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Phil King

Review of Owen Cook's Miami Free Tour

4 posts in this topic

Last week I went to Owens 3 day free tour in Miami and it was an amazing experience. I highly recommend that if you have one of these coming anywhere near you, go to it. I drove 5 hours to it and slept in my car over the weekend and many others there flew from Europe(I probably would only recommend flying out there if you intended on getting some form of bootcamp or mentorship from one of the speakers). The speakers at this event were Sid Samtaney, Marczell Klein, Jeffy, Julien, and Owen. I wrote a lot of notes so Ill try to summarize the key insights I learned from them.

Sid: Sid's area of expertise was mergers and acquisitions, building businesses, and dealmaking. One of the most important things he stressed was "In the time it took you to build a 10x business, you could have built a 100x business." He stressed having a personal championship where achieving it will cascade into all other areas of your life. Funnel all your goals into this one championship and identify the key action steps. Then eliminate, delegate, and automate. Realize that its basically impossible to do it all alone, so you need to get a dream team board of directors. Sid became a millionaire in his early 20's in the retirement home industry by having a clear vision he could communicate in less than 30 seconds with passion, authority, and conviction. He worked volume on LinkedIn talking to 100's of possible Board of Directors candidates who could fill the gaps in his knowledge and skill. Since he couldnt offer them any money, he offered equity in the company.

He also focused on having a distinct brand. "Dont boil the ocean". Be unique and authentic to polarize people and attract people who genuinely love you. Think about how you will speak, dress; what your hobbies and lifestyle is that will make an imprint on peoples mind. In Sids case, his brand was being an intense adrenaline junkie. He skydives, wingsuits, wrestles alligators, etc. He likes to put himself in adrenaline boosting scenarios to learn how to deal with them. Once you come face to face with death countless times, doing an approach or speaking in front of crowds is effortless. 

Lastly he talked about checking blindspots. Find your ideal mentors, get coaches, journal, record yourself, have accountability groups. Know the holes in your game/skill/industry so you can ask high quality questions. A good mentor is worth 1000 books and will cut decades off learning curve. Hang out with people who have already arrived at where you want to be at. Have inner circle of A players and cut the bums out. The gap between a 10x business and a 100x business is high quality people. Realize you will have to lose friends on self development journey. "Pigs are not a flying animal"

Marczell: Marczell is the self proclaimed best hypnotist in the world. Maybe he is, maybe he isnt, but he genuinely believes it and has supreme confidence in himself. He also became a millionaire in early 20's and he said he did this by just throwing his hat over the fence and buying things that at the time, he couldnt afford so that he would be forced to make the money. He said that spending or giving money can shift your mind to abundance, cheapness is small mindedness and shifts mind to scarcity (Good sales tactic but I also think its a profound truth). Most people are addicted to suffering and poverty like a crack addict. People love not getting what they want, its a parasite running your mind. Marczell can make a lot of money because he doesnt pedestalize it, he kept saying that money is trash and easy to make. Your state runs your entire life so always try to be in a creative, resourceful, and abundant state. 

Believe that your life is a winning lotto ticket. If you had a winning lottery ticket, you would do anything to cash it in, but people dont do the same with their goals because they dont truly believe they will accomplish them. He asked the room "Who here knows for sure that they are a 10/10 in confidence" maybe 5 people raised their hand, he then said "So the rest of you are 10/10 confident that youre not a 10/10 in confidence" Deep if you think about it. We are so overrun by limiting beliefs and lower paradigm thinking that we are unable to see solutions to our problems

You can create a positive change in an instant just like negative change can happen in an instant. A traumatic event like r*pe or a car crash occurs and your body and mind immediately develops fears, beliefs, and emotions about certain things. People get stuck living in pain of past and project into the future. Emotions arent "real" in the sense that they dont allow you to assess life accurately. Emotions are strategies that you can use to help you get to where you want to be. Only focus on positive things in life and project that into the future, you go towards whatever you focus on. Create a crystal clear vision of exactly what you want your lifestyle to look like in health, wealth, relationship, spirituality, etc and think of what emotions you will feel when you achieve that lifestyle. Similar to law of attraction, have a visualization process where you see yourself living that lifestyle and cultivate + deeply feel the emotions that come with that lifestyle. Then take massive action towards your goals while maintaining that abundant state.

