
Coffee and cigarettes

10 posts in this topic

I'm ready to give up anything.

Just leave me some coffee and cigarettes.

I could sit on my sofa for all of eternity smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee.

But I feel the pull towards guiding others who seek themselves.

Its just too much love to keep for only myself.

The journey was so painful for me that I feel the meaning of my existence now is to relive others from suffering.

If anyone here is in need of help on their path, emotional support, or simply someone to listen to you,

I am here.

Smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee :)

Namaste :)

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Some of my best contemplation moments have come whilst just kicking back with a ciggie in hand. I do not advise smoking cigarettes in any way what so ever. But that chill, whilst smoking a ciggie, contemplating reality is something for me personally that just hits the spot. Again, I do not advise smoking! But I get ya ??

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Meditation teaches us that we don’t need anything to be happy. True happiness comes from within and from becoming independent.

Being independent is very philosophical. You can never be independent as long as you need things which subtract from your health and independence. You need vegetables and fruits, but they are a need that allows you to thrive. Don’t confuse addiction with genuine need. Strive to be independent of addictions.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Replace the cigarette with a joint or a dab pen (if you don't mind blasting off).

And plan it so it doesn't interfere with your survival.

Just a thought ?.

Edited by Michal__

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11 hours ago, 001 said:

why cigarettes don't have an effect on me I smoke but I don't understand why people smoke it lol?

It’s a neutropic. Cigs usually give a nice buzz for a lot of people, that’s why people smoke. Pairing it with coffee in the morning is a total vibe.

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@Michal__ I smoke joint's from time to time :)

I found out that contemplating on weed is actually very powerful.

Especially sativa.

@001 I can share what I find enjoyable about it:

The exhaling of smoke. I like seeing smoke come out of me like I am releasing something beautiful into this world.

The feeling of a "bite" in my lungs.

It gives me a chill vibe. The slow exhalation can be a part of it.

Namaste :)

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I can relate because it was me a few years ago. But for me it was mainly cigarettes. Sometimes with beer which was fantastic for me. At that moment of addiction, consuming those felt like God's blessing for me.

But looking at myself from today's perspective I was misrable, addicted, attached, depended, impulsive, stupid, whatever.

Suddenly, I had this insight that my true self isn't a smoker and that my true self didn't ask to be addicted. 

I realized that my true self does deeply care about her body and health, about the clarity of her consciousness.

It was so confusing because until this point I was sure that my love for cigarettes is who I really am. But it happened to be false. And I'm glad for this insight.

I think that identification with substances, is a big trap for addicts, which makes it much more harder to quit. Many people would experience quitting cigarettes, or coffee, or sugar or other substances, as loss of a friend, of company, loss of some inherent part of themselves. It naturally would arise feelings of grief, because they experience a real sense of loss.

And because many of us are so myopic, we think that if we feel this intense sadness after quitting, we will probably feel this our entire life, so what's the point of quitting?

But those feelings are temporary, and at some point, a while after you quit, given that you were properly healed and worked on the root issues that made you an addict in the first place, you don't understand why you were drawn to cigarettes or coffee so much. It doesn't make sense. And maybe you find better things to be focused on in your life, more important, and you feel like you receive the energy and time to pursuit them because you don't have an addiction that takes so much of your time and energy.





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@001 Smoke is beautiful in my eyes :)

It looks so free.

@Lila9 I really liked your comment it spoke to me directly.

I do identify with coffee and cigarettes as being a part of who I am.

4 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Suddenly, I had this insight that my true self isn't a smoker and that my true self didn't ask to be addicted. 

Amazing hope to have this insight soon :)

Namaste  :) 

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I don’t think coffee is bad

maybe vaping would be better than cigarettes

it’s whatever anyway if you think you shouldn’t do it and it’s killing you then it probably is with the placebo effect

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