
this high-quality social anxiety test

9 posts in this topic

Hi, i found a free social anxiety test that psychologists use in their research.

I'm thinking we can all take it and share our scores/experiences.

This is also good to get a baseline. Take it again in 6 months and see if you've improved or not.


For my scores, I have moderate social anxiety with a fear score of 38 and an avoidance score of 20.

"Yes is the answer... And you know that! Fasho!

Yes is surrender! You gotta let it... you gotta let it GO!" - John Lennon, Mind Games

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38 - mild anxiety. I picked up the majority of the points in the avoidance section of attending parties and such, most of those things I avoid because they do not interest me at all, but a few still require some work. Compared to 8 years ago where I am now is a quantum leap, back then I had serious trouble even calling a restaurant to book a table.

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36 (fear) + 32 (avoidance) = 68. You suffer from marked social anxiety.

I need to contemplate this. I need to figure out how to deal with these things since I rarely find any motivational confidence advices helpfull. 

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54 (fear) + 60 (avoidance) = 114



It's not that I didn't know. 


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I got 36 points. I'm a bit proud of myself, if I took this test 6 years ago I would have gotten "marked anxiety" no doubt. Pretty good growth, but there's still some way to go.

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I do have social anxiety, I have had the condition since I was 15 or 16, with warning signs in the years just prior... It's a lifelong illness, it cannot be improved for me. But I score fine on this test because the questions are like "eating in public".

And also doesn't put "sober" as a qualifier. I'm not scared of parties because if I'm going to a party I'll be about 4 double vodkas deep and drunk when I turn up. Lmao. Sober I just wouldn't even go.

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26 (13 fear + 13 avoidance). I would've probably scored 60+ a few years ago.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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