Jeffy: I loved the way this guy spoke, he was hilarious. He said he was an "encyclopedia and repository of social interaction" and had claimed 30,000 approaches/interactions over the past 15+ years. Key concepts: 1. Outer Projection. Have control over face, voice, body language and understand how it effects communication. 2. Inner Guidance. Dont stifle or filter yourself. Use intelligence and intuition to recognize emotional and physical cues 3. Sick Skills. be energizing, know how to tell stories, know how to never run out of things to say, know how to screen people, know how to coordinate logistics of dates, pulls, afterparties. 4. Have core confidence in your authentic self. You have inherent value and are worth being heard. 5. Conversational skill and technique. Know how to effectively approach, set frame, and escalate 6. Persuasion and Frame control, mentioned it would be valuable to learn aristotelian persuasion logos, pathos, and ethos 7. Conflict communication, know how to deal with assholes at bars, AMOGS. Realize that conflict is highly impersonal and people are just following a script. Remain relaxed, dont get hooked into conflict 8. Leadership, feel into fear and act in spite of it. You never know if people will like your approach, not everybody will like you nor should you want that

Some good quotes he dropped were "The quantifiable effect of someone not liking you at the club is virtually zero" "Individual choices gain power in proportion to the larger pool of choices available"- this meant that when you have amazing game, you can purposefully act like a chode/loser to girls and still have them get attracted because they can sense that its a conscious choice and your doing it as a joke. "Realize that everyone is bored, give people something different, exciting, or interesting to stand out"

Julien: Owens right hand man. Nowadays Julien focuses a lot on inner game, trauma release, shadow work, self love and letting go. Try and go on some sort of adventure every day to break monotonous routine of groundhogs day, be actor and director of your movie.  Realize that all criticism is speculation, projection, and untenable because literally nobody on the planet knows the real you. Its as if every hater is saying "Fuck your blue hair" but you have black hair. Only you can approve or disapprove of yourself. Dont underestimate power of bringing a good vibe. Emphasized the law of state transference. Being authentically yourself requires vulnerability and self love because others will always judge you positively and negatively. The self is always shining through whatever you say or do, you cant fake it or do a gimmick. As children we have limited perception of the world and our authentic self can get stifled because being yourself was threatening to your survival. Your world was your homelife and the classroom and if you were too loud or spoke out or were weird in some way, you risked being ostracized and facing social death. Learn the different situations where your childhood trauma gets triggered. Ask when is your emotional response disproportionate to reality. He gave some shadow questions to help uncover these traumas. 1. Why am I not good enough? 2. Why is success not for me? Why dont I deserve it? 3. Why do I hate myself? 4. Why am I toxic? 5. Why dont my parents love me and why is it my fault? 6. Why dont I deserve love?

You have reservoir of trauma that you need to identify and let go of. Most people try to distract themselves when they feel the emotional response of trauma triggers by binging on drugs, alchohol, food, media, gossip, etc. Instead of distracting yourself, you must sit with yourself and deeply feel into it. Emotion is labeling sensations i.e: Fear = racing heartate, butterflies in stomach. Deeply feel the physical sensations that the emotions cause until your ok with them being there and you will find yourself letting go and releasing it. An exercise to try is to immediately get into cold shower and instead of shaking, try to feel ok with the cold sensation, similar to Wim Hoff. Remember your not DOING anything, just simply BEING. Dont try to get rid of it because that is labeling it as negative which creates resistance. Letting go happens through feeling not thinking. 

Be good enough and completely whole with yourself. Dont create self generated lack. "Ill be complete when I have money, a girlfriend, career success, etc" Its still the same you, no amount of money, success, or hot girls will make you anything other than yourself. Your relationship with the present moment follows you. Most important relationship is one with yourself. If you wouldn't say it to your child, dont say it to yourself. Self love is extremely attractive. Neediness is extremely unattractive, its as if your going to people with your hands behind your back saying "Can you please help me c*m". Realize that you have two hands and can make yourself c*m. Metaphorically of course lol. 

