Harsh Bagdia

Question about God-Realization - Is Total Understanding of Self/God/Reality possible?

22 posts in this topic

Hello everyone!

Paradox of God-Realization -

If God is infinite which it is,

EVERYTHING is possible for it.  So it should be able to understand itself completely. 

On the other hand, there will always be  something more to know, explore,realize given the nature of Infinity. It is ENDLESS. 

To even think of setting it as a goal to totally understand it is challenging and doing it seems impossible to me.

And it's also like - the current understanding only is so overwhelming, how can we comprehend EVERYTHING!

But regardless of difficulty, what do you think-

Is Total Understanding of Yourself possible? Which means knowing what you are in total and how you are creating everything.  

If yes, how is it possible? It is Unlimited. It is evolving infinitely. 


@Leo Gurayou have claimed that it is and you have achieved this. Would love if you could elaborate. 

A follow up question to it-

In CWG books somewhere,

God advices that don't waste your precious time in uncovering all the mysteries of the reality and have faith in your Creator. 

From this statement, it is implied that it is possible. So why did God advice against it? 

And don't tell me sometimes God too can give bad advices?




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10 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

but that there is nothing to know about it in the first place.

Yeah you are kinda right. Its completely empty. 

17 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

So not knowing anything about it can't be considered a lack of knowledge. With this understanding itself, our (mental) knowledge of the absolute is complete.

I don't know.

I mean yes I don't see not knowing as a problem. We can enjoy dreaming. 

But there's still curiosity. 

How is the dream constructed?  What are the mechanics of it? What about the dimensions that are not in our perception? 


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Of course you can fucking comprehend everything.



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When I have had the experience of being infinite, I understood everything perfectly, and it was quite simple. I have always existed since only this moment exists. I am the absolute total infinity, and I am perfectly with it, it is total perfection. my freedom is absolute. I dance with myself in a dance of love and joy that has no end. there is no loneliness or boredom because this infinite moment is infinite in its depth. I am not a prisoner of existing, even though at first it seems so (and it is horrible). I dance infinitely and this exact moment is my dance, which never ends. I put obstacles in it to deepen my love for myself, which has no end. From the human perspective it's horrible because it looks like a jail you'll never get out of, but from the point of view of infinity it's perfect.


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You literally… literally have to drop all your human ideas.

I’m not kidding. 

Alien Consciousness.


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7 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Of course you can fucking comprehend everything.


Thankyou ??

9 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

When I have had the experience of being infinite, I understood everything perfectly, and it was quite simple. I have always existed since only this moment exists. I am the absolute total infinity, and I am perfectly with it, it is total perfection. my freedom is absolute. I dance with myself in a dance of love and joy that has no end. there is no loneliness or boredom because this infinite moment is infinite in its depth. I am not a prisoner of existing, even though at first it seems so (and it is horrible). I dance infinitely and this exact moment is my dance, which never ends. I put obstacles in it to deepen my love for myself, which has no end. From the human perspective it's horrible because it looks like a jail you'll never get out of, but from the point of view of infinity it's perfect.


This is inspiring! 


13 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

You literally… literally have to drop all your human ideas.

I’m not kidding. 

Alien Consciousness.

I am willing to. 

What is Alien Consciousness? Are you talking about the same thing that Leo made the post about? That was some real crazy stuff. And that poetic description he shared - what the fuck? Just reading it was very awakening.  

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4 minutes ago, Harsh Bagdia said:

What is Alien Consciousness? Are you talking about the same thing that Leo made the post about? That was some real crazy stuff. And that poetic description he shared - what the fuck? Just reading it was very awakening.  

Man, no words can do it justice… actually, all words do it justice.

It’s like, not only understanding that you are everything, but that nothing exists but REALITY!

A human mind cannot comprehend this, because it is way too biased and has way too many attachments. Yes, even the attachment to enlightenment, spirituality, and everything else in between.


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Imagine if you could teleport between one experience to another so fluidly, because your human mind is not there to control its own destiny.

YOU are always the destination.


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15 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Imagine if you could teleport between one experience to another so fluidly, because your human mind is not there to control its own destiny.

YOU are always the destination.

That would be ultracool. 

I think this will require a state change. Identification with human is too strong. 

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3 minutes ago, Harsh Bagdia said:

That would be ultracool. 

I think this will require a state change. Identification with human is too strong. 

Yeah, I can only stay in such a state for a few minutes. I’m in no rush, though ;)


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31 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Yeah, I can only stay in such a state for a few minutes. I’m in no rush, though ;)


But I am in a rush! Listening to you and all others' experiences. 

Does anyone has experience with high dose mushroom trips? How is it compared to 5 Meo?  

I did shrooms once and acid few times and it was always mind-blowing and great. But nothing like Alien Consciousness. 

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I believe when all beings come to an understanding of god and decide to stop coming into the universe is when god comes to a complete understanding

But ultimately it will be you making that decision. You come to a complete understanding when you end the universe and all dimensions. Sadhguru says you have ended the universe  84-86 times already.

Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, Harsh Bagdia said:

But I am in a rush! Listening to you and all others' experiences. 

Does anyone has experience with high dose mushroom trips? How is it compared to 5 Meo?  

I did shrooms once and acid few times and it was always mind-blowing and great. But nothing like Alien Consciousness. 

I didn’t need mushrooms or 5-MeO. But you do what you gotta do!

Also notice how you are comparing your psychedelic experiences with Alien Consciousness, even though you assume that you don’t know what Alien Consciousness is.



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11 minutes ago, Hojo said:

I believe when all beings come to an understanding of god and decide to stop coming into the universe is when god comes to a complete understanding



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@Yimpa  Then I will live gracefully and await my death or god to take me

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:
2 hours ago, Harsh Bagdia said:


I didn’t need mushrooms or 5-MeO.

Good for you!!

1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Also notice how you are comparing your psychedelic experiences with Alien Consciousness, even though you assume that you don’t know what Alien Consciousness is.


I am not assuming that I don't know what Alien Consciousness is. I know that I don't know what it is. The only knowledge I have is what Leo mentioned in his post and his poetic description. And on that basis I am comparing my psychedelic experiences with his. 

Dude Ta-Da doesn't work just anywhere. 

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@Harsh Bagdia Is Total Understanding of Self/God/Reality possible?

"Understanding" is kind of a loaded question. In my humble opinion God is like - just let er' rip and we'll ask why later.

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If there is nothing to observe. (Then I realise nothing would still be a state)

If you are having an experience where you enlarge big enough there is no time and space for example, that distance is meaningless. Then you are still observing something.

*If you have the experience where you become an emotion, so reality reflects that completely. Let's pick what I call divine love, and a cloudy white reality experience. Then you are still observing something.

I should add I was considering this answer this morning, and this was what came up. That all my experiences have still been an observation.

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What I usually say to myself is, all there is, is observation. All I am is observation and I am everything I see, taste, touch, hear. I am also everything I don't. Everything that could be, that is, that was and will be. The realization of being nothing would be as powerful as being everything at once. Because we are both and both are the same.

We split reality into pieces to observe it, not knowing the process of doing so is us, that understanding things are both the same and different. So we argue over the process, the separation, the distinctions. Seeing the differences is us. Experiencing the difference is us. Seeing the whole is us. Experiencing the difference is us. Seeing/experiencing the reflection of others doing this process is us. Reality shapes itself to us/them, for us/them, by us/them, through us/them. Us/them being everyone, the collective, all pieces of you in your mind.

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