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Dedicating my next 4 months for Personal Development and Spiritual Growth

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This post is meant for  creating some accountability for myself by posting it here, where it is more visible. Im commited to growth but always restort to often to distractions, and only make slow progress, now i got the inner drive to remove said obstacle and test out what i can achieve in this few months when i dedicated to it. Hopefully this makes me fall in love more with the process and creates some momentum  once again, removing my state of being stuck.

In the next 4 months i will not use the internet expect for research and learning. I will center my free time  around (while still participating in daily life):

  • a lot of necessary reading, audibooks, listening to teachings
  • meditation,
  • doing spiritual practices,
  • commonplace book, journaling,
  • enjoying nature 
  • being mindful about the world i live in.
  • practice bodyawerness and being physical active, doing some posture restauration  
  • mindful eating
  • hiking
  • contemplation
  • emotional labor in form of inner child work, and connecting with my emotions in general, Trauma release, IFS
  • hopefully manifest some insight
  • mindful working

I have a hugh  chunk of books i have to read and extract information from (also putting them into practice) , some CDs related to spirituality  and self development, i have to catch up with a lot of Leos videos, i know which mediation techniques to work on, all my projects (to-dos) written down ... i basically got everything i need before my feet and now its time to put the work in.  This will be my sole focus.

Some tips for staying commited are much appreciated!

Starting, tomorrow because i still got some preperation to do....

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