His program that he had was a scale of transformation. The levels bottom to top were 8. Apathy- giving up, Me vs the world 7. Grief - victimhood, slight hope 6. Fear- scary to get out of victimhood 5. Anger - getting mad at situation in life and having some motivation to change 4. Courage - trying to control life and be at cause rather than effect 3. Desire - chasing and achieving some level of dream life, risk of inflated ego coming into play, many get stuck here 2. Purpose - Living life purpose while helping others as well as yourself 1. Love-  Giving tremendous value to others out of love for them, yourself, and universe. Think of where you usually reside and try to shoot for 1-2 levels above, people at grief and fear cant resonate with solutions that come from purpose and love.

Other general advice was to create an "ideal avatar" for your perfect partner. List ideal demographics, values, personality, hobbies, interests, attractiveness, type of relationship, etc. Screen when conversing and you will  naturally attract this type of person. Look for raw material and not complete perfection. Nobody will meet 100% of criteria but if you see the potential in them, you can throughout the course of a relationship, mold them into ideal partner. For marriage or long term relationship, make 3 lists together. 1. Everything you find physically attractive about partner 2. Everything you find emotionally attractive, like why they are your best friend 3. What you will sacrifice for this relationship. 

Owen: The man himself. He spoke on a lot of topics so this part may be a little scattered. First he talked about creating the halo effect around you at social events. Do this by talking to everyone at the venue, be an energetic idiot, dont care what others think, engage everyone in group, being completely present. The person who cares the most, is respected the least. Not being heard will cost you millions of dollars, must learn to project your voice so that people can hear you even in a loud nightclub.  You get stifled when you speak because you feel like your at the bottom of the social totem pole and dont deserve to be heard. There are no magic words or magic lines, its all in your vibe, body language, confidence, and how you say it. Free associative, unfiltered speaking and saying exactly whats on your mind signals to others that you are confident in yourself and builds halo effect. The way people communicate and project their voice is how their brain is functioning. Believe that you are in control of your state. Believe that you have a valuable, unique perspective on life and that people are interested in what you say. Find more things funny, humor is relieving tension and trauma. People at the club are there to cut loose and laugh, not to be logical. Cultivate humor, presence, and vibe in your daily life.

See every interaction as a 1000/10 and see something funny in it. People view you how you view yourself. If you genuinely see yourself as a 11/10 then people will respond accordingly. Ask whether they are good enough for you instead of other way around. Dont burn mental capital worrying about what people think of you, just be the man now instead of waiting for some external validation. Have complete belief and conviction in what you say. 

He talked about his recent traveling adventures where he visited every national park and major ski resort over the past 3 years. Realize that is so incredibly rare for people under the age of 65 to do. People always say that they'll go travel later, but later never comes, or it does come but theyre too old to really enjoy it. Dont say "do it later", realize that the present moment is as good as it gets. The peak happiness of your life was probably when you were like 10 years old, you must make a conscious decision to initiate new peaks. Even super successful people are on a hamster wheel of success, trapped in a golden jail being the top slave of the week. Its a trap where they make a lot of money but can never really do what they authentically desire. Understand the moment you are in, deeply experience it and make the most of it. YOURE ALREADY DEAD

No amount of money can buy the experiences Owen has lived. Money isnt enough, Owen said he is too greedy to put money over experiences and living in the moment. Money is just the foundation you can build an epic life upon. He gave the example of Dr Dre who is now a billionaire. His billions is nothing in comparison to living in the NWA era, being a pioneer in hip hop. The comfort of being a billionaire will never be as good as being broke in the process of building NWA and starting a nationwide movement. The money killed his momentum and arguably "ruined his life"

Get clear on what in your life is worth more than money, then structure your life on how to achieve it. Heaven or Hell starts right now. Realize that death is the context of your life. Your life is a profoundly significant experience, it is the Big Moment so appreciate deeply every second of it. How would facing and acknowledging death daily change the way you live your life? Dont spiritually bypass. You cant hide your true desires. Nature finds a way when you deny/repress needs in an unhealthy way. The journey and process to getting your authentic desires will transform you. 


