
The Political left is fucking crazy

10 posts in this topic

So I do not mean to generalize and say that the whole left is “crazy”, but the most radical ideologues on the left are surely gaining more and more influence in society to a degree that is not only negative but potentially dangerous.

I am coming to this understanding after the months of witnessing crazy political propaganda, cancel culture, transgender activists and their extreme and ridiculous claims etc. What was before a harmless minority is becoming more and more powerful and this madness is coming from the left. Look at all the people that have had their social media accounts terminated for “hate speech” for example. If only this only concerned crazy conspiracy theorists but it is not the case. All of you should be well aware of the Twitter files that Elon musk leaked. They(old Twitter) were in direct contact with the government to suppress any opinion that was going against the mainstream narrative about(among other things) vaccines; even expert advice. Goes to show that this whole thing was never about intellectual objectivity and scientific accuracy but about a moralistic agenda being perpetrated, a new religion of the politically correct and moral thing to do, based on ideology not facts. Even legit arguments against the mainstream narrative like evidence for side effects were shut down. Again, history repeats itself, humans have always adopted mass ideologies, emotionally attached themselves to these ideas and crucifying people who are going against these ideas. Blind, unconscious survival and dogmatic consciousness pushing humans to destroy what they deem different. Human beings caught in between polarities and needing to divide everything meanwhile everything is part of the same spectrum. If vaccine side effects are proven to exist it is not necessary to deem that “against” anything but to take that as part of the puzzle in our collective battle against a common enemy(COVID), and THIS is TRUE collectivism(Green)  but this is not what happened. There were even some people wanting unvaccinated people to do PRISON TIME. 

And now I just see this tweet:

People are being FIRED for their ideas and political opinions. Again, this doesn’t only happen to legitimately dangerous ideologues, it happens to people who are merely AGREEING with a fucking political opinion. This is absolute madness, a madness that is being perpetrated by the far left who, who would’ve thought, is gaining more and more power in mainstream institutions. These far left ideologies are a cultural parasite infecting society and spreading pretty fucking far. When people are being tracked by who knows what mechanism and fired for merely agreeing with someone who is not in alignement with the mainstream political identity of the west you know there’s a big fucking problem. Being fired means not being able to pay your bills or feed yourself. This should be taken seriously. This parasite has gone far enough that it has the power to ruin peoples lives. And what about the clowns that tried to take away his “Doctor” title to JP? 

And one of the only problems I have with @Leo Gura is that he only speaks about the far right and their conspiracy theories which are, indeed, pathological, but he never says a word about the absolute madness being perpetrated by the far left which is becoming at least equal of a danger to society than ideas related to the far right. We can rightfully say that if conspiracy theories, racism, hate speech etc have infected society, political correctness, pseudo moralistic madness, LGBTQ propaganda and pseudo collectivism/socialism has at least equally corrupted our society, and the worst part is that they infiltrated the institutions and the Governing bodies, the very institutions we are dependent on for our very SURVIVAL. So what now, if you just happen to commit the horrible sin of agreeing with evil Jordan Peterson on YouTube you can lose your FUCKING LIVELIHOOD??? What is this. This doesn’t sound like inclusive socialism at that point but to oppressive communism China style. The complete eradication of individual identity in order for the collective ideology to thrive; and anybody not aligning with the collective being totally destroyed. What the fuck is that? It’s absolutely fucking preposterous!

I love Leo for, on one hand, calling out the matrix and also, on the other hand, not buying in bullshit anti-mainstream conspiracy theories like so many so called “spiritual” people; but at the same time were is the genius of Leo Gura when it comes to calling out the madness of the radical aspect of the political side he’s adhering to? This is where self bias goes too far because failing to acknowledge that the far left is a dangerous ideological parasite is just intellectual dishonesty especially when you have reached the highest the levels of intellectual development for a human being. Just as conspiracy theories needed an intervention, so too does the radical left deserves a deep breakdown of the pathological psychological processes that are giving rise to such cultural viruses of the mind. Because yes there is deep psychological reasons as to why these sort of ideological currents exist, yes they are pathological(Evil/Devil/Separation etc) and yes you can analytically break them down and offer a healthier(Godlike) alternative just like with conspiracy theories and the like. And if you are not gonna make a 2 hour video about it you can at least make a brief blogpost about the toxic psychology and the micro-macro dangers of the perpetuation of these ideas which would be helpful to society, something I haven’t seen @Leo Gura doing.

