
April's 30th.

332 posts in this topic

19 hours ago, Sabth said:

It took me 1 hour 10 mins to finish 10. So it would took me over 10hours to finish 100. 


19 hours ago, Sabth said:

Will something/a miracle happened if I were to read x 100 times? 

Because I'm bored, I will try to do this

.let's see what happen. 

I've already done 16% [with a lot of rest]& already felt exhausted. Maybe it will take days. 

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Edited by Sabth

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4:11PM 07202023


Edited by Sabth

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Out of the many faces that I've judged, there aren't many good looking people.

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I really wanna go to Taeyeon's concert tomorrow. Because the venue hold only 3200 seat and so it would means I can see Taeyeon closer. In a smaller group. But, I don't have money, and couldn't buy my own flight ticket so I could only ask my mom for it. But she wouldn't allow me to go. So yeah. It would be good if I could go tomorrow (it's only 2hours flight) and I could buy the ticket tonight. 


If I had work for a long time my decision wouldn't be on her. Or if I could ask some friend (but I wouldn't). Waiting for the next concert? It's going to be in 3-4years again. 

Edited by Sabth

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Will people get boring after the beauty phase had passed? Like after you have known the beauty, now what? 


Sometimes I wonder ,: what is the purpose of life? As I watch outside my window , the calm greenery. The moving clouds. Ants..  huh? 


*The concert had finished*

Time flies. 

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I have completed at 47% now. 

So far, nothing much happened. 

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On 2023-07-19 at 8:29 AM, Sabth said:

Will something/a miracle happened if I were to read x 100 times? 

Because I'm bored, I will try to do this

.let's see what happen. 


3 hours ago, Sabth said:

I have completed at 47% now. 

So far, nothing much happened. 

Wishing for miracles eh.. what kind of miracle are u expecting to happen?

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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42 minutes ago, Salvijus said:


Wishing for miracles eh.. what kind of miracle are u expecting to happen?

I don't believe in miracle it was just an experiment. 

I've already passed the 41mark which is said to be this ; 

An overall wellbeing. 

I am not expecting much, but am curious what will happen. 

Edited by Sabth

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9 minutes ago, Sabth said:

I don't believe in miracle it was just an experiment. 

I've already passed the 41mark which is said to be this ; 

An overall wellbeing ,

I am not expecting much, but am curious what will happen. 

Oooh you're reading Quran. That's a pleasent surprise. I've never read it but I believe that holy books have mysterious power to influence lifes.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I am so bored right now. 





Having an untrained mind is driving me crazy. I got to do something but I'm not doing anything. 

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On 6/21/2023 at 4:10 PM, Sabth said:

D-lite would be in Japan this 23rd & 30th July. For a waterbomb night. It seems like the only time I'll be meeting him. Do you wanna go? But a festival seems like it will be too extreme. I wonder what he'll bring to that festival. What song. It seems like. Idk. I want sushi now. 

He performed hello. Wow. It has been such a long time

It's kinda old though ...

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I made a reddit account...  

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Henry Lau got a safe and very idealistic fam. His childhood home remained the same up till now. It didn't change. While my home had been .. huh? Destroyed, sold, changed and many more. That's done to it. It is unrecognizable. My parents are evil. My parents like to change where things are. Sold my bed. Change the paint bedroom colour without my wish. Everything are destroyed. I think it's what differentiate a poor household with a rich one. Or idk. Poor mentality? Idk. But my room are unrecognizable. So there's no such thing as forever after. Nothings lasts. A renovation occur..and many more. I don't like it. I want things to remain the same. And my things are stolen. I have yet to make a police report. I'm pathetic. A lot of my diaries are gone. My paintings. My drawings. My certificate. My gold. My books. What is this house without all those? My phone. Look at my condition now. I have to ask my parents to make a police report as there were no one to drive me to the police station but them. But the thing is, it was family member who took it, or make it lost. I was in the hospital and when I'm back everything was gone. There are a few people at home. And my mom accused me of doing it myself when I'm not aware. This is the hell realm Id have to live through. It wasn't me. For the longest time those things are safe with me. For years and decade. But the moment I'm gone, it's lost. Or stolen. Or who knows what. Up until last year everything are with me. I've even think of installing a padlock to my room door to keep everything safe. But there's no tools for it. So it was delayed. What can I do? There's so much I could do to help myself.. I'm not safe in my own home. 

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I made a DeviantArt account for the second time after ten years. I've forgotten the first . 

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I'm bored . I wanna be associated with x. 


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Today, someone whom I followed on Instagram came to my state which is really unusual. Given how far it is. But he came. 

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Today, when I play with my nieces I realized that my eyes are no longer good. And I had a hard time looking at the pc. I can no longer do things in a prolonged period of time. My eyes needs rests. I can no longer do hard work. I wish for a life where I no longer strains my eyes. Everyday. I wish. 

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And I want an only child. If I were to have children I want only one. For a long time. Because many ,you wouldn't be able to give love to that one child or all. It will be chaotic

 . And your children will be uncared for. You wouldn't be able to focus on all. So I want an only child so that it can be a good human being. All attention is on her/him. If they get enough attention they'll turn out good. 

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