
Why is my life like HELL

48 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, PeaceOut96 said:


Here is a video I believe you can benefit from ? 


Thanks definitely going trough it this evening. 

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@Caoimhin Your really summed it up well. That might be it. I was never in touch with Love or Self-Love trought my life or while doing all this Spiritual work. Also from previous answers i just have to surrender and turn inward, read the signs and surrender to my Destiny. Starting to really make sense now. Thanks for the answers?

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1 hour ago, integral said:

What type of physical health problem do you have that is contributing to the burn out? 

The burnout itself is the health problem. A physical and mental Exhaustion were a cant pinpoint the cause or root to it. It got better these days but other illnesses like suicidal depression, anxiety and anger issues are now dominating my life. 

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As above so below, as within so without.

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5 hours ago, PataFoiFoi said:

Not just that but anything in life. Relationships, hobbies, goals and ambitions, spiritual development and coming closer to Truth. None of that seems to work to the point where you have to stop pursuing and working on them. On top of that bad things keep happening where you start to think that you are getting tortured like in hell

I understand what you’re saying, and I’ve been there for a long time. This is all part of the process; whatever you believe is bad right now isn’t an absolute. In fact, you will be able to reframe any “bad” situation into a right one, but you’re not conscious of this yet.

You don’t have to give up pursing anything. In fact, if you pursue consciously and from your authentic values it won’t be contradicting God whatsoever. You’ll actually discover your God-self throughout the process; that alone will give you the power to cut through all your bullshit.

I AM Lovin' It

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3 hours ago, PataFoiFoi said:

The burnout itself is the health problem. A physical and mental Exhaustion were a cant pinpoint the cause or root to it. It got better these days but other illnesses like suicidal depression, anxiety and anger issues are now dominating my life. 

If you’re suicidal, you shouldn’t be on this forum.

You need to be seeking mental health support right now. Don’t delay.

I AM Lovin' It

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13 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

And this enlightenment stuff is just wishful thinking. A coping mechanism. And enlightenment experiences are just hallucinations and delusions.

But I'm still open minded to other possibilities. I just currently can't believe in any nice theories about reality. I have suffered too much. Just saying where this soul is on the journey..

Theories are useless for solving suffering. To be of any use, the knowledge has to be direct. Find a way to keep the window open (meditation, contemplation, self-inquiry, or whatever creates space from your mind), and the clouds will eventually clear enough for you to see the sun.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@PataFoiFoi of course, that's what this community is here for. Let me know what you get out of it if you try it. There is a lot of great advice; you have a lot of homework to do now lol. And your destiny is yours to chose. don't get stuck in determinism. Determinism doesn't exist and neither does freewill for that matter... Remember these are distinctions that will be erased. What's left then?? Well that's something to contemplate lol. You seem to have this negative belief that You created this life to suffer Hell. That isn't true. You created this life for no reason at all. No point. Just to create for Creation's sake.

I've never read Paradise Lost but this is a great quote, "Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n. To reign is worth ambition though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n. Regaind in Heav'n, or what more lost in Hell?" 

maybe you want to be in Hell? There are lots of good reasons to stay in Hell... you can keep beating on yourself is one... in Heaven that shit doesn't fly lol

best wishes!

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