How can you “despise” the politics of Jordan Peterson but not despise this madness that we’ve been witnessing for the past couple of years, a madness that is becoming all too influential in this culture. This bullshit is NOT healthy green stage spiral dynamics level of consciousness. This is a distorted, corrupted, evil, unintegrated and wounded green, and this sort of green can quickly turn into communist oppression and God knows what. Leo should’ve been calling this shit out. 

Edited by Enigma777

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I'm in language school, almost everyone is on the left except for a few people here and there, including me.
I was talking to several people including a transgender woman, who was telling me how horrible and transphobic JK Rowling was, and of course it was spiraling into hate and blaming her.
Literally no one could give me any evidence of real hostility from JK other than rational skepticism.

Another anecdote: When I was in high school I expressed conservative and especially anti-immigration ideas several times, once in the canteen I said that I would like to travel to other countries, to which a colleague answered me:
"Ah good? but yet you don't like foreigners you ?".

All that to say that they are simply stupid people and without nuance, in another era they would have saluted Hitler.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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25 minutes ago, Enigma777 said:

So I do not mean to generalize and say that the whole left is “crazy”, but the most radical ideologues on the left are surely gaining more and more influence in society to a degree that is not only negative but potentially dangerous.

I am coming to this understanding after the months of witnessing crazy political propaganda, cancel culture, transgender activists and their extreme and ridiculous claims etc. What was before a harmless minority is becoming more and more powerful and this madness is coming from the left. Look at all the people that have had their social media accounts terminated for “hate speech” for example. If only this only concerned crazy conspiracy theorists but it is not the case. All of you should be well aware of the Twitter files that Elon musk leaked. They(old Twitter) were in direct contact with the government to suppress any opinion that was going against the mainstream narrative about(among other things) vaccines; even expert advice. Goes to show that this whole thing was never about intellectual objectivity and scientific accuracy but about a moralistic agenda being perpetrated, a new religion of the politically correct and moral thing to do, based on ideology not facts. Even legit arguments against the mainstream narrative like evidence for side effects were shut down. Again, history repeats itself, humans have always adopted mass ideologies, emotionally attached themselves to these ideas and crucifying people who are going against these ideas. Blind, unconscious survival and dogmatic consciousness pushing humans to destroy what they deem different. Human beings caught in between polarities and needing to divide everything meanwhile everything is part of the same spectrum. If vaccine side effects are proven to exist it is not necessary to deem that “against” anything but to take that as part of the puzzle in our collective battle against a common enemy(COVID), and THIS is TRUE collectivism(Green)  but this is not what happened. There were even some people wanting unvaccinated people to do PRISON TIME. 

And now I just see this tweet:

People are being FIRED for their ideas and political opinions. Again, this doesn’t only happen to legitimately dangerous ideologues, it happens to people who are merely AGREEING with a fucking political opinion. This is absolute madness, a madness that is being perpetrated by the far left who, who would’ve thought, is gaining more and more power in mainstream institutions. These far left ideologies are a cultural parasite infecting society and spreading pretty fucking far. When people are being tracked by who knows what mechanism and fired for merely agreeing with someone who is not in alignement with the mainstream political identity of the west you know there’s a big fucking problem. Being fired means not being able to pay your bills or feed yourself. This should be taken seriously. This parasite has gone far enough that it has the power to ruin peoples lives. And what about the clowns that tried to take away his “Doctor” title to JP? 

And one of the only problems I have with @Leo Gura is that he only speaks about the far right and their conspiracy theories which are, indeed, pathological, but he never says a word about the absolute madness being perpetrated by the far left which is becoming at least equal of a danger to society than ideas related to the far right. We can rightfully say that if conspiracy theories, racism, hate speech etc have infected society, political correctness, pseudo moralistic madness, LGBTQ propaganda and pseudo collectivism/socialism has at least equally corrupted our society, and the worst part is that they infiltrated the institutions and the Governing bodies, the very institutions we are dependent on for our very SURVIVAL. So what now, if you just happen to commit the horrible sin of agreeing with evil Jordan Peterson on YouTube you can lose your FUCKING LIVELIHOOD??? What is this. This doesn’t sound like inclusive socialism at that point but to oppressive communism China style. The complete eradication of individual identity in order for the collective ideology to thrive; and anybody not aligning with the collective being totally destroyed. What the fuck is that? It’s absolutely fucking preposterous!