There was a lot from these speakers that I left out for sake of time and me not wanting to type everything I wrote down but I hope you get at least some value and maybe it will inspire you to go to one of Owens future events

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Also Ill add all the books recommended at the seminar

Relentless by Timothy Grover, Winning by Timothy Grover, Essentialism by Greg Mckeown, Deepwork by Cal Newport, Managing oneself by Peter Drucke, Zero to One by Peter Thiel, Levels of Energy by Frederick Dodson, The Narrow Road by Felix Dennis, Letting Go by David Hawkins, Waking the Tiger by Peter Lavine, Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, The Little Prince, The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion

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10 hours ago, Phil King said:

Last week I went to Owens 3 day free tour in Miami and it was an amazing experience. I highly recommend that if you have one of these coming anywhere near you, go to it. I drove 5 hours to it and slept in my car over the weekend and many others there flew from Europe(I probably would only recommend flying out there if you intended on getting some form of bootcamp or mentorship from one of the speakers). The speakers at this event were Sid Samtaney, Marczell Klein, Jeffy, Julien, and Owen. I wrote a lot of notes so Ill try to summarize the key insights I learned from them.

Sid: Sid's area of expertise was mergers and acquisitions, building businesses, and dealmaking. One of the most important things he stressed was "In the time it took you to build a 10x business, you could have built a 100x business." He stressed having a personal championship where achieving it will cascade into all other areas of your life. Funnel all your goals into this one championship and identify the key action steps. Then eliminate, delegate, and automate. Realize that its basically impossible to do it all alone, so you need to get a dream team board of directors. Sid became a millionaire in his early 20's in the retirement home industry by having a clear vision he could communicate in less than 30 seconds with passion, authority, and conviction. He worked volume on LinkedIn talking to 100's of possible Board of Directors candidates who could fill the gaps in his knowledge and skill. Since he couldnt offer them any money, he offered equity in the company.

He also focused on having a distinct brand. "Dont boil the ocean". Be unique and authentic to polarize people and attract people who genuinely love you. Think about how you will speak, dress; what your hobbies and lifestyle is that will make an imprint on peoples mind. In Sids case, his brand was being an intense adrenaline junkie. He skydives, wingsuits, wrestles alligators, etc. He likes to put himself in adrenaline boosting scenarios to learn how to deal with them. Once you come face to face with death countless times, doing an approach or speaking in front of crowds is effortless. 

Lastly he talked about checking blindspots. Find your ideal mentors, get coaches, journal, record yourself, have accountability groups. Know the holes in your game/skill/industry so you can ask high quality questions. A good mentor is worth 1000 books and will cut decades off learning curve. Hang out with people who have already arrived at where you want to be at. Have inner circle of A players and cut the bums out. The gap between a 10x business and a 100x business is high quality people. Realize you will have to lose friends on self development journey. "Pigs are not a flying animal"

Marczell: Marczell is the self proclaimed best hypnotist in the world. Maybe he is, maybe he isnt, but he genuinely believes it and has supreme confidence in himself. He also became a millionaire in early 20's and he said he did this by just throwing his hat over the fence and buying things that at the time, he couldnt afford so that he would be forced to make the money. He said that spending or giving money can shift your mind to abundance, cheapness is small mindedness and shifts mind to scarcity (Good sales tactic but I also think its a profound truth). Most people are addicted to suffering and poverty like a crack addict. People love not getting what they want, its a parasite running your mind. Marczell can make a lot of money because he doesnt pedestalize it, he kept saying that money is trash and easy to make. Your state runs your entire life so always try to be in a creative, resourceful, and abundant state. 

Believe that your life is a winning lotto ticket. If you had a winning lottery ticket, you would do anything to cash it in, but people dont do the same with their goals because they dont truly believe they will accomplish them. He asked the room "Who here knows for sure that they are a 10/10 in confidence" maybe 5 people raised their hand, he then said "So the rest of you are 10/10 confident that youre not a 10/10 in confidence" Deep if you think about it. We are so overrun by limiting beliefs and lower paradigm thinking that we are unable to see solutions to our problems

You can create a positive change in an instant just like negative change can happen in an instant. A traumatic event like r*pe or a car crash occurs and your body and mind immediately develops fears, beliefs, and emotions about certain things. People get stuck living in pain of past and project into the future. Emotions arent "real" in the sense that they dont allow you to assess life accurately. Emotions are strategies that you can use to help you get to where you want to be. Only focus on positive things in life and project that into the future, you go towards whatever you focus on. Create a crystal clear vision of exactly what you want your lifestyle to look like in health, wealth, relationship, spirituality, etc and think of what emotions you will feel when you achieve that lifestyle. Similar to law of attraction, have a visualization process where you see yourself living that lifestyle and cultivate + deeply feel the emotions that come with that lifestyle. Then take massive action towards your goals while maintaining that abundant state.

