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Two topics I want to talk about /discuss

42 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, _Archangel_ said:

1) if only everyone truly would get much more peace.

Not really. 

Everyone would be dead, including you.


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@Yimpa Of course realizations have many levels. At the higest decostruction possible (Spiritual experience, Peak of a trip, death) surely everything collapse, but i was speaking more on realitive terms. Realizing time is a construct doesn't mean that the notion somewhat desappear from your conception of reality, otherwise you wouldn't be able to function as a human.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Idk wth are you talkin about. 

I just stated a fact. You can't experience my pov from yours, can you? 

This is just a fact. Has nothing to do with solipsism. 

It's like if I were to preface every utterance I make with "this is all just concepts, but..." Like ok, we already get that. We're already assuming that we're talking about concepts. Likewise, we're already assuming that we have to make inferences outside our immediate experience when we're talking about subjective experiences outside our own. There is a time and a place to bring up such facts, but in situations like this, it's just noise imo. That's all.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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12 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

It's like if I were to preface every utterance I make with "this is all just concepts, but..." Like ok, we already get that. We're already assuming that we're talking about concepts. Likewise, we're already assuming that we have to make inferences outside our immediate experience when we're talking about subjective experiences outside our own. There is a time and a place to bring up such facts, but in situations like this, it's just noise imo. That's all.

But all of that is off topic and irreverent if you actually cared to continue reading my initial post which had nothing to do with solipsism or the fact that we can't experience another beings experience. 

You quoted one sentence, then misinterpreted it and came up with a completely flawed conclusion about what was actually said. 

I know It is easy to be a keyboard warrior or an armchair champion when you don’t have to acknowledge your opponent face to face.

Anyways that point like I said is irrelevant. If you want to discuss the rest of my initial post which was about comparing animals to humans when it comes to experiencing pain.. You're welcome. 


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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But all of that is off topic and irreverent if you actually cared to continue reading my initial post

I read all of your posts before commenting.


15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

which had nothing to do with solipsism or the fact that we can't experience another beings experience.

Exactly, which is why I responded with puzzlement to that first sentence :)

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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24 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

which is why I responded with puzzlement to that first sentence 

What is puzzling about it? You said humans suffer more than animals because they have emotions, something that animals don't have. And I said that we can't switch the roles and become animals for few days to know that. 

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1 hour ago, _Archangel_ said:

Of course realizations have many levels. At the higest decostruction possible (Spiritual experience, Peak of a trip, death) surely everything collapse, but i was speaking more on realitive terms. Realizing time is a construct doesn't mean that the notion somewhat desappear from your conception of reality, otherwise you wouldn't be able to function as a human.

Notice how you don’t even need to realize time is a construct or not for time to exist or not exist.


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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

What is puzzling about it? You said humans suffer more than animals because they have emotions, something that animals don't have. And I said that we can't switch the roles and become animals for few days to know that. 

Yeah, that's a puzzling statement to me. It's like we could be talking about ice cream, and I'll be like "I think this ice cream tastes like strawberries", and you'll be like "we can't switch roles to confirm that, but I can understand that" xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just now, Yimpa said:

@Someone here Bro, chill with your dogma. It’s not productive to you or anyone else on here.

No no it's me being pedantic, don't put this on him :/ 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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4 hours ago, Someone here said:


2-why do we kill bugs and insects? Do we believe that we as humans are the center of the universe? What difference is actually between cats, dogs etc and humans?  If every creature has equal value from the universe's perspective.. Then what difference between Hitler gasing the Jews and between humans gasing chicken for dinner? Do you realize the double standards and bias we have? 

Unless you are "religious", nothing has absolute value.
It's okay to kill Jews, but people will want to kill you and destroy you out of revenge.
It was also a useless and irrational delusion, motivated by paranoia.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:


12 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Yeah, that's a puzzling statement to me. It's like we could be talking about ice cream, and I'll be like "I think this ice cream tastes like strawberries", and you'll be like "we can't switch roles to confirm that, but I can understand that" xD

But I said in the very next sentence that science shows that animals suffer from kinds of emotions as well. Some animals can have depression. Just the other day there was a cat in my back alley comminted suicide because she lost her baby kittens.

45 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

which is why I responded with puzzlement to that first sentence 

Sorry im on my  phone I can't unquote. 

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5 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Unless you are "religious", nothing has absolute value.

Another Nihilist just entered the chat :D

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*broom made out of Pure Love has entered discussion*


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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

But I said in the very next sentence that science shows that animals suffer from kinds of emotions as well. Some animals can have depression. Just the other day there was a cat in my back alley comminted suicide because she lost her baby kittens.

Yes, that part was totally fine. If I can use the ice cream example again: if you had just said "ah yes, that ice cream is pink, so it looks like it could taste like strawberries" (except not in an awkward way lol), that would also be totally fine (which is what you did in the second half of your post). I was only responding to the part that I think was puzzling.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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28 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

@Someone here Bro, chill with your dogma. It’s not productive to you or anyone else on here.

We are on an online forum.. the lack of body language, facial expression, and real, human to human contact, makes it so much easier to bitterly argue, rather than civilly debate, or simply listen, and not feel compelled to toss your hat in the ring.

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:


1 - I know it's a cliché .. But when you REALLY get it.. All those years of your childhood memories never happened. Existence knows nothing about past and future. Even the present is unstable. Can you grasp it or catch it? It keeps changing. Turning Into a past which never happened.

There is no past and no future and no present. Man that's trippy af. 

2-why do we kill bugs and insects? Do we believe that we as humans are the center of the universe? What difference is actually between cats, dogs etc and humans?  If every creature has equal value from the universe's perspective.. Then what difference between Hitler gasing the Jews and between humans gasing chicken for dinner? Do you realize the double standards and bias we have? 

The past still exists in your body.  If you lost an arm when you were 6 years old, you still have a missing arm in the present.   Psychological trauma is imprinted on your brainstem and forms your core beliefs.  

Edited by Jodistrict

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

We are on an online forum..



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9 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Yes, that part was totally fine. If I can use the ice cream example again, if you had just said "ah yes, that ice cream is pink, so it looks like it could taste like strawberries", that would also be totally fine (which is what you did in the second half of your post). I was only responding to the part that I think was puzzling.

I respect that. If someone can present a flawed argument and bring in new facts, and  will immediately integrate that position and distance themselves from their previous stance on the matter, then I will appreciate it.

It is never an ego thing with me. And I apologize if I sound harsh or insensitive

Its about what is actually being said  not who is making the argument.

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