Extreme Z7

The Fundamental Flaw in Artificial Intelligence

6 posts in this topic

This is incredible. For a while now, since I've learned about the new AI Revolution, I've been pondering strategies to "beat" the AI at its game and avoid getting replaced by robots. Turns out the major sticking point is something fairly obvious especially if you've been following Actualized.org content.

Artificial Intelligence (at least for now) is incapable of Big Picture Understanding of the tasks it's told to do.

At 10:08 in the video
"Deep Learning Systems like ChatGPT are using big data to approximate the world, not develop any actual understanding of it. And because of that, it can make mistakes that even a calculator wouldn't. They can be abused and have achilles heels we won't expect. Right now, the solutions to making these systems better is to just. . . give them more data. . . rather than understand them from the ground up. This isn't systematic and doesn't add any more transparency or conceptual understanding to the AI themselves. . ."

The edge you have as a human being over these AI systems is that you are capable of formulating a long-term big picture plan, a vision, for what you actually want to accomplish in your career. AI systems are really good at mimicking human intelligence by being highly skilled at short-term isolated tasks. But without any actual deep understanding of what it's trying to accomplish, it still ends up being pretty mindless and uninteresting when seen from a zoomed-out perspective.

All these people whining and complaining about AI replacing their jobs basically lack a high enough creative vision in life. This is understandable considering how tough and grating even short-term survival can be to most people's psyche so I do not mean to judge people for this. It is a struggle to find the right balance between worrying about your current short-term workload and contemplating the big picture. But it is genuinely the case that the majority of people don't know how or even care about developing a truely grand creative vision of their life purpose or understanding life itself at the deepest levels.

The bottom-line here is that to avoid getting replaced by a machine:

  • Pursue Deep Understanding
  • Have a Clear Creative Vision
  • Be Aware of How Your Mind Gets Stuck in Short-Term Survival

(This post was generated using ChatGPT)

(Just Kidding LOL, I wrote all of this myself. AI probably would have helped though. ;))

Edited by Extreme Z7

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Great video, so the solution here is to us AI to help us understand AI so we can develop safe AI.

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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If all jobs were replaced with AI, would survival become free? Wouldn't that be a good thing?

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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YOU are not seeing the big picture if you think we can limit AI development

Most people dont see the big picture either

Its not the AI you have to fix its the lack of humanness

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If all jobs were replaced with AI, would survival become free? Wouldn't that be a good thing?


I don't think we're close to that happening yet. To say we're 10, 100 or 1000 years away from automating the majority of jobs are all equally speculative statements.

Part of the reason why people are afraid of such an occurence is that capitalism wouldn't be able to cope with it. If there's no work then there's no way to employ thousands of employees and rake in profits ;)

Another reason is the general fear of obselescence people have. Will humanity become pointless and useless etc. I appreciate that you probably already knew that.

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This comes down to right brain / left brain split.  AI currently essentially works like our left brain.  The right understands wholes, intuition, the implicit, metaphor, imagination, embodied experience, etc.  Without the right side, all you have is conceptual mania without grounding in reality or any real understanding.  Concepts that exist only in relation to each other (Derrida style) are ultimately meaningless schizophrenia.  AI is a lot like this right now, though I don't fully understand whether the way it can "perceive" inputs like video and audio can ultimately lead to a more right-brain understanding.  Still, without touch and taste and the embodiment of emotion, I don't think it will become anything like us anytime soon.

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