Jeffy: I loved the way this guy spoke, he was hilarious. He said he was an "encyclopedia and repository of social interaction" and had claimed 30,000 approaches/interactions over the past 15+ years. Key concepts: 1. Outer Projection. Have control over face, voice, body language and understand how it effects communication. 2. Inner Guidance. Dont stifle or filter yourself. Use intelligence and intuition to recognize emotional and physical cues 3. Sick Skills. be energizing, know how to tell stories, know how to never run out of things to say, know how to screen people, know how to coordinate logistics of dates, pulls, afterparties. 4. Have core confidence in your authentic self. You have inherent value and are worth being heard. 5. Conversational skill and technique. Know how to effectively approach, set frame, and escalate 6. Persuasion and Frame control, mentioned it would be valuable to learn aristotelian persuasion logos, pathos, and ethos 7. Conflict communication, know how to deal with assholes at bars, AMOGS. Realize that conflict is highly impersonal and people are just following a script. Remain relaxed, dont get hooked into conflict 8. Leadership, feel into fear and act in spite of it. You never know if people will like your approach, not everybody will like you nor should you want that

Some good quotes he dropped were "The quantifiable effect of someone not liking you at the club is virtually zero" "Individual choices gain power in proportion to the larger pool of choices available"- this meant that when you have amazing game, you can purposefully act like a chode/loser to girls and still have them get attracted because they can sense that its a conscious choice and your doing it as a joke. "Realize that everyone is bored, give people something different, exciting, or interesting to stand out"

Julien: Owens right hand man. Nowadays Julien focuses a lot on inner game, trauma release, shadow work, self love and letting go. Try and go on some sort of adventure every day to break monotonous routine of groundhogs day, be actor and director of your movie.  Realize that all criticism is speculation, projection, and untenable because literally nobody on the planet knows the real you. Its as if every hater is saying "Fuck your blue hair" but you have black hair. Only you can approve or disapprove of yourself. Dont underestimate power of bringing a good vibe. Emphasized the law of state transference. Being authentically yourself requires vulnerability and self love because others will always judge you positively and negatively. The self is always shining through whatever you say or do, you cant fake it or do a gimmick. As children we have limited perception of the world and our authentic self can get stifled because being yourself was threatening to your survival. Your world was your homelife and the classroom and if you were too loud or spoke out or were weird in some way, you risked being ostracized and facing social death. Learn the different situations where your childhood trauma gets triggered. Ask when is your emotional response disproportionate to reality. He gave some shadow questions to help uncover these traumas. 1. Why am I not good enough? 2. Why is success not for me? Why dont I deserve it? 3. Why do I hate myself? 4. Why am I toxic? 5. Why dont my parents love me and why is it my fault? 6. Why dont I deserve love?

You have reservoir of trauma that you need to identify and let go of. Most people try to distract themselves when they feel the emotional response of trauma triggers by binging on drugs, alchohol, food, media, gossip, etc. Instead of distracting yourself, you must sit with yourself and deeply feel into it. Emotion is labeling sensations i.e: Fear = racing heartate, butterflies in stomach. Deeply feel the physical sensations that the emotions cause until your ok with them being there and you will find yourself letting go and releasing it. An exercise to try is to immediately get into cold shower and instead of shaking, try to feel ok with the cold sensation, similar to Wim Hoff. Remember your not DOING anything, just simply BEING. Dont try to get rid of it because that is labeling it as negative which creates resistance. Letting go happens through feeling not thinking. 

Be good enough and completely whole with yourself. Dont create self generated lack. "Ill be complete when I have money, a girlfriend, career success, etc" Its still the same you, no amount of money, success, or hot girls will make you anything other than yourself. Your relationship with the present moment follows you. Most important relationship is one with yourself. If you wouldn't say it to your child, dont say it to yourself. Self love is extremely attractive. Neediness is extremely unattractive, its as if your going to people with your hands behind your back saying "Can you please help me c*m". Realize that you have two hands and can make yourself c*m. Metaphorically of course lol. 

