Why Does Leo Demonize Survival?

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I'm currently watching this video. Leo talks about how God is Death, and that basically we are already Dead.. Ok i have some experience with that.

Then he goes on to say how identification with our physical body is selfishness delusion and fantasy.  

What is wrong with survival? I may not essentially be the body but i need to keep this body alive if i want to maintain this current particular dream. 

It may be a delusion to believe that i am a body but still i need to keep taking care of it.

What is wrong with this selfishness (at moderate levels)? What is the alternative? I don't get it.. The most reasonable thing is to take care of the body so you don't have to constantly change dreams. I know Leo agrees with this also. But then again i don't understand why he criticizes survival .

Also i believe God constructed survival .  If i could maintain the dream without taking care of the body then ok. But God forces us with needs/urges/cravings to take care of the body.

I don't really understand what is Leo's deepest point here. If survival is such a falsehood then why God designed this Earth and its creatures so that they have self-preservations instincts and a need to keep the body alive?

Leo calls this attachment to survival self-bias but what is the alternative? The alternative seems like pure torture, pure misery to me & doesn't seem to make any sense...

Also i disagree with him on some parts of the video. For example the thing i fear the most is excuciating pain and not death.

Lastly Leo said:


Only from self-deception can survival happen and life can happen. If this core self-deception isn't in place there can't be life as we know it. There can't be humanity

What does this meam? I don't get it. What about Ramana Maharshi and other super enlightened beings who survived for a long time? Were they self-deceived?


Edited by SQAAD

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27 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

It may be a delusion to believe that i am a body but still i need to keep taking care of it.

The need to take care of it is itself a delusion. 

We probably would have never gotten Star Wars had George Lucas believed that xD



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44 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

Leo calls this attachment to survival self-bias but what is the alternative? The alternative seems like pure torture, pure misery to me & doesn't seem to make any sense...

Of course it’s self-bias. Bias towards self. 

But the body is a figment of SELF.

You can directly realize yourself as not merely the body. That’s what death is, directly; not as a theory!



Edited by Yimpa


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13 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

The need to take care of it is itself a delusion. 

We probably would have never gotten Star Wars had George Lucas believed that xD


Why do you say that? It is not a delusion if you want to maintain this particular dream.

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1 minute ago, SQAAD said:

Why do you say that? It is not a delusion if you want to maintain this particular dream.

As if you know what you want to have for dinner 50 days from now.  


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8 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Of course it’s self-bias. Bias towards self. 

But the body is a figment of SELF.

You can directly realize yourself as not merely the body. That’s what death is, directly; not as a theory!



It might be a self-bias but everywhere i go, 'my' body follows. Is that a coincidence? I know that essentialy i am beyond the body but i need to take care of it as long as i want to maintain this dream. Otherwise i would be constantly jumping from one dream to the next. What would be the point of that??

What would be the alternative of not having a bias towards towards our bodies? Even very enlightened beings such as Ramana Maharshi survived for a long time.

God has designed it so that we have a bias towards our bodies. That is the reason we experience this strong drive/urge to survive. It is not by accident. Problems begin if we are too attached though.


Edited by SQAAD

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1 minute ago, SQAAD said:

It might be a self-bias but everywhere i go, 'my' body follows. Is that a coincidence? I know that essentialy i am beyond the body but i need to take care of it as long as i want to maintain this dream. Otherwise i would be constantly jumping from one dream to the next. What would be the point of that??

Reality is an infinite dream. 

Furthermore, you make a wrong assumption that you’d be constantly jumping from one dream to the next if your body didn’t exist.

What’s so special about your body?


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18 hours ago, SQAAD said:


It might be a self-bias but everywhere i go, 'my' body follows. Is that a coincidence? I know that essentialy i am beyond the body but i need to take care of it as long as i want to maintain this dream. Otherwise i would be constantly jumping from one dream to the next. What would be the point of that??

What would be the alternative of not having a bias towards towards our bodies? Even very enlightened beings such as Ramana Maharshi survived for a long time.

God has designed it so that we have a bias towards our bodies. That is the reason we experience this strong drive/urge to survive. It is not by accident. Problems begin if we are too attached though.


The dream is your body. So technically when someone dies in front of you....that was you who just died.

Here are some fun facts.

1. This is you talking to yourself.

2. When someone tries to kill you that is YOU trying to kill YOU.

3. Wanting to survive makes you lie, cheat, and steal and justify it. It makes you rape, and commit genocide.

4. Because you want to survive you are a KILLER that justifies when you kill but tries to demonize what you call others who kill.

5. Because you love your body MORE than everything else you are delusional as all hell and a hypocrite. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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He is describing, not demonizing.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Self-deception is a consequence of being a limited being. Survival is just a process of keeping yourself limited. And because you're limited, you also have limited capabilities for survival. For example, your visual system works within a certain range of electromagnetic frequencies. Your ability to pay attention is literally about filtering out information and biasing your perception towards a specific goal. Your working memory is limited (you can only entertain a certain amount of information in your head at one time). The list goes on. Now, there is ultimately nothing "wrong" with this, but it is indeed self-deception.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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He doesn't demonize, survival is necessary, but it's what keeps you asleep. You have to let go of survival as much as possible to soften as much as possible the wall that keeps you trapped. if you let go completely, you realize the infinity of this moment and what you are. That's what psychedelics are for, to release survival in a high percentage for a while. For me, the optimal thing is to have an adequate survival bias but flowing as much as possible with reality, bending to the current, and knowing how to completely let go of survival at will at certain times. 

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Leo is a human being, his insights are not special, so what he says is really not worth too much consideration. Only for the fact that a few puffs of toad is infinitely more authoritative than anything anybody inckluding Leo could ever say.

If Leo says one thing and you puff toad and it shows he's wrong, the toad has the authority in the matter, always.

Leo like others is theorising things based on those authoritative mystical events which he temporarily entered into.

Many people who have used heavier psychedelics have entered the exact same states and are all interpreting the event after the fact. All have some notion of absolute unity, but theorize various things around that.

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to survive is to madly feather your flimsy nest in the dream

while to arrive is do what you came here for, see the dreamer as a mere view-point from where said dream emanates surrounded by transient fluff  including a body mind which seemingly houses said view-point

upon arrival, survival is de-emphasised in favor of enjoyment and sharing and love

life is no more dog eating dog and now more god meeting god

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13 hours ago, Enlightement said:

Survival and spirituality barely go together.

Spirituality surving the ego state is not a winning formula.

It’s poo.


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Ironically, the less you stress about survival and the more you let go, the easier it is to avoid and handle pain and danger.

Edited by Israfil

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On 5/5/2023 at 8:25 AM, SQAAD said:

Also i believe God constructed survival .  If i could maintain the dream without taking care of the body then ok. But God forces us with needs/urges/cravings to take care of the body

God isn’t forcing anything unto anything. You constructed that.


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12 minutes ago, 001 said:

how would an awakened highly conscious person see it?

Infinite imagination.


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On 5/5/2023 at 9:25 AM, SQAAD said:

I'm currently watching this video. Leo talks about how God is Death, and that basically we are already Dead.. Ok i have some experience with that.

If you've noticed, in subtle ways Leo encourages weak-minded people to kill themselves.  He just dresses it up in pseudospiritual garb.

This is some seriously psychopathic shit.  It's more subtle than "here, take cyanide-laced kool-aid" but when you strip the facade it's some sick stuff.

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