
Why do psychedelic visuals look the way they do?

41 posts in this topic

21 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

To explain something in terms of something else is by definition relative. Also, you can't keep explaining things by pointing to something else forever. At some point, you reach the unexplainable, the absolute, the final reduction.

Try it: what are chairs made of? "Wood". What is wood made of? "Cells". What are cells made of? "Chemical compounds". What are chemical compounds made of? "Atoms". What are atoms made of? "Quarks". What are quarks made of? "Strings". What are strings made of? "No idea".

Not no idea. It's endless and infinite in all directions. So it could be said that the substance of everything is nothing. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Not no idea. It's endless and infinite in all directions. So it could be said that the substance of everything is nothing. 

Regardless, you've reached the end of the explanatory tree.

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3 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Regardless, you've reached the end of the explanatory tree.

Same as what I'm saying really. So we agree. 

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On 28.4.2023 at 7:21 PM, Carl-Richard said:

I'm very much concerned about details like this (this video is surprisingly accurate):

Like, why do you see those particular patterns and not something else? It has always fascinated me since the first times I tripped.


Maybe because we are spatial beings, perceiving everything in 3D in a 4D Motion. The psychedelics are amplifyng the quantum state of our limited perception. So when you see these hyperbolic, geometric patterns, waves, ... You partially percieve the fabric of space time from a limited spatial perception. So you deeper you go you more see the reality of Consciousness for what it is. Consciousness, but you see it as a quanta of it. For example entities some people report seeing. 

I have a bigger theory to this in my head but i might never be able to actualize the blueprint of this idea, if it even is something worth pursuing.


Edited by effortlesslumen

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Our body is a certain kind of lens in that context.

Edited by effortlesslumen

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2 hours ago, effortlesslumen said:


Maybe because we are spatial beings, perceiving everything in 3D in a 4D Motion. The psychedelics are amplifyng the quantum state of our limited perception. So when you see these hyperbolic, geometric patterns, waves, ... You partially percieve the fabric of space time from a limited spatial perception. So you deeper you go you more see the reality of Consciousness for what it is. Consciousness, but you see it as a quanta of it. For example entities some people report seeing. 

I have a bigger theory to this in my head but i might never be able to actualize the blueprint of this idea, if it even is something worth pursuing.

I don't feel like that is specific enough. For example, if you see a shadow on the ground that is shaped like a tree, what would be a suitable explanation for that? Well, for me, it would be that there is a tree that casts a shadow on the ground because the sun is shining on it, blocking out some of the light that is reflected off the ground. There are of course other ways to explain it which aren't as specific, for example "the sun is low on the sky today", but that would maybe be more suitable for why there is a shadow on the ground in the first place.

The example I gave is actually very analogous, because it explains why the shadow is shaped like a tree and not say a rabbit (because there is a tree casting the shadow, not a rabbit). Likewise, I'm interested in why the tiny geometric patterns are shaped like that, or why they are moving like that and not in some other way.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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22 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

For example, if you see a shadow on the ground that is shaped like a tree, what would be a suitable explanation for that?

In this sense, one could say that the visuals you see is the shadow of your energetic body.

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4 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

In this sense, one could say that the visuals you see is the shadow of your energetic body.

No ?

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24 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

Why not? 

In the tree example, "shadow" has a very specific meaning. You've made it into a metaphor, which is definitely not specific. "Energy body" is also not a very specific concept. What even is an energy body? What does it have to do with geometric shapes? What do shadows have to with it? I'm just left with more questions than answers.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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27 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

In the tree example, "shadow" has a very specific meaning. You've made it into a metaphor, which is definitely not specific. "Energy body" is also not a very specific concept. What even is an energy body? What does it have to do with geometric shapes? What do shadows have to with it? I'm just left with more questions than answers.

Okay I give you that. 

With energy body I mean the energetic structure that makes it able for you to move through space. The flesh body is basically a manifestation of that. And it's built in symmetrical geometric shapes because this is the most intelligent design. 

The shadow methaper I saw like light shining through you and casting a shadow in the real word. 


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3 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

I don't feel like that is specific enough. For example, if you see a shadow on the ground that is shaped like a tree, what would be a suitable explanation for that? Well, for me, it would be that there is a tree that casts a shadow on the ground because the sun is shining on it, blocking out some of the light that is reflected off the ground. There are of course other ways to explain it which aren't as specific, for example "the sun is low on the sky today", but that would maybe be more suitable for why there is a shadow on the ground in the first place.

The example I gave is actually very analogous, because it explains why the shadow is shaped like a tree and not say a rabbit (because there is a tree casting the shadow, not a rabbit). Likewise, I'm interested in why the tiny geometric patterns are shaped like that, or why they are moving like that and not in some other way.

Well you would have to figure out fractals, mandlebrot, gravitational waves, quantum gravity, light, quantum physics, non euclidean geometry, euclidean geometry, Riemann hypothesis, the fabric of time and space  or something like that. Atleast that is what i think is connected to it. Sadly i have not the slightested clue about this things and im not the genius who could solve this in a lifetime or in the lifetime of our generations. But who knows whats possible when i change my current state of being haha :D Right now im full of shit  :D Sometimes i have ideas that dont seem to be in grasp of this experience im having.

But its funny i was having the same question a year ago and had some thoughts about it, made a list of some books that could be helpful so if im interested i might read them even though my knowledge on physics and mathematics is very limited. So it will remain abstract until some very conscious and smart person comes along. 

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best explanation i heard is that when you take a psychedelic it interrupts the regular flow of the imagination of consciousness

you could use a metaphor of throwing a log into a river or a pebble making ripples in water for a while when it hits it. 

other than that, dunno what the fck is going on with these motherfucking visuals

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On 30.4.2023 at 6:03 PM, NoN-RaTiOnAL said:

best explanation i heard is that when you take a psychedelic it interrupts the regular flow of the imagination of consciousness

you could use a metaphor of throwing a log into a river or a pebble making ripples in water for a while when it hits it. 

Not specific enough >:)

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I kinda regret that I didn't try to draw the patterns as I was experiencing them. I remember quite vividly watching a grassy hill from the distance and seeing these distinct geometric shapes slowly circling around themselves (and this was just on 150 μg of LSD). I could've easily drawn one of them. It was as if they were actual objects that you could walk up and touch (although they were mostly like 2D-like imprints on the grass).

Edited by Carl-Richard

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On 4/30/2023 at 4:00 AM, effortlesslumen said:

Our body is a certain kind of lens in that context.

Yup. I love mystical experiences where I can see someone else’s body moving throughout a room, and it’s so obvious that their body is my body.

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They are very rooted to survivall instinct and reptillian brain / red stage caveman times

Also they might change depending on your relligion / ethnic background

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