His program that he had was a scale of transformation. The levels bottom to top were 8. Apathy- giving up, Me vs the world 7. Grief - victimhood, slight hope 6. Fear- scary to get out of victimhood 5. Anger - getting mad at situation in life and having some motivation to change 4. Courage - trying to control life and be at cause rather than effect 3. Desire - chasing and achieving some level of dream life, risk of inflated ego coming into play, many get stuck here 2. Purpose - Living life purpose while helping others as well as yourself 1. Love-  Giving tremendous value to others out of love for them, yourself, and universe. Think of where you usually reside and try to shoot for 1-2 levels above, people at grief and fear cant resonate with solutions that come from purpose and love.

Other general advice was to create an "ideal avatar" for your perfect partner. List ideal demographics, values, personality, hobbies, interests, attractiveness, type of relationship, etc. Screen when conversing and you will  naturally attract this type of person. Look for raw material and not complete perfection. Nobody will meet 100% of criteria but if you see the potential in them, you can throughout the course of a relationship, mold them into ideal partner. For marriage or long term relationship, make 3 lists together. 1. Everything you find physically attractive about partner 2. Everything you find emotionally attractive, like why they are your best friend 3. What you will sacrifice for this relationship. 

Owen: The man himself. He spoke on a lot of topics so this part may be a little scattered. First he talked about creating the halo effect around you at social events. Do this by talking to everyone at the venue, be an energetic idiot, dont care what others think, engage everyone in group, being completely present. The person who cares the most, is respected the least. Not being heard will cost you millions of dollars, must learn to project your voice so that people can hear you even in a loud nightclub.  You get stifled when you speak because you feel like your at the bottom of the social totem pole and dont deserve to be heard. There are no magic words or magic lines, its all in your vibe, body language, confidence, and how you say it. Free associative, unfiltered speaking and saying exactly whats on your mind signals to others that you are confident in yourself and builds halo effect. The way people communicate and project their voice is how their brain is functioning. Believe that you are in control of your state. Believe that you have a valuable, unique perspective on life and that people are interested in what you say. Find more things funny, humor is relieving tension and trauma. People at the club are there to cut loose and laugh, not to be logical. Cultivate humor, presence, and vibe in your daily life.

See every interaction as a 1000/10 and see something funny in it. People view you how you view yourself. If you genuinely see yourself as a 11/10 then people will respond accordingly. Ask whether they are good enough for you instead of other way around. Dont burn mental capital worrying about what people think of you, just be the man now instead of waiting for some external validation. Have complete belief and conviction in what you say. 

He talked about his recent traveling adventures where he visited every national park and major ski resort over the past 3 years. Realize that is so incredibly rare for people under the age of 65 to do. People always say that they'll go travel later, but later never comes, or it does come but theyre too old to really enjoy it. Dont say "do it later", realize that the present moment is as good as it gets. The peak happiness of your life was probably when you were like 10 years old, you must make a conscious decision to initiate new peaks. Even super successful people are on a hamster wheel of success, trapped in a golden jail being the top slave of the week. Its a trap where they make a lot of money but can never really do what they authentically desire. Understand the moment you are in, deeply experience it and make the most of it. YOURE ALREADY DEAD

No amount of money can buy the experiences Owen has lived. Money isnt enough, Owen said he is too greedy to put money over experiences and living in the moment. Money is just the foundation you can build an epic life upon. He gave the example of Dr Dre who is now a billionaire. His billions is nothing in comparison to living in the NWA era, being a pioneer in hip hop. The comfort of being a billionaire will never be as good as being broke in the process of building NWA and starting a nationwide movement. The money killed his momentum and arguably "ruined his life"

Get clear on what in your life is worth more than money, then structure your life on how to achieve it. Heaven or Hell starts right now. Realize that death is the context of your life. Your life is a profoundly significant experience, it is the Big Moment so appreciate deeply every second of it. How would facing and acknowledging death daily change the way you live your life? Dont spiritually bypass. You cant hide your true desires. Nature finds a way when you deny/repress needs in an unhealthy way. The journey and process to getting your authentic desires will transform you. 


There was a lot from these speakers that I left out for sake of time and me not wanting to type everything I wrote down but I hope you get at least some value and maybe it will inspire you to go to one of Owens future events

Awesome bro.

So how do you hype yourself up to have the energy of an energetic idiot?

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I saw Madison live in Calgary and Alex when he was still a part of RSD. Super cool events, way better than the videos. Definitely on my bucketlist to go to a big one in the States and see Owen in person. 


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