
Content on psychedelics

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Why Do you sometimes see unimaginable disgusting scenes like brutal slaughter, sex orgies, being killed or war scenes on psychedelics? Are these archetypes just being shown out of your subconscious mind? Past lives? What to do with these scenerys

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@Insane butterfly Yeah you are right, could be a lot of TV content stored in the subconscious mind. But if everyone here see these scenes there could be another reason since not everyone watches tv

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@OBEler  i don't think everyone see these scenes, but indeed many people do. 

I think the content has to do also with the personality of each and of course his lifestyle, education etc.

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@Insane butterfly I think there is more behind education and Lifestyle 

My girlfriend dont like brutality. She doesnt watch any violence or is interested in war. Why does She experience on lsd where she killed 100 people in the middle age on a market place with a swort? Why does She see war images where she burned some solider? After seing what She has done She even felt guilty. 

Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler this is something that you should ask her. 

And yes there is a lot more than what I mentioned above, we all know that. 

I don't watch tv since years and im not fun of violence any more, when i was younger yes, but i do have also my moments when im angry for example. 

but while tripping i never had to confront violence, maybe it will come in the future i don't know.

My fear while tripping is losing it completely 

Edited by Insane butterfly

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@Insane butterfly I wanted just give an example that someone can see violence even if he doesnt watch these Kind of content. 

I also saw violence. Blood.. I think it's very common on higher dose

Edited by OBEler

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

What to do with these scenerys

This is going to sound radical, but you’ve got to be so open that you love even those experiences. Only then can you truly appreciate the profundity of Love.

And, no, I don’t mean creating meaning behind those experiences that you need to rationalize and defend. But actually becoming so conscious of those experiences as Love.

38 minutes ago, Insane butterfly said:

My fear while tripping is losing it completely 

Absolute Love.


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I've never seen such things.

Be careful what you feed into your mind.

But also, if "bad" images arise, don't suppress them, work through them with the intention to move past them towards more wholesome content.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@OBEler I love brutality and violence, I made myself love them as a spiritual practice. Now LSD is known to induce visions and experiences that are so real. I  once imagined myself as a woman and I was raped by two men, I could feel their hands harassing me, their dick inside me, then I was pregnant and I gave birth to a child. I could feel the child coming out of my uterus, I then became the child which was of course was Jesus christ :D

I also once Imagined myself as a prey being eaten by a raptor. I could feel the raptor standing over me, tearing me apart and eating me alive. The experience was not negative in any means, it was just weird.

Anyways, It looks like it depends on the person and their tendencies. But I also noticed that such things happen when I let my mind be loose, and working freely on its own. When I guide the mind, such thoughts don't come.

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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W@LSD-Rumi that sounds crazy :) can you tell me how real does it feel? 

I did not have such Events, just one time during sleep I imagined a cat is attacking me. It hurted somehow but it was a sweet pain. It did not felt real. I found it even funny 

And raped as a woman, were there complete New sensations since you are a man? 

Edited by OBEler

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I have had something similar happen to me on a heavy LSD dose. My visions quickly swung back and forth between very clean, beautiful and in a way sterile architecture etc. to disease, death, and brutality. I surrendered to it, and it kept alternating, one state sometimes lasting just a couple of seconds. I was not very fearful, but it was a really intense and stressful trip. Not sure what to make of it.

I barely watch any TV or Netflix etc. at all, but I do listen to a lot of Metal. These visions felt qualitatively different from the music I listen to, however.

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@OBEler I felt everything but I didn't resist so It didn't feel bad at all. Maybe I was too fried to resist in the first place xD

Being rapes as a women is like I always imagined it to be. I don't know it was strange but familiar. 

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@LSD-Rumi Yeah thats what I thought being raped is limited to your imagination on how you think it could feel. 

Real rape would feel complete different, outside of your imagination

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Maybe give a look to some Carl Jung books or even better Stanislav grof.

I think it is really difficult to give a precise answer, our subconscious is so wide and mixed with so many things from years and years of accumulation. Many say also the past life you have experienced can still play underground  your current life. Maybe you have been in war or ur ancestors have had a life of brutality. Who knows what psychedelics open up 

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On 4/25/2023 at 3:11 PM, OBEler said:

@Insane butterfly I wanted just give an example that someone can see violence even if he doesnt watch these Kind of content. 

I also saw violence. Blood.. I think it's very common on higher dose

key phrase..... "higher dosages"

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I find Arthur Janov’s explanation to be interesting.  Hallucinations are a manifestation of the user’s repressed emotions and unresolved psychological pain being brought to the surface.  The left brain is always trying to make sense of the world in terms of symbols, language, images.  When the left brain receives the deep pain signals unlocked by the psychedelic, it forms ideation to reduce the pain to a level that won’t damage the nervous system.  An example, would be fully feeling never having been loved as a child.  Since these feelings are unbearable, the left brain responds with the ideation of a God who loves you or a mystical experience.   

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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The psychedelic path for me is, first to unlock the subconscious, then these images of trauma arise, second to face the dissolution of the ego, the terror of death, and third, the glorious amplitude.

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On 26/04/2023 at 6:58 AM, OBEler said:

Why Do you sometimes see unimaginable disgusting scenes like brutal slaughter, sex orgies, being killed or war scenes on psychedelics? Are these archetypes just being shown out of your subconscious mind? Past lives? What to do with these scenerys

Subconscious mind, what you have flooded within your psyche. Deprogramming of the subconscious is important to get the most out of psyches.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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On 26/04/2023 at 7:31 AM, OBEler said:

@Insane butterfly I think there is more behind education and Lifestyle 

My girlfriend dont like brutality. She doesnt watch any violence or is interested in war. Why does She experience on lsd where she killed 100 people in the middle age on a market place with a swort? Why does She see war images where she burned some solider? After seing what She has done She even felt guilty. 

Could be many things, could be tapping into alternate lifetimes, 'not actually her now', could be denial or rejection of those things thus suppression of facing/experiencing those things as valid reality experiences so when she does 'let go' and no longer block or hold on, things come up to the surface to be addressed and healed before deeper healing and experience can occur. She also only needs to see/experience such things once to be there until you make the subconscious/unconscious conscious they will remain there, on some level.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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