this whole time. Right?

⚡Turning inward is only replacing the false map with the true map. You still have to take the inward journey, but now you are going in the right direction.

Spiritualists demonize the human mind, but it's an unfair characterization. It is not the mind's fault that it was subjected to the constant immersion of conditioning, since it first began to form. It is a supercomputer with enormous creative and analytical potential, including most significantly the capacity for metacognition. When properly oriented, the mind will take you inward toward the gate of your true nature. Whether it's neti neti, self-inquiry, or contemplation, the mind has the power to realize what it is not. If sincerely applied, it will strip away every false layer, even to the point of realizing the inevitable limits of itself.

When you finally arrive at the inner gate, the mind can't take you farther. You can only patiently wait and prepare yourself for the grace of the absolute, which is your essence, to let you in.

Passing through the gate is the glory of direct realization. It is the prodigal reunion of awareness with itself, within the dream. As it turns out, all along the mind was the absolute in masquerade. The mind surrenders, and is shaped into the portal for the light of the absolute to shine through. As it does, this light gradually dissolves the constructs of conditioning that barricaded it from its creation.

This flooding of the absolute through the portal of itself into the lucid, unconditional experience of its dream is enlightenment.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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52 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

What would you say that God is? 

EVERYTHING. Every possible state, definition, enlightenment, experience, belief, form, person, emotion, feeling, language, symbol, animal, plant, scenery, spirit, psychic ability, video game, infinite, finite, right, wrong, morality, immortality, duality, nonduality, order, disorder, life, death, etc. 



With that said, it’s up to you what you want to do with this understanding. There is only you, in and as EVERYTHING. This is why they call it expanding your consciousness!

Or you can say that you don’t exist. That sounds scary, huh? Well, what if I told you that YOU is NOTHING to be scared about!? Being scared is imagined by God! Lower states of consciousness simply means you are not aware of what God is. God ain’t gonna judge, though. But you will. 

That’s why it’s a mindfuck. Or could be as clear as pure water ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  And everything in between, so to speak. But who is speaking? Oh yeah, God.

Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not in a high state of consciousness all the time. I’m certainly not. That would actually be unintelligent and limited. 

You can be highly conscious even in what we consider lower states of consciousness. Just notice how foolish your mind works while in the lower states, and you’ll eventually get tired of it. 

I AM Godzilla

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Humans hate genocide, child molestation, slavery, corruption, the list goes on. Because humanity hates all this, they will continue to engage in that behavior. Until you can love what I just listed above, you will be deluded. All delusion, all separation comes from demonization. You need to get rid of your notion of something being a waste of time. You need to destroy any notion of value. This doesn't mean you demonize it, but you realize it is just a construction. When you realize your constructions, you enter the world of play and become a creator.

As long as you suffer delusions of any kind you will just be the creation. The creation believe it has no power to create and feels limited and stifled. A creator knows it is free and does not hold onto limiting beliefs. Every single limiting belief is just demonization in disguise which is self-hatred which is limitation. 

Be radically open mind and become free, or be a rational delusional human and be depressed and limited. What is depression? The belief that outside forces are acting upon you and you have little control. What is suicide? The belief that the only way to be free of the foot being put on your neck being released is to kill yourself. So limiting beliefs =limited expression, depression, and possible suicide.

So the only task you should be doing in life is to love everything. Or you can gain a life of limitation, depression and maybe suicide. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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that was not what he was asking. let's see, point 1, you are not realized of god. That you have accessed non-dual states by ketamine and have assimilated Leo's teachings does not mean that you have realized God. don't feel bad about it. realizing god is a mystical experience of the highest level. It is not mandatory to have reached that, nobody is going to give you a diploma or something like that. Point 2. Being convinced that you have reached the bottom of spirituality makes you and someone else here enlightened evangelical church-type preachers. This will prevent you from going deeper. the spiritual ego of some surpasses the imaginable. there is no club to access. humility is the key! You are on the beggining! It's great, you are going to deepen a lot, but stop pretending that you know everything, it's false and a mistake, you are fooling yourself

Edited by Breakingthewall

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I honestly don’t care anymore. 

That’s the greatest lesson you can learn ;)

I AM Godzilla

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Me neither, im starting to see a bit.  may be you are and im wrong, but id say that the thing is much more deep than it seems. It is one thing to realize the infinite, the absolute that we are, but God, the infinite will, the intelligence is another.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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