
Transgenderism and transrace

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Why is it widely accepted to change your gender but not your race?

I saw some people in the internet who identify with a different race than their born with and they face a lot of hate whereas people who change gender face support.

Isn't it the same thing in a way?

You don't wanna be what you are basically.

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It's all stupid bullshit and identity games lol.


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what you are is none of those things, but in the relative there are "labels" that point closer to your true being than others based off the collective consciousness of that label.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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3 hours ago, Roy said:

It's all stupid bullshit and identity games lol.


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This is actually a good question.  For example, if someone is adopted into a family of a different "race", they are going to fully identify with their parents.  Since "race" itself is not biological, but a social construct - the person is in fact of the same culture even though he is not biologically related to his parents.  This would be traumatic when you are being told by people that you shouldn't be what you know you are.  

Edited by Jodistrict

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7 hours ago, Roy said:

It's all stupid bullshit and identity games lol.


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8 hours ago, JJfromSwitzerland said:

Why is it widely accepted to change your gender but not your race?

I saw some people in the internet who identify with a different race than their born with and they face a lot of hate whereas people who change gender face support.

Isn't it the same thing in a way?

You don't wanna be what you are basically.

   It's not like it wasn't attempted beforehand, changing one's identity and even race. Just look up Michael Jackson, for example.

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3 hours ago, RebornConsciousness said:

The difference is that most transgender people actually suffer from real condition, which is that their bodies aren't matching their brain. Whereas "transracial" folk are just a bunch of people who got nothing better to do with their time. Same with most of body positivity folks

   Yeah, gender dysphoria is a real issue these trans people do face, it's similarly to those who have schizophrenia and suffer from some forms of hallucinations, visual/auditory, but in the case of gender dysphoria it's very specific to one's self awareness and self image, that they body they're born into doesn't feel like the right body. It's like you're an alien or some spirit, but trapped into the wrong body, in terms of sexuality which can be a jarring experience that most people take for granted. This is also why it's important that science takes this a bit more seriously and do some more research, and collect information and see the ratio of in born gender dysphoria versus gender dysphoria/transgenderism caused by peer pressure and conformity, the implications of which should be taken very seriously because if the majority of going trans and going through treatment is ideologically driven more than in born, then we've emasculated and confused children far more in their earlier development because they're looking to their parents as examples of masculinity and femininity, the father and mother figures in their lives that informs them of the Animus and Anima (Carl Jung's Architypes and shadow work).

   There are ways to try and increase empathy and understanding for those with gender dysphoria, one of them is definitely a bad trip specifically with the self image distorting into something else it is not, that type of bad tripping is accurate to gender dysphoria.

   Side note, Mr. Girl has stated his opinion that gender dysphoria is mostly not real and is psychological, I'll say that it's still a serious issue that needs to be resolved within the person suffering the gender dysphoria.


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3 minutes ago, RebornConsciousness said:

One day, we'll be able to shape a human body however we like. And these terms and groups will loose the significance they once had.

   Reminds me of Alternate Carbon, and the Matrix movies and Ghost in the Shell. Have you seen the series and the movie?

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9 hours ago, Roy said:

It's all stupid bullshit and identity games lol.

Funny how a mod here equates having gender dysphoria to the obscure, non medically recognized, imaginary and entirely impractical fictional phenomenon of racial dysphoria. Wanting to change superficial qualities about yourself is not the same as having gender dysphoria. 

Such a silly cesspool of low IQ drivel this forum has turned into.

Edited by DrugsBunny

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28 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

gender dysphoria

This is an actual mental illness that I'm sure a number of people have and I empathize and trust their experience, however there are a lot of people who are needlessly suffering "imaginary and entirely impractical fiction". They have some kind of other personal issues/illnesses in their life and are inputting identity complications because they have been infected with ideas from progressive religion.

No matter how much you gaslight or how many trans people blackmail everyone with suicide, I'm never going to budge from my position ^_^. You can't insult the human races base intelligence and sense making apparatus so openly with insane non-truths and expect everyone to swallow it.

I will respect and give compassion to every person on an individual level, call them what they like to be called, refer to them however they want to. But I will NEVER believe any person can change the immutable characteristics they were given when they were born. You can have all the surgeries and eat all the chemicals and pharmaceuticals you want. It doesn't make a difference.

Edited by Roy


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10 hours ago, JJfromSwitzerland said:

Why is it widely accepted to change your gender but not your race?

I saw some people in the internet who identify with a different race than their born with and they face a lot of hate whereas people who change gender face support.

Isn't it the same thing in a way?

You don't wanna be what you are basically.

That's not quite true of a premise, people dislike both but one has more public awareness so its less hated.

What is easier to accept:

  1. I was born a man trapped in females body.
  2. I was born black trapped in a white body. 

To accept the second one you really need to understand how identity is a social construct. But to understand the first you don't, it can be understood in a biological way or some other perspective so its far easier to wrap your head around. People have the general tools to understand the first, the latter requires a deep level of self-awareness.

Edited by integral

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Do you think Jimmy Hendrix was black?   He was actually African-American, Irish, and Cherokee.  Why don't we call Jimmy Hendrix Irish?   Race is in the eye of the beholder.  Being worked up over someone's race is a mental illness.


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1 hour ago, Roy said:

This is an actual mental illness that I'm sure a number of people have and I empathize and trust their experience, however there are a lot of people who are needlessly suffering "imaginary and entirely impractical fiction". They have some kind of other personal issues/illnesses in their life and are inputting identity complications because they have been infected with ideas from progressive religion.

