Leo What Do You Mean Here

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Leo says:



Infinite Love is so epic in its Goodness that if you were to see its full Goodness you would cease to exist and nobody would even know that you existed.

If you want to exist you have to actively deny Infinite Love. That's literally what you have been doing your whole life otherwise you wouldn't be here. You'd already be gone, merged into Infinite Love.

So the only ones of us that are here talking about life, are the ones who are terrified of Infinite Love. Because those of us who weren't , we are already dead, we're gone, we're out of here.. You can't talk to those people.

Only from self-deception can survival happen and life can happen. If this core self-deception isn't in place there can't be life as we know it. There can't be humanity


What does this mean? I don't get it at all...O.o

What about super enlightened sages like Ramana Maharshi who lived to old age?


Edited by SQAAD

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I would say that he says that for there to be duality there must be fear. without fear, duality collapses. fear is the cement of life.  

At the moment in which fear disappears, goodbye duality, goodbye life. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Death is Infinite Love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I would say that he says that for there to be duality there must be fear. without fear, duality collapses. fear is the cement of life.  

At the moment in which fear disappears, goodbye duality, goodbye life. 

^^You got it, I became aware that duality is literally fear. If that fear disappears goodbye duality. All of reality is literally in love with itself and it can only hold this duality together through fear. It's rather funny. If someone takes a knife and tries to kill you, that person literally loves you unconditionally. Every human wants to make love to every human, but is behind a wall of self-deception which makes up their personality. It's freaking hilarious to experience that contradiction. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Death is Infinite Love.

Is it possible for you to love me infinitely? 

Is it possible for you to know my truth? 

My intent was pure transparency with you. But it melted away into a maze of nuisance. 

Why can't your love be infinite? If I only said that there will never be true betrayal. 


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Take some ketamine IV at a clinic if you have access to one and you have qualifying mental health condition(s) and a solid support system.

Highly recommend if you want to experience Death and Infinite Love.

Expect a lot of serious integration work afterwards.


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

You're dreaming me.

You are made of dream-"material" 
Everything is dream-"material" 
There is nothing else but dream-"material"
God is the dream dreaming itself
Dreaming is not just an activity: dream is being and the only "thing" that is
God, Consciousness, Being, Dream, Imagination are all synonyms  
Saying "God is dreaming" is the same as saying "being is" or "God is itself"

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23 minutes ago, Defensive Fisherman said:

If death is infinite love, then how is committing suicide not the wisest thing to do?

because life is also infinite love, even if it seems limited. We are here to solve the game, to realize infinite love being in duality. I would say that committing suicide is a mistake

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1 hour ago, Defensive Fisherman said:

If death is infinite love, then how is committing suicide not the wisest thing to do?


  • what continues after the moment of death is again relative appearance, a "newly" imagined visual field, arisings in the opening of Absolute Reality that you are.
  • The karmic tendencies of your current mind-stream, which aggregate and constitute your Soul that passes from life to life, have not been enlightened before you committ suicide. You have not stabilized your True Nondual Nature yet.
    • Else, you normally wouldn't commit suicide, because it is your creation, and you would life the bliss/love flowing from your own True Core.
  • All of that (Soul, this world, the Bardo afterwards, any other manifestation) is relative manifestation happening in the Absolute Reality/Nothingness that You really are. So it doesn't really exist, but appears to do so. And how much that can hurt (appearing to do so), one knows probably quite well enough from ones current life to take it serious, even if its essence is only Nothingness/Absolute Reality.
    • But if your tendencies/Karma/Souls have not developed in this life to see through the illusion, that will come back again in the next life.
    • Although my view is higher than the sky, My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour.

      – Padmasambhava 

  • And if you kill yourself while your soul still gravitates in the illusion of separation/suffering right now, why should it be different in the existence that reappears after death?
  • The True You will still be there, but the relative mindstream of the reconstituting separate-self will not get any wiser doing stupid things (suicide). So you if you are not going to finish second class because you drop out of school, you are not going to be put into third grade. And how much fun second grade was in that case if you drop out of school you know quite well...
  • And of course dying and approaching the Absolute/Clear Light of Death feels wonderful, like Infinite Love. You can have that experience also while alive with Nirvikalpa. Or drop some Psychedelics/5-MeO. See also all the Near Death Experiences. 
    • But when you come out of these states again, the whole enchilada of states manifests again backwards. A similiar process happens in the Dying process after having experiences to so called "Clear Light of Absolute Reality". Nothingness but with a certain afterglow/"knowledge/acess" still available after the experience and while having it, although there is no more duality.
    • As for example the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bardo_Thodol , The Tibetan Book of the Dead
      • After having falling out from the Absolute/Clear Light of Absolute Reality/Nothingness, the not so funny stages of the reincarnation-process start, and since you are not familiar with these states/bardos, "relative you" gets frightened/not so infinite loving again...
      • and then after suicide going back to second grade again, to finish the class, so to say.
        • Don't worry, nobody gets lost. All make to the finish line at some point. Since you can't loose your true nature.
        • And I would recommend not walking out of school (suicide), not making second grade, and repeating that 20 times. But of course, its a free country, and the point of the ride is the ride. If you want to repeat it 20 times, nothing will stop you. But why knowingly "shoot yourself in the foot", resisting your own manifestation/show, think yourself of clever and shoot yourself, and thinking that ends school and you go directly to Infinite Love permanently?

And I honestly think Leo should add to "Death is Infinite Love"-statements something like: Only in the first stages of the dying process if you have not stabilized this love on a permanent basis before death/suicide, including experiencing Absolute Reality/True You on a constant basis. What follows afterwards experiencing the Absolute/Clear Light of Death in the dying process can be a lot less than Infinite Love. Like in, for example right here and now, depending on the mindstream. 

Any fool can read anything to the statement of "Death is Infinite Love", and aim unknowingly directly for repating 2nd class 20 times+, thinking he has graduated PhD in "Infinite Love ever after".

Karma/Cause-Effect also holds for Leo & your forum & teaching, and having a track-record of (unnecessary) suicides on this board, is... -fill in the blanks of your liking-. In my opinion less than smart-as-can-be.

Anyways, as always, bon voyage to all of you! :)

Respectfully Yours ;)

Selling Water by the River

Edited by Water by the River

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4 hours ago, Defensive Fisherman said:

If death is infinite love, then how is committing suicide not the wisest thing to do?

In the relative sense, suicide feelings are temporary; suicide is not. 

As someone who has called the suicide hotline several times before, it is wise to realize that you can transcend even the fear of death. 

It’s a painful process, but totally worth it to die consciously. 


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