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Cool 3D World

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If you haven't seen Cool 3D World, you *need* to see Cool 3D World. The land of the weird, wacky and 3D.

Realistically, these works of art should be in the High Consciousness Resources subforum.

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Why would that be weird?
We are so used to it, but our own self is fundamentally, infinitely, a mystery.

Sex, for example, is a weird thing.
If you take away all of the conditioning and all of the concepts that we're used to that lock in our way of understanding this thing, it's a mystery.

If it's in another dimension, they imagine human beings, 3d things with euclinian geometry, having the irresistible urge to rub and make weird noises.
And they laugh/find it very weird like these videos.

And I don't know why, but seeing these videos I feel an "alien" feeling.
Maybe a memory of ancestors in weird dimensions like that.


Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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