
Is reincarnation true?

23 posts in this topic

The concept of reincarnation - Consciousness playing with form, recognizing itself through experiencing forms, is a deadly threat to the structure of the ego as something absolutely real. In connection with the above, reincarnation - as a game of form - has no right to happen. And this statement, like a mirror, or rather a crooked mirror, reveals the so-called enlightenment. Ego - enlightenment.

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2 hours ago, undeather said:


Have you read Christopher Bache's "LSD and the mind of the universe"?
In that book he describes his experiences after 72 well-orchestrated, super high dose LSD-sessions.

I haven't read it, but it sounds very interesting.


2 hours ago, undeather said:

He talks about this annihilation aspect a lot, which he experienced as well - yet for him, this "death of body and psyche" was the mechanism to gain access to deeper parts of the mind, deeper aspects of the non-dual nature - almost like layers.

Yes, psychological death is like undressing at a very deep level, and when you start putting the layers back on again, you become more aware of how each layer relates to each other (or you become aware of new layers you didn't know existed). This undressing process is inevitable, and most people do it only once, and they really want to avoid it altogether.

That is what I think reincarnation is for most people: you don't want to do the undressing process, so you instead want to jump straight into a new set of clothes while still wearing the same clothes underneath. I'm saying that it even if it's the case that you'll be given new clothes, you still have to take off your old clothes before you put on new ones. You might remember your old clothes some time in the future, but that will just be a memory.


2 hours ago, undeather said:

Besides that, are you aware of something called "past life regression therapy"?
I am very skeptical about it because the mechanism of action could be manifold and it doesn't prove anything by itself.
Also, most people practicing this kind of stuff are spiritual weirdos! :)
But I also know some very sober people with insane stories - so who knows!

I've heard about it, but I know nothing about it. I've heard about too many weird past life stories to not think there could be something there (but again, I just don't think it matters a lot). This one guy Jan Esmann says he remembers all his lives for the past 2000 years. He is a very interesting guy for other reasons too. I recommend his BATGAP interviews on YouTube if you want to feel like a true spiritual weirdo :D 

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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of course reincarnation is real. it’s just that all incarnations happen now. general relativity, the past and future are directly present. 

Ian Stevenson was the OG reincarnation researcher who interviewed thousands of children who knew super specific details from their previous incarnations’ lives

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