I love Leo for, on one hand, calling out the matrix and also, on the other hand, not buying in bullshit anti-mainstream conspiracy theories like so many so called “spiritual” people; but at the same time were is the genius of Leo Gura when it comes to calling out the madness of the radical aspect of the political side he’s adhering to? This is where self bias goes too far because failing to acknowledge that the far left is a dangerous ideological parasite is just intellectual dishonesty especially when you have reached the highest the levels of intellectual development for a human being. Just as conspiracy theories needed an intervention, so too does the radical left deserves a deep breakdown of the pathological psychological processes that are giving rise to such cultural viruses of the mind. Because yes there is deep psychological reasons as to why these sort of ideological currents exist, yes they are pathological(Evil/Devil/Separation etc) and yes you can analytically break them down and offer a healthier(Godlike) alternative just like with conspiracy theories and the like. And if you are not gonna make a 2 hour video about it you can at least make a brief blogpost about the toxic psychology and the micro-macro dangers of the perpetuation of these ideas which would be helpful to society, something I haven’t seen @Leo Gura doing.

How can you “despise” the politics of Jordan Peterson but not despise this madness that we’ve been witnessing for the past couple of years, a madness that is becoming all too influential in this culture. This bullshit is NOT healthy green stage spiral dynamics level of consciousness. This is a distorted, corrupted, evil, unintegrated and wounded green, and this sort of green can quickly turn into communist oppression and God knows what. Leo should’ve been calling this shit out. 

   It's complicated. Based on the relativity of the SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in domains, personal to societal, along with ideological indoctrinations and upbringings, and environment limitations. It is what it is to me, so while I don't have any specific solutions to this growing issue, one I recommend is to just laugh at the absurdity of it all like these two, despite their raunchy humor:


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1) I see you mischracterizing the Twitter files.

2) You found some extremist elements on the far left but you're blowing it out if proportion.

3) Yes, the far left does have some absurd and silly positions.

The problem is that if you watch a bunch of JP he will infect your mind with his anti-Green paranoia. So be careful what new sources you consume. Getting outraged over some cherrypicked leftist examples is not how do serious politics.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The left does go too far sometimes. But the right has its own share of blindspots as well. 


My name is Sara. 



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Left is just another centralized religion based on materialist science paradigm.  I used to dislike right but as I got older fairytales started to look more plausible than someones empirical bullshit. I mean right or left whatever, these are profit organizations and they have very little interest on truth.

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On 24/04/2023 at 2:42 PM, Enigma777 said:

So I do not mean to generalize and say that the whole left is “crazy”, but the most radical ideologues on the left are surely gaining more and more influence in society to a degree that is not only negative but potentially dangerous.

I am coming to this understanding after the months of witnessing crazy political propaganda, cancel culture, transgender activists and their extreme and ridiculous claims etc. What was before a harmless minority is becoming more and more powerful and this madness is coming from the left. Look at all the people that have had their social media accounts terminated for “hate speech” for example. If only this only concerned crazy conspiracy theorists but it is not the case. All of you should be well aware of the Twitter files that Elon musk leaked. They(old Twitter) were in direct contact with the government to suppress any opinion that was going against the mainstream narrative about(among other things) vaccines; even expert advice. Goes to show that this whole thing was never about intellectual objectivity and scientific accuracy but about a moralistic agenda being perpetrated, a new religion of the politically correct and moral thing to do, based on ideology not facts. Even legit arguments against the mainstream narrative like evidence for side effects were shut down. Again, history repeats itself, humans have always adopted mass ideologies, emotionally attached themselves to these ideas and crucifying people who are going against these ideas. Blind, unconscious survival and dogmatic consciousness pushing humans to destroy what they deem different. Human beings caught in between polarities and needing to divide everything meanwhile everything is part of the same spectrum. If vaccine side effects are proven to exist it is not necessary to deem that “against” anything but to take that as part of the puzzle in our collective battle against a common enemy(COVID), and THIS is TRUE collectivism(Green)  but this is not what happened. There were even some people wanting unvaccinated people to do PRISON TIME. 

