
Is cold approach in a blue country a good idea?

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> night-game' and 'day-game' literally doesn't apply in a Blue country.



I think you're very overblowing how toxic it is. Also you group all blue countries, cities, areas and venues like they're the same

Like India > Mumbai > lively district > night club 

Is diff than 

A rural village in Afghanistan as a black dude 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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Now, I'm going to tell you why I personally am in favor of leaving a Stage Blue country. 

Women here can be broadly classified into two categories. 

The first one is the traditionally minded woman. She will dress modestly, she will embody the cultural archetype of femininity. She will be your stereotypical 'good girl'. She will be sexually repressed. And, she will either be totally closed off to dating, wanting an arranged-marriage, or she will test the hell out of whoever approaches her for a date. You have to have a lot of patience to win her over. Also, her family/community probably has so much control over her life that she probably just won't be able to have a dating-life, unless you're very rich. 

The second one is the 'modern woman'. These women tend to be on the hotter side. The catch with them is that they are very feminist. Aka, they despise men. Making something work with them will be a pain in the ass, at the very least. They will be very controlling and the relationships with them will be loose. Now, if you are not emotionally investing in the relationships, things could work with them. These are the guys who tend to get them, the 'nice guys' who want a loving relationship lose out with them. You have to be a cold and heartless bastard to get them. The thing is that if you date a bunch of these women, you will go through a lot of heartbreak. There will be severe highs and lows in your dating-life as a result of this. Because commitment with a feminist woman will not be very strong. Cuz 'equality'! And 'independence'. 

Now, I have more sympathy for the feminist women here. Because there are very real women's rights issues here. When a white woman talks about the patriarchy, it sounds like 'first-world problems' compared to when a woman here talks about the patriarchy. The whole thing about 'manspreading, mansplaining' is laughable (TW for the snowflakes) compared to the actual issues of women here not being allowed to go to school or work because their family/community is very regressive and religious. And dowry, of course. The pay-gaps are also pretty bad. 

Now, why am I not very hopeful here?! Because neither of these categories of women actually knows themselves and what they want. Neither of them are thinking about compatibility. There isn't a lot of relationship-wisdom here. This poses a serious issue for the long-term sex-life of the relationship, to put it tangibly. This is Stage Blue life. It's a pre-individualistic society. This is why I'm looking to leave this place, specifically to have a better romantic life. 

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@Jacob Morres Even the Taliban uses Twitter. This doesn't mean that they're highly developed people, right?! 

Similarly, just cuz you have nightclubs in some part of the country, doesn't mean that the people there are more developed. I mean, fine, it's possible, in theory. It's just not advisable in practice. 

Or rather, do it at your own risk. If something goes terribly wrong, you were warned. 

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You should talk with people who game in blue countries they'll give you a representation of what it's like gaming. It'll open some diff perspectives 

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4 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:


You should talk with people who game in blue countries they'll give you a representation of what it's like gaming. It'll open some diff perspectives 

And what incentive do they have to tell me the truth? The competition here is ruthless, because there is a severe shortage of people who are open-minded to dating. Cuz arranged-marriage is the norm. 

I have zero trust in people who are high Blue, low Orange here. They lie through their fucking teeth, they're scammers who will do anything for immediate profit. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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And these are not safe countries for women. If you do commit to a woman here, protecting her is its own headache. It's way simpler to just leave and date elsewhere. 

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6 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

The competition here is ruthless, because there is a severe shortage of people who are open-minded to dating

Homie wake up its not nearly this bad 

You're living in a scarcity, wounded mindset 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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@Jacob Morres Where do you live? What do you know about how bad it is? 

I'm quoting people who have any knowledge about what it takes to make a long-term relationship work here. Not the morons who are in clubs and kissing random girls. 

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In the past couple of years, India is officially stepping foot in the door of Stage Orange. The hook-up culture is being declared to be normalized, by the movies that are getting released. (Movies dictate culture here) And, do you know what the overwhelming message is?! 'Love is an illusion'. 'Love doesn't exist'. 'Love is what you define it to be'. 

The materialism of this culture is not going away any time soon. People are not becoming self-aware, conscious of their real motivations behind entering and keeping relationships any time soon. Most youngsters are running away from commitment entirely, because on the other side, is a traditional structure of marriage that they have no knowledge outside of. The culture is becoming more and more decadent, in a nutshell. It's going to get much worse before it'll get better. 

I'm not looking forward to the debasement of the culture, as it enters Stage Orange, if I'm honest. I'm not a big fan of the culture at Stage Blue either, but the pendulum-swing is also not coming from a very conscious place. 

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@mr_engineer I probably agree to move to a first world, it'll be better. But, as someone who's gamed here for a few years, it's def not sunshine and roses here either 

But I think all the evidence you need is to find some wings approach women for a few weeks and you'll see there will be no religious authorities with bats and ull find a ton of chill girls  

But if you wanna move out that's fine (Y), I was just disagreeing with the how bad it was. But I digress 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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1 minute ago, Jacob Morres said:

@mr_engineer I probably agree to move to a first world, it'll be better. But, as someone who's gamed here for a few years, it's def not sunshine and roses here either 

But I think all the evidence you need is to find some wings approach women for a few weeks and you'll see there will be no religious authorities with bats and ull find a ton of chill girls  

Yeah, I've lived in the US for a couple of years. I totally understand. If I'd lived in New York City or something, I would not have been happy with the situation, by any means. 

But, I lived in one of the most progressive, spiritually endowed cities of the US. One of the most Stage Green cities. And, it was amazing, to say the least. I learned that there is a lot more to relationships than what meets the eye. I was able to break out of materialism in the context of relationship, where it's all about cool clothes and sunglasses and hairstyles and stuff. (If you're working on that stuff to look cool, you're ahead of the curve in a Stage Blue culture. So, by doing that, I was already pushing past the center of gravity here.) And, I was able to construct a vision for my relationship-life in which there is true love. It's not about material compromise (Stage Blue) or just getting laid (Stage Orange). 

The important thing is to get knowledge about relationships that's outside the traditional structure. And to meet people who have actual relationship-wisdom. I, personally, value that very highly. Which is why I would rather move to a country whose center of gravity is at Orange and which has certain Stage Green, New-Age hippie pockets. 

Now, there are Stage Green people here too. So, I'm not being racist here and saying that these cultures have no hope at all. There is hope, there is a trajectory forward for them. The thing is that the Stage Green people are very few and far between. There are some SJWs here reacting to toxic Orange behavior, or abuses of power by big CEOs. But, they're very few. I can count them on one hand. And, they're being drowned out by the materialistic horde. They have no impact to speak of, no offense to them. 

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