No matter how much you gaslight or how many trans people blackmail everyone with suicide, I'm never going to budge from my position ^_^. You can't insult the human races base intelligence and sense making apparatus so openly with insane non-truths and expect everyone to swallow it.

I will respect and give compassion to every person on an individual level, call them what they like to be called, refer to them however they want to. But I will NEVER believe any person can change the immutable characteristics they were given when they were born. You can have all the surgeries and eat all the chemicals and pharmaceuticals you want. It doesn't make a difference.

   Talk your truth! Straight facts over feelings!

Edited by Danioover9000

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17 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Talk your truth! Straight facts over feelings!

Yea I've broken through to the other side and don't give a fuck what people think of me anymore. It's so freeing. I'm not gonna cater to protect anyone's feelings anymore or lubricate/preface everything I say to soften the blow of truth bombs.

No more air sirens or warnings. Life is too short. Just say what you mean that way you don't waste anyone's time and they know where you stand.


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I admit that I don't understand the trans issue.  But there seems to be some biological truth for a small number of people.  But I totally don't get the spreading social hysteria over this and why it has become such a big issue.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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3 hours ago, Roy said:

No matter how much you gaslight or how many trans people blackmail everyone with suicide, I'm never going to budge from my position ^_^. You can't insult the human races base intelligence and sense making apparatus so openly with insane non-truths and expect everyone to swallow it.

Another one of Leo's henchmen lackeys who doesn't know what gaslighting means, just copies Leo's blind usage of the term to mean anyone who disagrees with you. You've also shoehorned the word "blackmail" in where it doesn't belong. Can we even trust that you actually know what dysphoria really means?

You essentially equate being trans to wishing you were a helicopter and your reflexive defensive retort is to assert that don't care how many trans people kill themselves, you will never cede ground to the indoctrinated horde of leftists who would prefer you acknowledge the distinction between gender dysphoria and "transracialism".

The "insane non-truth" that a medically recognized mental affliction with endless compendiums of scientific merit behind it may actually be significantly distinct from the comically obscure, outright asinine and entirely made-up condition of "transracialism". Nobody made any significant argument for trans rights, just said this is an absurd comparison, and this sends you into a frothing tailspin of seething hatred.

3 hours ago, Roy said:

I will NEVER believe any person can change the immutable characteristics they were given when they were born. You can have all the surgeries and eat all the chemicals and pharmaceuticals you want. It doesn't make a difference.

This is just a right wing bigot's inability to acknowledge the difference between gender and sex. Nothing new here, easily refuted child's play. If someone gets a surgery to correct their eye-sight, does this mean they are still blind when the surgery affords them new sight? You were born blind, and no surgery can change this (even though it can)? Do you think being a man or woman is some quality that is assigned to your soul, and nothing you do can change this, even though everyone around you treats you as the gender you transitioned to and can't even tell you had switched genders? It's obvious man and woman are fluid social constructs designed around the binary of male and female sex archetypes but not necessarily strictly correlated to it. 

Pure stupidity, pure bigotry on full display, doesn't even need refuting, just take a look at the lowly ilk of simpleton whose approval you've captured.

2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Talk your truth! Straight facts over feelings!


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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

Jesus, what a naughty rabbit! Guess a red herring will always be a red herring huh? What happened to ignoring treaty? 

I think it's unfathomably juvenile to pay heed to some childish vow to "ignore responses". That was all your pledge, not mine, yet you don't even adhere to it. You can't see the passive-aggression in your response to my interaction with this moderator, essentially acting as a WWE fanboy in the audience clamoring "Go, @Roy! Hit him again!"

8 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Are you going to tolerate such disrespectful behaviour @Roy? He's challenging your status as the mod authority in this forum!

You need not worry, both of us are doomed for the inevitable ban from this sub-forum eventually. Myself because I am too impatient and unsympathetic towards bigotry, thus my tone often strays from what's considered appropriate, and you because Leo's warnings directing you not to post tabloid quality drama-bait drivel seem to be present too great of a challenge for someone with your unique disadvantages.

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You can keep coping on the moral high ground you haven't done any work to climb, go ahead if you think it's helping anyone. Fight your good fight :D.

11 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

don't care how many trans people kill themselves

I care. Maybe think that it's a mental illness if people are reaching the point they are dangerous to themselves. Just like a lot of other mental illness' people could go to therapy to figure out why they are unhappy or confused with themselves instead of being encouraged and enabled to recklessly douse their entire proverbial psychology and identity in gasoline and light themselves ablaze, while taxpayers or their parents spend tens of thousands of dollars on experimental surgery to saw their cock off. Call me a cautious Cathy I guess.....

A male that gets every surgery possible will NEVER be a woman because they'll never be able to give birth.

Just like a white guy that was born in the hood and is so in tune with rap culture that he get's an N-word pass from his brothers will NEVER be black.

They are both nonsense.

This isn't complicated. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want but this shit is never going to pass for the majority of people who know when a spade is a spade. After this cultural fad dies down and people stop caring, we'll see the dominoes fall decades later when a generation of traumatized mentally unstable people wonder what happened to them and why playing with (proverbial) fire is a stupid idea.

Not that you care or that it's a good point, but I'll get some amusement from bringing up the fact I have 2 trans friends ^_^. They don't give a fuck that I don't fundamentally believe they are (women). It doesn't matter to them what I believe, they could care less. All they want is to be treated decently and called by the names and pronouns they prefer. Which I am more than happy to do and maintain friendships with them. Everything is dandy.

Then you have people who don't even have their skin in the game getting frothingly triggered and calling people "Low IQ/stupid/bigots" when a heathen doesn't adhere to the tenants of the religion. It's interesting how that works out eh?




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