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God Is Love!

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Radical statement but I think most people dont know how true this statement is.

Its not a metaphor or a happy word.

Today in Samadhi state (or whatever the fuck you want to call it), I become conscious how I was creating/maintaining a certain Building (yes, a physical building with floors, where people live) in a certain city. The possibility of dissolving/destroying/making that building collapse was possible, but because God is literally Love, It was recognised that it wasn't possible for the ego (anything that is not love) to influence their bias and childish control to it.

It's not that God can not destroy a building if it wants, its the fact that since God is actual - straight up Love, it can only be that, so any control or desire of a corrupted form of God (the ego) will not be able to manipulate God in the slightest way.

Summary: I become conscious of a real Building in a my city and how I was creating it with "my" consciousness, the possibility of collapse it just to try 'my power' came up, but I couldn't because Love is untouchable. (In other words, As Leo has said: LOVE IS LIMITED BY LOVE). 


Edited by Javfly33

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Love is akin to magnetic / gravitational attraction. In fact, they are identical.

Consider the electrical activity the brain/body. This electricity moves according to the will. But what is the source of will? What informs my next thought / action?

An analysis of the will within should lead you to the realization that you only do what you desire to do in each moment, you are being drawn in each moment to think the thoughts you are inclined to think, and feel the way you must feel. In other words, there is a felt attraction towards the most effecient or optimal path to ground, and we strive to reach the ground state (homeostasis) throughout our lives in our thoughts and actions.

This inner attraction goes by many names, love, desire, attraction, gravity, the path of least resistance, the way.

Gravity is Will. The Will is Gravity. Atoms move where they desire to move according to the atttactive influence of every other atom. Likewise, enlightened beings recognize the value of well-being for all beings as well as within themselves, as all beings are The Self.  Therefore our thoughts and actions, when aligned, are focused upon compassion and well-being for all selves.

Love is the only logical choice. It is the Logos. It is the order. It is Unity. It is All. Eventually, every being will reach alignment with the Divine Will: Unconditional Love; progressively attaining liberation from suffering.

Edited by tuku747

Brains Do Not Exist 

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