
Transgenderism and transrace

220 posts in this topic

7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Conservatives has always been more reactionary, hateful, closedminded, and fearful.

Just look at Jordan Peterson. Does he look like a happy or relaxed person? He's in a full-blown moral panic. As conservatives tend to be.

Care-free and conservatives are opposite things. If you were care-free you would not be flipping out over trans issues or "wokeness". How paranoid must one be to be threatened by wokeness?

It's funny how wokeness is supposed to be so weak and emasculating, yet at the same time so dangerous and threatening.

Sometimes you have to be a savior. 

@integral you have been accidentally mentioned mod, oops, sorry. 


Edited by Enlightement

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Just look at Jordan Peterson. Does he look like a happy or relaxed person?

I'm not talking about pundits and talking heads, I mean the more regular Joe kind of people you see in everyday life. Not the people online.

Life is so much more simple to them it seems. They are content just working hard for 40 hours a week, getting a case of beer for the weekend and hanging out outside.

When I run into ideological people IRL on either side, I usually poke the bear and bit and ask them things to challenge their worldview. I noticed Conservative leaning people might get a little annoyed,say something stupid, or just laugh. But it's mostly a shoulder shrugging "whatever" response. When I challenge Liberal leaning people they much more defensive and offended. Almost to the point you're an enemy and the potential for any friendship is gone. They might even report you to HR or try to get you in trouble somehow.

This is just my personal experience in modern Canada.


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44 minutes ago, Roy said:

Life is so much more simple to them it seems. They are content just working hard for 40 hours a week, getting a case of beer for the weekend and hanging out outside.

Sounds more like a myth you invented. In practice people have messy, ugly lives if you bother digging into it. They are child molesters, drug addicts, alcoholics, thieves, cheaters, wife beaters, depressed, suicidal, etc.

Anyone can grab a beer on the weekend and have some fun. That says nothing about that quality of their lives. As if a liberal cannot go have a good time at the club or music festival on the weekend.

Go look at how Steven Crowder behaves while smoking his cigar on the porch with his wife on the weekend. A care-free guy?

Edited by Leo Gura

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27 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Steven Crowder

C'mon man. I said I wasn't referring to figureheads, and you bring up the most head-in-the-sand one lol. I was talking about day to day people on the street.

Although it seems Canadian conservatives and American conservatives different cuts from the same cloth.


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Conservatives has always been more reactionary, hateful, closedminded, and fearful.

Just look at Jordan Peterson. Does he look like a happy or relaxed person? He's in a full-blown moral panic. As conservatives tend to be.

Care-free and conservatives are opposite things. If you were care-free you would not be flipping out over trans issues or "wokeness". How paranoid must one be to be threatened by wokeness?

It's funny how wokeness is supposed to be so weak and emasculating, yet at the same time so dangerous and threatening.

How do you account for the fact that studies show conservatives are happier in pretty much every country?

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14 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

How do you account for the fact that studies show conservatives are happier in pretty much every country?

Wait there are actual studies that show this? I was just going off my intuition and experience lol.

How legitimate are these studies, at all worthwhile?

I'm gonna guess it's an "ignorance is bliss" thing.

Edited by Roy


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If happiness is the only indicator of overall success, then we might as well just kumbaya and never want any change!! 

Change comes from unhappiness, suffering, necessity is the mother of invention. 

Through change then comes happiness. 

Don't kill the messenger because you don't like the message. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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2 hours ago, Roy said:

 Almost to the point you're an enemy and the potential for any friendship is gone. They might even report you to HR or try to get you in trouble somehow.

This is just my personal experience in modern Canada.

Surveys also show that conservatives are more open to being friends with a liberal than liberals are to being friends with a conservative. It’s a pretty interesting phenomenon. I think people on the left can have a smug moral high ground that can be a form of intolerance.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Conservatives has always been more reactionary, hateful, closedminded, and fearful.

Just look at Jordan Peterson. Does he look like a happy or relaxed person? He's in a full-blown moral panic. As conservatives tend to be.

Care-free and conservatives are opposite things. If you were care-free you would not be flipping out over trans issues or "wokeness". How paranoid must one be to be threatened by wokeness?

It's funny how wokeness is supposed to be so weak and emasculating, yet at the same time so dangerous and threatening.

I actually think this perspective lacks nuance. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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11 hours ago, Roy said:

I'm not talking about pundits and talking heads, I mean the more regular Joe kind of people you see in everyday life. Not the people online.

Life is so much more simple to them it seems. They are content just working hard for 40 hours a week, getting a case of beer for the weekend and hanging out outside.

