
Is reincarnation true?

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Leo stated several times that we have to live trough every single human life, animal, organism or other entities after our own death or awekening? But why cant God be content with its awekend state and „stay“ so? Because imagine all the suffering you have to go trough each time to only see that you are God and after a time you will go to sleep and repeat that for eternity.

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Reincarnation might be true, but once you get reincarnated it will be as though you never even lived this life. You'll forget who you were and that's all. So yeah, reincarnation is probably true. It's just the way it is designed is kind of a useless feature of reality if you ask me. Why God made it this way and not any other way? Don't ask me.

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@PataFoiFoi  You get mind wiped. The periods between death and life are infinite so you will come back whenever it dosent matter. Time dosent exist in spirit. You could loop around the entire universe and see everything and then mind wipe yourself and start over suffering only matters in the moment of suffering. You can exist as god for infinite time and it can be a microsecond here because when you leave time .01 seconds is infinity. If you beleive in reincarnation it means you have been woken before but you dont remember. And you chose to come down to be a human and being a human is finding out why you brought yourself here.

Edited by Hojo

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12 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@PataFoiFoi  You get mind wiped. The periods between death and life are infinite so you will come back whenever it dosent matter. Time dosent exist in spirit. You could loop around the entire universe and see everything and then mind wipe yourself and start over suffering only matters in the moment of suffering. You can exist as god for infinite time and it can be a microsecond here because when you leave time .01 seconds is infinity. If you beleive in reincarnation it means you have been woken before but you dont remember. And you chose to come down to be a human and being a human is finding out why you brought yourself here.

So there wont be a way to break that cycle and just stay in Godstate for enternity

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@PataFoiFoi  I think you are there eternally. But if you are talking like the end of all creation I think that happens too. But I think even that starts again. Cause god is not naturally off its just always there. Trying to measure god does no good cause if .01 seconds is an eternity whats .2 seconds double eternity? When you are in god you don't have a personality to say have i been here eternally? You just are and you just know without thinking. Right now you are not 1000000 trillion light years after a big bang you are nowhere at no time experiencing nothing and trying to interpret the nothing into something. Even if god ends the universe its still there it cant not be. this is where the terror creeps in you cant not exist and are forever alone. But as someone who has had great fear of death it is good to me.


When you are in spirit you dont go how long have I been here? Or you might but you cant calculate what you are doing the same way you do without a body. In a body you feel a thought come and it kind of bounces off your skull and gives you time to analyze it and think about it. When you are in spirit there is no skull to bounce these ideas on. Its just a thought and that thought grows and grows as it has no barriers. You dont even know you are there you just are there. The only way you would know you were there is to come back to a body and start reflecting these ideas back onto yourself.

You are always in a void of nothing even when you are perceived to be in real life. Its just light in a void and nothing else. When the light goes you see again that you are in a void with just you. So if you want to stop reincarnating you need to stop desiring and stop thinking. This is why they say meditate its about gaining back control of your mind so that you can stop coming back.

What if you had to be in mediation to not come back and the only reason you are here is cause you lost your meditation and fell back into another dimension. You would think meditation is the most important thing I can do cause nothing matters here and I want to get back to heaven. I think that's what happens with the insane mediators they get a fear (probably of death) that cuts them out of their dream they know themselves too well and instantly recognize something is not right.

Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, PataFoiFoi said:

Leo stated several times that we have to live trough every single human life, animal, organism or other entities after our own death or awekening?

Of course, because all of that IS God.

1 hour ago, PataFoiFoi said:

But why cant God be content with its awekend state and „stay“ so?

If you have discovered what is being pointed to, this question would not even be valid anymore.

1 hour ago, PataFoiFoi said:

Because imagine all the suffering you have to go trough each time to only see that you are God and after a time you will go to sleep and repeat that for eternity.

I know, isn’t that amazing?!


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Reincarnation is a central belief in Buddhism and Hinduism. Ironic, since the wisdom of these religions is that beliefs are illusions of the mind.

