Harsh Bagdia

Question about God-Realization - Is Total Understanding of Self/God/Reality possible?

22 posts in this topic

12 hours ago, Hojo said:

I believe when all beings come to an understanding of god and decide to stop coming into the universe is when god comes to a complete understanding

But ultimately it will be you making that decision. You come to a complete understanding when you end the universe and all dimensions. Sadhguru says you have ended the universe  84-86 times already.

How do we know what Sadhguru is telling is true and how do we verify it? And Sadhguru also says that it will do this 112 times. After that it will continue in non-physical dimension. This sounds good but none of this is in my direct experience. 


9 hours ago, cetus said:

@Harsh Bagdia Is Total Understanding of Self/God/Reality possible?

"Understanding" is kind of a loaded question. In my humble opinion God is like - just let er' rip and we'll ask why later.

What I mean by total understanding is -

I have answers to all my questions. I am completely satisfied with them and no seeking energy is left. 

So are you saying that let the process unfold and it will happen naturally? Yes I am all in for it! Let it dawn upon me. 

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1 hour ago, Harsh Bagdia said:

What I mean by total understanding is -

I have answers to all my questions. I am completely satisfied with them and no seeking energy is left. 

It’s less so about having the answers to all your questions. Rather, it’s the pure understanding that all answers and questions lead to… no… are God. 

I AM reborn

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