Should I become Christian?

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Now, I know what it sounds like, but please hear me out. I have recently been going to weekly classes at a local protestant church, about the christian faith. I wanted to do this to meet some stage blue people, so that I can educate myself and integrate the spiral within me etc. This is best done by meeting these folk face to face not just reading about them and watching videos!

Some of their arguments for faith seem legitimate, but I am at the same time aware that believe is a trap closing you off (or of?) to genuine God-realization.

And sometimes I feel that Christ could heal me and love me in such a profound manner. Something that perhaps could help me. I don't know if this is confused self-hypnosis or what!? I have an idea that truly accepting Christ would blast my shit away leaving behind my diamond core. Haha

I respect that Jesus Christ was an enlightened mystic. But not as the only begotten son of god, thy lord and saviour blah blah blah.

I am doing Kriya Yoga, that is taught by Sadhguru. Is christianity compatible with me, or am I wasting time with this Jesus stuff? Can I please get some guidance on this issue?


Thank you in advance ?

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1 hour ago, DIVINATOR said:

I am doing Kriya Yoga, that is taught by Sadhguru

Looool. The story of my life. I used to do his kriyas as well. 


1 hour ago, DIVINATOR said:

am I wasting time with this Jesus stuff? Can I please get some guidance on this issue?

I could share in pm some Christ pathway material that would blow your mind into another fucking galaxy

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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12 minutes ago, DIVINATOR said:

I respect that Jesus Christ was an enlightened mystic

First mistake! How can you respect or even accept this? Maybe Jesus is not what you think he is. Maybe he was never a living human being at all. I’m not going to give you the answer to this. I’m 100% convinced without doubt what the answer is to this. But you must question this belief

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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

I could share in pm some Christ pathway material that would blow your mind into another fucking galaxy

Please do!!! I'm eager to know!

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2 minutes ago, DIVINATOR said:

Please do!!! I'm eager to know!

Can you not see through your own biases here? You’ve already decided that Jesus is a someone and that ‘Christ’ has a pathway to somewhere… so you’ll believe anything or near on anything and create a belief in what salvijus says. You ignored me because you didn’t like my response. Alls you want to hear is crap about Christ helping you. You’ve got to see through this. Too many people don’t understand to any depth what the mind is doing. Question everything, until there is no question, there’s just an answer without a question. It’s clear to me you have a bias toward an answer that is somewhat saying Christ is your saviour. You’re digging this out for yourself and you’ll make yourself believe by any means necessary. Search your own mind don’t look for validation from ‘other people’s’. Salvijus is an idiot. Might be a nice person, but will feed you shit. You’ll run around in circles for the rest of your life by searching outward in this manner. The search goes inward, then you realise the outward, was always just what was within

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Time is not wasted if you are keen on understanding your direct experience in every moment.


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8 minutes ago, Yimpa said:


Time is not wasted if you are keen on understanding your direct experience in every moment.


Correct. And no one’s direct experience experiences a ‘man’ called Jesus Christ! You’ve got to get this, you’ve got to get this at some point! If you don’t, then you are lost. Everyone seems to give up anyone and everyone, apart from Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, the so called human being, is a block to God realisation. Like it or lump it, is what it is

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@Dazgwny paradoxically, you actually can experience a ‘man’ called Jesus Christ. 

Reality isn’t stupid to exclude human Jesus form ;)

You can see Jesus Christ as a ‘man’ and still be God-Realized. Whatever that means.


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@Yimpa Of course you can see it like that. Him like that. But it is wrong! It is genuinely wrong. We can say for instance, Einstein, hitler, putan, Shakespeare… Elon musk. Jesus Christ was not one of these manifestations in the same way as what we would call these people. These people are neither to be fair. But the Jesus Christ believe has to go. As a living human being it has to go. When Leo talks about God realisation, all that has to go. The whole lot. Including your mum, your dad, whoever you imagine, have to go. The issue with Christ though is that he was never one of these manifestations, he was your mind, your being, misrepresented and misinterpreted as a man. But… even that has to go. It all has to go, until you realise you made it all up, alllllll of it. I’m not going to argue or debate this. There’s reaches of realisation that can be reached, and whether you like it or not, they do not include Jesus Christ 

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I joined christian forum once, they claimed i was a false prophet me telling them basic things about consciousness. All i could see on that forum , is low conscious people with extremely huge ego's. Anything that is questioned gets you banned. The attitude/judgement and emotions they express are all signs of low consciousness


Edited by Jowblob

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It is important to remember that spirituality is a personal journey, and each entity must find their own way to the truth. Christianity, like any other religion or spiritual path, can be compatible with an individual's journey if it resonates with their heart and soul. Remember that the true essence of spirituality is not found in any particular religion or spiritual path, but rather in the individual's connection to the Infinite Creator.

