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An interesting video about the mexican economy

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Mexican economy Wendover productions

Some misconceptions in this video I want to correct. So the mexican government is not trying to get investments at the same time china is investing in mexico. Then it's just false that mexico isnt preocupied with their own industry, you could actually say, by tieng with china they are trying more than before. Second china's trackrecord as trading partner and investor. To be honest it has the best trackrecord out of all countries when It comes to international deals. I would always prefer making deals with china than with US or Europe, that have the shadiest international trackrecord of all time and you can see it in africa. Of course the trackrecord within a country is a whole other story. Just because a country has a stable democracy, doesn't mean it wants the best for other countries and vice versa. Of course there are political interests of china getting a foodhold in México, but at the same time the american government did not really prevent this from happening. They could have helped latin american countries to develope their economies instead of exploiting them.

Then there is the concept of shocktherapy and how you want to get a industry to boom, which is the make or break point for every developing country and when you fuck this stage up, you'll be fucked real hard. In short, you dont want to shortsell your position as a potential industrialised economy. Shocktherapy is the method of privatizising everything, gunsblazing and letting the free market do everything. Well, you can see how for example this shocktherapy made the transitionphase from soviet union to russia one of the darkest moments in their history and the russian economy never recovered. Practically interventionist industrial policies are the only way to get a country ahead. This is how europe, usa, japan and later on china industrilized. A strong government that leads with strict economic policies in a capitalist market and as china has shown it in todays age, with foreign investments. Else you shortsell your position to the industrilized nations (USA, Europe). For that, key national recourses like lithium in mexico or electricity need to be tied in some way with the government, as the government is doing.

On a sidenote western countries explicitly suggest (dominate) other countries to keep their markets as free as possible.

Another point, that may not have direct consequences with economics. We need to value every type of work such as the woman selling tacos, but why the fuck Is he showing a woman selling tacos, when talking about the educated workforce in mexico. That just feeds into the stereotypes that no country suffers that much as mexico.

This should not be a rant against the american people, they are humans as everybody else and should be respected as such. I just wanted to bring another perspective about the issue of china's and america's foreign policies.

Edited by UnlovingGod

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I still don't get why Mexico's economy is not nearly as rich as the USA or Canada or even Chile.

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21 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

I still don't get why Mexico's economy is not nearly as rich as the USA or Canada or even Chile.

Well, USA, Canada and other european countries were in a spot, where they were able to exploit other countries for their own riches. Chile has probably something to do with their large lithium capacities, but to be honest, I don't have much information on the economics of chile, maybe because chile during Pinochet were massivly backed by the US as a protective measurement against socialism's rising in latin america.

Of course the cartels are a massive obstacle for the mexican development, but there is no real solution to it. It's more a geographic and a global problem, than it is just a mexican problem. Mexico is just right next to the biggest sales market of drugs, while for example the german arms industry has contracts with the cartels in México, because México has literally no arms industry. Mexico's economy relies on cheap labor, which is not inherently bad, because the living cost are also quite low. But as you earn dollars with coke, even a low criminal can at least earn with gurantee twice as much, as a normal worker, as those cartels are literally big companies.

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