
Radical questions about the Ego

8 posts in this topic

Hi, spiritual friend. 

A few fascinating questions came up in me after a deep insight. I am really enthousiastic to share my open-minded questions with you all and I look forward to the answers of you!

Little disclaimer: I have quitte good knowledge about spirituality and non-duality. However I still have a lot to learn and comprehend in this life. I have some answers to a few questions here and a few not I am trying to be radiclly open-minded here :)



Does the oppositie of the Ego exist?

Is the total human body the Ego? Or just your brain?

Is the Ego full? Or is the Ego empty? Or both at the same time?

Is the whole universe the Ego? Or does the Universe contain a/the Ego

Is the Ego alive? Or is the Ego dead (with a possible paradox of life in it)?

Is the Ego real? Or just a thought in your brain?

Does the Ego-mind have a 'Meta-Ego'?

Is the Ego finite? Or is the Ego infinite

Is the Ego a deep form of self-deception and do we pretend like we have an Ego, maybe just to fulfill our spiritual needs which maybe is a form of survival?

If you have an awakening, does the Ego then also have an awakening?

Is it possible to completely disable/kill the Ego? 

Is there a possible strange loop between the Ego and humans and/or the Universe?

What is the simplest definition of the Ego?

What is the deepest definition of the Ego?


These are my open-minded questions about the Ego. I will appreciate every answer. Offcourse you don't have to answer every question haha. I made quitte alot. Every answer and thought is much appreciated. If you can and have the time, I would really be happy if you could answer (nearly) every question! Every answer and input means alot to me

So a big thank you in advance for you

And I have a message to all of you reading this: spread the Love.

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Hi potential :)

Open mindedness is a very beautiful thing and I found your questions very interesting.

So I will try to give my answers :

"Dose the opposite of ego exist?"

I would say that the opposite of ego is no ego, and that exists as god.

But I don't think that's completely correct  since god dose not have an opposite so you cant say it the other way that the ego is the opposite of god.

Quite a paradox.

"Is the total human body the ego, or just your brain?"

None of them. The ego is an idea. But you could say it "lives" in the brain. And the brain "lives" in the body :)

"Is the ego full? or is the ego empty? Or both at the same time?"

Its a hard one. I think it is empty. But its full of himself.

"Is the whole universe the Ego? Or does the Universe contain a/the Ego"

The Universe contains an ego. Your ego.

"Is the Ego alive? Or is the Ego dead (with a possible paradox of life in it)?"

The ego is nether alive nor dead. Its an idea so it doesn't have that characteristics.

"Is the Ego real? Or just a thought in your brain?"

It is real, as a thought in your brain :)

If you meant "Is it physical?", no it is not. Its mental.

"Does the Ego-mind have a 'Meta-Ego'?"

From my experience it doesn't.

"Is the Ego finite? Or is the Ego infinite"

The ego is finite. Since it has a structure or you could say it has form. And form cant be infinite.

"Is the Ego a deep form of self-deception and do we pretend like we have an Ego, maybe just to fulfill our spiritual needs which maybe is a form of survival?"

The ego is definitely a form of self deception and yes we pretend like we have one. And it thinks it must be there for our survival. But we will 

survive without it.

"If you have an awakening, does the Ego then also have an awakening?"

The ego will want to say "yes" and take ownership of that awakening. But ultimately an awakening is realizing something which was already the case.

So I think its safe to say that the ego does not have an awakening.

"Is it possible to completely disable/kill the Ego?"


"Is there a possible strange loop between the Ego and humans and/or the Universe?"

I honestly don't know how to answer that one.

"What is the simplest definition of the Ego?"

An Idea.

"What is the deepest definition of the Ego?"

Who you believe yourself to be before you awaken.


Thank you for your questions it was very interesting for me to answer them.

Have a nice day.





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The ego is the entire "sense of self"......its that big important character behind the eyes. The one that gets offended if its called a dumb ass.

But it's not actually real, its more like an illusory web of self identity.

Awakening is the realization that this big important character was never real from the start.

The whole story of "ME" is shattered or rather seems to crumble away under the recognition that it was never real from the start..... It only seemed to be!

There IS a body but there's nothing inside of it....it's empty of a "YOU" 

That very important individual attempting to escape death, was never living ?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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The answer to every single one of your questions is:



(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Hello @Potential 

The ego ist the Idea that you are a seperate self. It is just believe, nothing more. You can find thoughts arising Out of this believe, such as "my name is" etc.

You will never find a form or entity when you Look for an ego. This entity simply does not exist. Its all thoughts. 

Replace the word ego with personality or character. That makes clear that there indeed ist Something unique about your experience. Your likes, dislikes, attitude, moral and ethical standpoints.. But all of These are thoughts and believes. Behind them there is no entity. 

Tell us what you think the ego ist, so we can discuss the concept you hold in your mind

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the ego is survival. Survival creates duality, as there are agents outside of you that threaten it. This causes a capsule to be created that divides. you, inside the capsule, and what is not you outside the capsule. the cement of duality is fear, which keeps you inside the capsule. everything is an illusion, since your survival is not really threatened, but it really seems so, that's why you have to be extremely smart to twist the whole situation and realize how things really are. spirituality is nothing special, it is the real understanding of what reality is to have a clear vision, an infinite vision

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My question would be, from where or from what does the Ego gets its intelligence? Because if you observe your Egomind long enougth you will realise that it is extremely intelligence, with an amazing capacity to zigzag and avoid some ideias that feel dangerous to it. Anyone remember that in the movie Dr Strange discover that his master actually gets her power from Dormomu or from the dimention where Dormomu exists and is full of energy. So what about your ego? What is the powerhouse where it derives the whole energy and intelligence to survive as a limited encapsulated Identity? 

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1 hour ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

So what about your ego? What is the powerhouse where it derives the whole energy and intelligence to survive as a limited encapsulated Identity? 

The only intelligence that exists is the intelligence of reality. reality creates a framework in which duality, separation, is inevitable. if you are a rat, you have cats around to make you aware of the separation, if you are a human it is more complicated. there are no cats but you are not an individual, you are an atom in a hive and your mind is a subsidiary program of another that is the collective ego. your fear is not of lions but of not being accepted and loved, since your survival depends entirely on others. everything is illusion, but tell that to the mouse while the cat chases it. The ego is the reality, or god if you prefer, immerse in a  kind of game created by itself. The goal? Dancing.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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