Does it really matter whether or not the absolute reincarnates itself through a karmic sequence of forms, or incarnates noniteratively? Regardless, incarnation is imagination.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Hojo said:

@PataFoiFoi  I think you are there eternally. But if you are talking like the end of all creation I think that happens too. But I think even that starts again. Cause god is not naturally off its just always there. Trying to measure god does no good cause if .01 seconds is an eternity whats .2 seconds double eternity? When you are in god you don't have a personality to say have i been here eternally? You just are and you just know without thinking. Right now you are not 1000000 trillion light years after a big bang you are nowhere at no time experiencing nothing and trying to interpret the nothing into something. Even if god ends the universe its still there it cant not be. this is where the terror creeps in you cant not exist and are forever alone. But as someone who has had great fear of death it is good to me.


When you are in spirit you dont go how long have I been here? Or you might but you cant calculate what you are doing the same way you do without a body. In a body you feel a thought come and it kind of bounces off your skull and gives you time to analyze it and think about it. When you are in spirit there is no skull to bounce these ideas on. Its just a thought and that thought grows and grows as it has no barriers. You dont even know you are there you just are there. The only way you would know you were there is to come back to a body and start reflecting these ideas back onto yourself.

You are always in a void of nothing even when you are perceived to be in real life. Its just light in a void and nothing else. When the light goes you see again that you are in a void with just you. So if you want to stop reincarnating you need to stop desiring and stop thinking. This is why they say meditate its about gaining back control of your mind so that you can stop coming back.

What if you had to be in mediation to not come back and the only reason you are here is cause you lost your meditation and fell back into another dimension. You would think meditation is the most important thing I can do cause nothing matters here and I want to get back to heaven. I think that's what happens with the insane mediators they get a fear (probably of death) that cuts them out of their dream they know themselves too well and instantly recognize something is not right.

The only part I disagree with is you know you are there. I have been in the void, not only did I know I was there, I remembered my human life. Also you can think in the void but your thoughts aren't human like it's like telekinesis and your thoughts create. So if you think of a chair, a chair appears, if you think of a mirror a mirror appears.

If you have not been able to do this in the void it is because you have not raised your awareness to handle the void. Martin Ball talked about this how people would use 5 MEO and would not be able to maintain awareness. You need to raise your awareness so when you enter the void you can retain your sensibilities. Remember there is no difference between life and death. THIS IS THE VOID! So if you are aware you are here, then you will be aware you are there. Also your physical body is just a sensation. If you wanted you could manifest a body there also. This is why you should awaken in life, unless you want to unconsciously keep coming back over and over again.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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I don't think there is such a thing as a stable ego that reincarnates, or at least not in the sense that most people would care about. People project a lot of psychological baggage onto the concept to comfort themselves about fears about death, non-existence, loss. You have to face all of those things regardless of what you believe :) 

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, PataFoiFoi said:

So there wont be a way to break that cycle and just stay in Godstate for enternity

Yes it's your conscious choice in which state you want to be in if you want you don't take any physical form and stay in the godstate.

But there is beauty in duality you will get bored by being in nothingness state.

And remember you are god and god wants to live all these lives in physical form! But if you do not want to you can always have a choice!

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Here is the thing...
Once you ask such question, people will come up with all sorts of opinions and believes.
Which are entirely based on their (spiritual) conditioning.

What is true is that there is an overwhelming amount of case reports regarding young children refering to previous lifes.
We know that this has been true across cultures and across time (Pythagoras could remember most of his previous lifes).
We know that there is the phenomenon of between life memories. 
We know that this is a reocurring theme in near death experiences. 
We know that this is a reocurring theme in psychodelic transmissions.

The truth is that there many facets of experience that hint at reincarnation.
I personally do not think that this is just a "string of memories seemingly attached to different minds and bodies across time.". 
Such assumption would create more questions than it would solve.

If you ask Leo, he would say that all this reincarnation stuff is something YOU (GOD!) is imagining. 

I know a deeply realized individual who once told me that during "his shift" (enlightenment) he felt this strong energetic intuition that he went through multiple lifes to end up where he is now. 

I do hold my own believe, which is: Of course reincarnation is real. 
Which is based on bayesian reasoning and the best evidence we have. 
But then again, its "just" a believe. I guess we will find out soon enough anyway :)

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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If the future is imaginary, reincarnation is also ….

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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I don't know, but if you're here now, I'd say the dance never stops. the infinite, the void and the god mode is this, now. if the movement stops, it is because there never was movement.