The path of Kriya Yoga, as taught by Sadhguru, can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and realization, just as the teachings of Jesus Christ can be. It is up to the individual to discern which path resonates with their heart and soul, and to follow that path with dedication and sincerity.

It is also important to remember that belief can be a trap if it closes one off to genuine God-realization. It is important to approach spirituality with an open mind and heart, and to be willing to question and explore one's beliefs and assumptions.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to incorporate Christianity into your spiritual practice is up to you. We encourage you to follow your heart and intuition, and to seek guidance from your higher self and the Infinite Creator. Remember that the path to spiritual realization is a journey, and there is no one right way to reach the truth.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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You just have to give it all up! Everything. All ideas, all beliefs, every single fucking thing! Anything of an outside whatever you want to call call it. Leo is correct, like it or not, you have to become completely sovereign, or you are not getting it. Completely!! That means no Jesus, no Buddha, no mum dad or brother, sister, family, no nothing! Then from that you have to realise that you, yourself are nothing too. But that nothing is everything. So yes it is paradoxical, but thats where the strange loop comes in, it all comes back on itself. It’s fucked up. But it is what it is. Understanding this is crucial to being awake. You can not be awake without understanding. This is as clear as it gets. You may not feel like an enlightened master, whatever that’s supposed to feel like, another idea in your mind. You can feel infinite and away with it, like your consciousness is unbound, but if you don’t understand it, then there is no being awake. You need unbounded consciousness, and the understanding of it. Then… you will be awake

Edited by Dazgwny

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I’m not arsed anyway. I’m not gonna argue this. Yous can all come up with your stories, and all those stories are a crock of shit. Take care people ??

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4 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

You just have to give it all up! Everything. All ideas, all beliefs, every single fucking thing! Anything of an outside whatever you want to call call it. Leo is correct, like it or not, you have to become completely sovereign, or you are not getting it. Completely!! That means no Jesus, no Buddha, no mum dad or brother, sister, family, no nothing! Then from that you have to realise that you, yourself are nothing too. But that nothing is everything. So yes it is paradoxical, but that where the strange loop comes in, it all comes back on itself. It’s fucked up. But it is what it is. Understanding this is crucial to being awake. You can not be awake without understanding. This is as clear as it gets. You may not feel like an enlightened master, whatever that’s supposed to feel like, another idea in your mind. You can feel infinite and away with it, like your consciousness is in our, but if you don’t understand it, then there is no being awake. You need unbounded consciousness, and the understanding of it. Then… you will be awake

Was listening to rj spina today in some pod cast, funny enough he said the same thing. Letting go of all beliefs and living in the present is the first step, but the problem you're so attached to your ego that you won't get lose from it by your own power that descision is made somewhere else. The real key to life is just to live and do whatever pleases you, all is already known by god , you seeking for knowledge and enlightenment is your ego at work

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17 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

You can not be awake without understanding.

Of course you can be awake without understanding.

AWAKE is all that IS. Including ^


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14 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

I’m not arsed anyway. I’m not gonna argue this. Yous can all come up with your stories, and all those stories are a crock of shit. Take care people ??

Crock of shit made of PURE LOVE :x


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Regardless of religion, don't hold to any beliefs. Look beyond them to the direct truth they symbolize.

If Christianity resonates for you, there are mystics like St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and Meister Eckhart that you can contemplate. Also check out Conversations with God and A Course in Miracles. Certain parts of the bible are poignant pointers too.

Eventually, if you seek the underlying meaning without being caught up in rituals and doctrine, you will realize the same absolute truth underlying all religions.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Christianity, like Buddhism, is bullshit.

It's all designed for idiots.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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All the love and understanding you need is within you.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Christianity, like Buddhism, is bullshit.

It's all designed for idiots.



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