And now I just see this tweet:

People are being FIRED for their ideas and political opinions. Again, this doesn’t only happen to legitimately dangerous ideologues, it happens to people who are merely AGREEING with a fucking political opinion. This is absolute madness, a madness that is being perpetrated by the far left who, who would’ve thought, is gaining more and more power in mainstream institutions. These far left ideologies are a cultural parasite infecting society and spreading pretty fucking far. When people are being tracked by who knows what mechanism and fired for merely agreeing with someone who is not in alignement with the mainstream political identity of the west you know there’s a big fucking problem. Being fired means not being able to pay your bills or feed yourself. This should be taken seriously. This parasite has gone far enough that it has the power to ruin peoples lives. And what about the clowns that tried to take away his “Doctor” title to JP? 

And one of the only problems I have with @Leo Gura is that he only speaks about the far right and their conspiracy theories which are, indeed, pathological, but he never says a word about the absolute madness being perpetrated by the far left which is becoming at least equal of a danger to society than ideas related to the far right. We can rightfully say that if conspiracy theories, racism, hate speech etc have infected society, political correctness, pseudo moralistic madness, LGBTQ propaganda and pseudo collectivism/socialism has at least equally corrupted our society, and the worst part is that they infiltrated the institutions and the Governing bodies, the very institutions we are dependent on for our very SURVIVAL. So what now, if you just happen to commit the horrible sin of agreeing with evil Jordan Peterson on YouTube you can lose your FUCKING LIVELIHOOD??? What is this. This doesn’t sound like inclusive socialism at that point but to oppressive communism China style. The complete eradication of individual identity in order for the collective ideology to thrive; and anybody not aligning with the collective being totally destroyed. What the fuck is that? It’s absolutely fucking preposterous!

I love Leo for, on one hand, calling out the matrix and also, on the other hand, not buying in bullshit anti-mainstream conspiracy theories like so many so called “spiritual” people; but at the same time were is the genius of Leo Gura when it comes to calling out the madness of the radical aspect of the political side he’s adhering to? This is where self bias goes too far because failing to acknowledge that the far left is a dangerous ideological parasite is just intellectual dishonesty especially when you have reached the highest the levels of intellectual development for a human being. Just as conspiracy theories needed an intervention, so too does the radical left deserves a deep breakdown of the pathological psychological processes that are giving rise to such cultural viruses of the mind. Because yes there is deep psychological reasons as to why these sort of ideological currents exist, yes they are pathological(Evil/Devil/Separation etc) and yes you can analytically break them down and offer a healthier(Godlike) alternative just like with conspiracy theories and the like. And if you are not gonna make a 2 hour video about it you can at least make a brief blogpost about the toxic psychology and the micro-macro dangers of the perpetuation of these ideas which would be helpful to society, something I haven’t seen @Leo Gura doing.

How can you “despise” the politics of Jordan Peterson but not despise this madness that we’ve been witnessing for the past couple of years, a madness that is becoming all too influential in this culture. This bullshit is NOT healthy green stage spiral dynamics level of consciousness. This is a distorted, corrupted, evil, unintegrated and wounded green, and this sort of green can quickly turn into communist oppression and God knows what. Leo should’ve been calling this shit out. 

You don't understand Green Stage properly. The kind of integration you say the lack is the exact reason they're not Yellow yet. This is to be expected. 



In this interview, Ken Wilber explains this dynamic as concisely as one can. I really hope you watch it and understand the mischaracterization you are falling into. Your critique is valid, you just lack the perspective to understand that this societal pressure is what's required to move on to stage Yellow.  

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I've been also recently looking into a lot of leftist ideas and movements and I'm shocked and repulsed. I thought I was very liberal and progressive but after this exposure I swinged back to the right just to keep my balance. I think both conservatives and liberals have to show their ugliness and out of proportion radicalness for us to find the balance in the end; and make the move to Yellow.

softly into the Abyss...

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5 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

I've been also recently looking into a lot of leftist ideas and movements and I'm shocked and repulsed. I thought I was very liberal and progressive but after this exposure I swinged back to the right just to keep my balance. I think both conservatives and liberals have to show their ugliness and out of proportion radicalness for us to find the balance in the end; and make the move to Yellow.

That's the summary of the Ken Wilber video I shared.

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