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22 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

If the future is imaginary, reincarnation is also ….

Imagined by Consciousness

Great song, great band 


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@Razard86 yea I know I had nde and was the void but I didn't beleive in god and was unconscious so what i beleive would happen did happen. Nothing but purgatory forever i could think but my ego wasnt there so I just assumed i wasn't there. When I awoke i remembered nothing but I had died and fell into depression. Then 8 yearslater having forgot about my nde i ate a mushroom and the first thing the mushroom said was remeber when you died?

I said yes but that was just a bad dream 

Then it said no you did die remeber how lonely and sad it felt.

I said yes then the mushroom said how can you feel sad if you are dead you must have been there to feel that.

Then I instantly understood what conciousness is. Me without me. To an unconscious soul living entirely in physical it is very confusing. It feels like if an unconscious soul dies it will just flow to the bottom of the ocean and sit there not doing anything for eternity because it dosent know what's going on. Like I would have accepted void over God cause I didn't even know what was happening.

Edited by Hojo

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I believe that the concept of reincarnation does not make any sense since existence is not a temporary process. There is no re-something. there is only this moment. This moment cannot end and there be another moment later. What can happen is that this moment seems like something else, but it will always be this moment. It's impossible to understand because how's possible that there is change if there is just this moment? Because it's infinite and every change is already here. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 hours ago, undeather said:

The truth is that there many facets of experience that hint at reincarnation.
I personally do not think that this is just a "string of memories seemingly attached to different minds and bodies across time.". 
Such assumption would create more questions than it would solve.

I guess my point is that the thing that is kept consistent across lifetimes is not the thing that will console your fears or the thing that compels most people to believe in it in the first place. "That" idea of reincarnation, I don't think exists. To put it more simply, you will have to experience death, loss or annihilation of the most "substantial aspects" (literally) of your current identity (the wordly aspects that most people are aware of and attached to). I know this because I've experienced it (psychological death, not physical death of course, but it's the same experience psychologically speaking :)).

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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These are people's theories. Buddha said in a past life he was a tree. They mean things very different things than what it is interpreted to mean when the Asian language is translated, and also what words meant in 500 B.C. or whenever it was.

I have no issue with the logic of singularity despite various apparent viewpoints existing at once.

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There is no logical inconsistency or issue with various living beings, unless you are of the belief of an ultimatr "observer" with separate observed objects.

When instead of an observer and objects, awareness literally is the very act of seeing etc, the entire unit.

Origami. Piece of paper, the paper is awareness. Fold it into any shape you want. Each portion, every tiny speck, will be paper. Origami swan beak, may be the sight of green. The sight of green is a singular unit, there isn't something separate from the sight of the green in addition to the sight of green. I.e. the swan beak is the swan beak, it's not a swan beak PLUS an observer component which sits next to it, the swan beak is literally made of awareness (the paper). Awareness itself is in the shape of the sight of green.

Edited by OldManCorcoran

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9 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

I guess my point is that the thing that is kept consistent across lifetimes is not the thing that will console your fears or the thing that compels most people to believe in it in the first place. "That" idea of reincarnation, I don't think exists. To put it more simply, you will have to experience death, loss or annihilation of the most "substantial aspects" (literally) of your current identity (the wordly aspects that most people are aware of and attached to). I know this because I've experienced it (psychological death, not physical death of course, but it's the same experience psychologically speaking :)).


Have you read Christopher Bache's "LSD and the mind of the universe"?
In that book he describes his experiences after 72 well-orchestrated, super high dose LSD-sessions.
He talks about this annihilation aspect a lot, which he experienced as well - yet for him, this "death of body and psyche" was the mechanism to gain access to deeper parts of the mind, deeper aspects of the non-dual nature - almost like layers.

I love his map because it combines both obvious insides like ego-death and no-self with seemingly true aspects like reincarnation and purpose.
If you are interested, I can link you a very good podcast episode:

Besides that, are you aware of something called "past life regression therapy"?
I am very skeptical about it because the mechanism of action could be manifold and it doesn't prove anything by itself.
Also, most people practicing this kind of stuff are spiritual weirdos! :)
But I also know some very sober people with insane stories - so who knows!

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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