
Is cold approach in a blue country a good idea?

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Is doing cold approach in a blue country a good idea? And by cold approach I mean day game at malls or other venues. Cause it's very rare to find some guy approaching a woman here in Egypt cause there's so much issues with sexual harassment and its so out of their reality to do such thing for many reasons. I've done it myself and got very mediocre results but I'm always conscious of how bad it may be precieved by people around not necessarily the girl I'm approaching. Is it legit what I'm feeling? Cause I don't wanna come off as an uncalibrated man in the eyes of everyone. Also since it's very rare when a guy does this, you can build a bad reputation in coffee shops or malls which is something that's representing a huge obstacle to me 

Edited by BassamMo

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Your problem is being percieved in the eyes of everyone, thats the sure way to have mediocer life,sign you dont have game(everything else is by default you acting in a ways that put world first and you second aka i dont matter i dont have value)and being a follower which is unattractive...this is like one of the biggest blockers of game...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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9 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Your problem is being percieved in the eyes of everyone, thats the sure way to have mediocer life,sign you dont have game(everything else is by default you acting in a ways that put world first and you second aka i dont matter i dont have value)and being a follower which is unattractive...this is like one of the biggest blockers of game...

Maybe you're right but the idea that I do this in a blue country is always in the back of my mind when I'm doing this. I'm never afraid to approach a cute girl and I always look to close but this always pops up in my mind

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No, it's not a good idea. 

If you want a happy relationship, just get out of a Blue country. 

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@BassamMo i get it me too, but if its not againts the law its a bullshit of the mind and deeper reason that is cause of not being good with girls and life.Proactive creativity(authentic living,assertive,dominant,leader,good at communicating,leading)vs reactivity of the mind(all the opposite).

Not caring (putting yourself first) vs caring (world and women above you)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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2 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

No, it's not a good idea. 

If you want a happy relationship, just get out of a Blue country. 


Without a doubt there will be many great people in any country 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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2 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:


Without a doubt there will be many great people in any country 

The question is - will the Stage Blue society allow you to date in peace? Or, will the religious authorities get in your way and use brute-force to stop you from dating a woman of their community? 

Don't take things like personal sovereignty when it comes to relationship-decisions for granted. This stuff doesn't really exist in Blue countries. There is lots of pressure from parents to get an arranged-marriage. They tend to only want to marry within their community, with people they know. Trust is built through familiarity, there is a huge level of sensitivity against 'outsiders'. Tribalism is huge in such countries. 

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1 hour ago, mr_engineer said:

will the religious authorities get in your way and use brute-force to stop you from dating a woman of their community? 

Also a quite extreme statement 

This only happens in select countries in select areas. This is extremely far from the norm.. 

All situations are different.

 Js the original statement was extreme, if moving out isn't a good option I'm sure he can find ways/alternate methods where ehs from 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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7 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:


Also a quite extreme statement 

This only happens in select countries in select areas. This is extremely far from the norm 


I live in a Stage Blue country. And, it's pretty normal here for pick-up to be equated to sexual-harassment, because the community wants to 'defend their women'. 

There is no such thing as 'sexual autonomy' here. Female virginity is valued very highly, so if you, as a guy, besmirch the purity of their young women, the community will come for you. When you sleep with someone, it is assumed that you intend to commit to them. And, when you don't, the community will see it as 'rape', because you broke a 'promise to commit' that you didn't make, but they assumed that you made. And, consent is supposed to be given under the condition of future commitment. If the promise of commitment is not kept, the consent is revoked in the future. 

Bottom-line - Stage Blue countries are insane. Pick-up and casual sex are too risky in these countries. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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17 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

Js the original statement was extreme, if moving out isn't a good option I'm sure he can find ways/alternate methods where ehs from 

Arranged-marriage is the norm in Stage Blue countries. 

Depending on how developed the country is, you will either have to conform to it or you will have the option to battle the system itself. The battle for sexual-autonomy will be hard won either way. And pick-up is safe only after you have sexual autonomy. 

So, a hell no for pick-up in a Stage Blue country. Maybe go through social circle and date like that. You will be more shielded from the bullshit of the society. But, the danger here is that you may not have access to the hotter women. And you will be psychologically held back by the unconsciousness of your circle. So, there are trade-offs. 

I personally prefer just leaving the country and being free to date. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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4 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

Arranged-marriage is the norm in Stage Blue countries. 

Depending on how developed the country is, you will either have to conform to it or you will have the option to battle the system itself. The battle for sexual-autonomy will be hard won either way. And pick-up is safe only after you have sexual autonomy. 

So, a hell no for pick-up in a Stage Blue country. Maybe go through social circle and date like that. You will be more shielded from the bullshit of the society. But, the danger here is that you may not have access to the hotter women. And you will be psychologically held back by the unconsciousness of your circle. So, there are trade-offs. 

I personally prefer just leaving the country and being free to date. 