When I run into ideological people IRL on either side, I usually poke the bear and bit and ask them things to challenge their worldview. I noticed Conservative leaning people might get a little annoyed,say something stupid, or just laugh. But it's mostly a shoulder shrugging "whatever" response. When I challenge Liberal leaning people they much more defensive and offended. Almost to the point you're an enemy and the potential for any friendship is gone. They might even report you to HR or try to get you in trouble somehow.

This is just my personal experience in modern Canada.

   Yeah, I do agree here. Have been to Canada in the past, chill place. As long as you know how to behave socially, you'll get along with people either political spectrum, just say what they want to hear and BOOM! Instant rapport. Conservatives tend to be much easier to get along, def agree, especially in Quebec, they got the best Poutines, and some good places to eat. People don't know how to get along, and the online internet have tik tok brained them, increases in ADD/ADHD, neuroticism, narcissism, self image issues, yeah forget the online variations of these political takes they're more crazy than IRL.

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10 hours ago, Roy said:

C'mon man. I said I wasn't referring to figureheads, and you bring up the most head-in-the-sand one lol. I was talking about day to day people on the street.

Although it seems Canadian conservatives and American conservatives different cuts from the same cloth.

   Exactly man, I've been to enough places that different countries have different flavors o conservatives and other ideologies, guess it's really cultural, and thanks to the internet it's a bit corrupted.

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8 hours ago, Joel3102 said:

Surveys also show that conservatives are more open to being friends with a liberal than liberals are to being friends with a conservative. It’s a pretty interesting phenomenon. I think people on the left can have a smug moral high ground that can be a form of intolerance.

   That's right, especially if you factor in which is more grounded in reality, and not corrupted by the internet and the social media sites like Twitter, Twitch gamer/streamer political spheres and sub communities, they're the ones screaming all conservatives are Nazis are the ones more crazier than IRL versions.

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Destiny answering the transrace question (0:27-12:53):


There's an underlying fact of the matter when it comes to age (the number of times the earth has gone around the sun) and there's an underlying fact of the matter when it comes to trans i.e. the sex of the brain is different from the sex of the body.

Edited by Dryas

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   Oi, I shared a video about transgenderism here, and that woman's on it. WHO TIPPED OFF DESTINY ABOUT THIS VIDEO HUH?!


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13 hours ago, Joel3102 said:

How do you account for the fact that studies show conservatives are happier in pretty much every country?

You overlook the confound of privilege. Most conservatives are privileged. White, cisgender, straight, Christian.

It is hard to be happy in a society that does not accept who you are and give you your fundamental rights to safety, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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6 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

You overlook the confound of privilege. Most conservatives are privileged. White, cisgender, straight, Christian.

It is hard to be happy in a society that does not accept who you are and give you your fundamental rights to safety, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

    That depends on culture, country, SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in life domains to societal domains, and ideology indoctrinated from upbringing and culture. It's mostly cultural whether it's western/eastern cultures, even country and environment play a role.

   What do you mean 'overlook the confound of privilege? You mean the factor of privilege?

   Are you assuming in general most conservatives being privileged, white, cisgender, heterosexual and Christian, within the USA?  What about within Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the UK, European countries, or eastern division ones like Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand?

   Why is it that hard to be happy in society? Because of what? Lack of fundamental rights to safety, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? Are you still talking about the USA or some other country? What if the 1-5 percent of the population, acts too self entitled, endangers others, too libertarian, and in their pursuit of happiness demands the 95-99 percent of the population, with so many worldviews to cater to their own worldview, but doing so undermines mainstream standards? 

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33 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Are you assuming in general most conservatives being privileged, white, cisgender, heterosexual and Christian, within the USA?  What about within Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the UK, European countries, or eastern division ones like Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand?


Latin America has a lot of non-privileged conservatives. But the most privileged also fit the white, cisgender, heterosexual and Christian stereotype.  

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21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Conservatives has always been more reactionary, hateful, closedminded, and fearful.

Just look at Jordan Peterson. Does he look like a happy or relaxed person? He's in a full-blown moral panic. As conservatives tend to be.

Care-free and conservatives are opposite things. If you were care-free you would not be flipping out over trans issues or "wokeness". How paranoid must one be to be threatened by wokeness?

It's funny how wokeness is supposed to be so weak and emasculating, yet at the same time so dangerous and threatening.

Conservative figures like Jordan want to be a father figure to warn a spoiled and ignorant young generation about the seriousness of life. He does this out of love and compassion. And while I agree that the whole anti-woke thing is way out of proportion and plainly stupid because I believe the softer and well-meaning a person is the softer you need to treat them. You gotta agree that wokism is pure bullshit and not at all healthy mature progressive politics. 

Also, as long a good chunk of the population is conservative you need to take their agenda into account so as not to get a backlash and also this is simply how democracy works. 

I admire the love and compassion progressives have for minorities but they overlook simple truths of how the world works and this is where the ignorance and danger lies. 

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