You mentioned lots of good points about blue countries but you also didn't mention that there's lots of areas in these countries that are orange and borderline green as well. There's arranged marriages and there's love marriages as well and I'd say it's %60-40 in Egypt where I live but most love stories come from online dating 

Edited by BassamMo

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@BassamMo You will be mentally more safe not dating and commiting to anyone in blue country, although you will be seen as a weird guy. ?

Also, it's way more fun. Pick up a hobby, learn something interesting, explore you gender, ... .

And because it's a blue country, you should not expect that you wll be successful meeting an open-minded girl.

15 hours ago, BassamMo said:

Cause I don't wanna come off as an uncalibrated man in the eyes of everyone

Blues will be blue. It's their nature to be dogmatic. So, they seeing you like that doesn't mean they are right, generally.

An easy way to succeed meeting higher than blue girls is to develop / work on yourself in other areas and you will start meeting the girls you want. But because there are few developed people, dating those girls won't be some casual thing to do.

Edited by Understander

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25 minutes ago, BassamMo said:

You mentioned lots of good points about blue countries but you also didn't mention that there's lots of areas in these countries that are yellow and borderline green as well. There's arranged marriages and there's love marriages as well and I'd say it's %60-40 in Egypt where I live but most love stories come from online dating 

Then it depends on how much you love your culture. 

If you love it, date there. If not, leave. 

And, keep in mind that there will be cultural shadows that you'll have to answer to either way. Things will get tricky at some point if you want something long-term. Be sure that you like your culture for the right reasons. If you do, if you know your culture well enough to make up your mind, you will have solutions to the problems it'll pose to you. But, if you're like me and you're like 'fuck this shit', leave! 

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3 hours ago, BassamMo said:

there's lots of areas in these countries that are yellow

lol. There isn't even areas that are yellow in the most developed countries. Most of humanity in uncivilized unconscious swine.


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37 minutes ago, Roy said:

lol. There isn't even areas that are yellow in the most developed countries. Most of humanity in uncivilized unconscious swine.

Sorry, I meant orange 

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6 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

Bottom-line - Stage Blue countries are insane. Pick-up and casual sex are too risky in these countries. 

To be honest, I still have a different view. In blue countries, many orange+ progressive communities exist in big cities. if you have your own place you can avoid the noise even better. Not everyone there is a strict fundamentalist, and you can find plenty of open-minded people, especially among the younger generation. Just be discreet, as I've seen people do it successfully (though they are girls). I'm just sharing my perspective and don't want to impose any limitations on op.


for example india is a blue country, but it's still doable in many contexts. i'm not sure what your youtube search is like but there are a couple channels in india that teach game and they seem to be doing well

Edited by Jacob Morres

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@Jacob Morres No, it's not doable here. It's very dangerous, there is a mob-mentality relative to any guy speaking to a girl. It's seen as harassment. If someone notices any 'weird behavior', you're getting reported and you're being put on a watch-list. 

There is a lot of backwardness here even relative to single young people in general. Single young people have a hard time renting a place, because of the house-parties. Landlords have a problem with the noise it makes, so some just don't do it. 

I'm just being real about the reality of these countries. Relationships are not about 'love' and 'intimacy' in these countries. They are about who can put food on the table and who can cook and clean. There is a reason arranged-marriage is still the norm in these countries. 

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5 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

@Jacob Morres No, it's not doable here. It's very dangerous, there is a mob-mentality relative to any guy speaking to a girl. It's seen as harassment. If someone notices any 'weird behavior', you're getting reported and you're being put on a watch-list. 

There is a lot of backwardness here even relative to single young people in general. Single young people have a hard time renting a place, because of the house-parties. Landlords have a problem with the noise it makes, so some just don't do it. 

I'm just being real about the reality of these countries. Relationships are not about 'love' and 'intimacy' in these countries. They are about who can put food on the table and who can cook and clean. There is a reason arranged-marriage is still the norm in these countries. 

While I agree with some of the points you mentioned but you kind of ignored the fact that there's also lots of orange communities in these blue countries that would allow you to talk to women but here's the catch, if you do it consistently you'll gather a bad reputation and you don't want that either 

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4 hours ago, BassamMo said:

While I agree with some of the points you mentioned but you kind of ignored the fact that there's also lots of orange communities in these blue countries that would allow you to talk to women but here's the catch, if you do it consistently you'll gather a bad reputation and you don't want that either 

Don't cold-approach on a routine basis in a Blue country. What Leo says about 'night-game' and 'day-game' literally doesn't apply in a Blue country. Even in the best-case scenario, if there are no toxic regressive elements holding you back, someone will ask you 'What are you doing, spending thousands of hours chasing vagina?! Don't you have something more productive or constructive to do with your time?!' You will get a bad reputation, not because you want to get laid, but because it's seen as something decadent and frivolous. Survival is just harder in these countries, so it'll be expected that you have better things to do with your time than to do pick-up. 

If you come across someone cute who you have the opportunity to talk to, take it. But, that would be a lucky accident anyways. It's not too reliable. 

(Don't be surprised if someone gives you a hooker's number, lol. Some pimp will approach you and say 'Here's my girl's number, these will be the charges'.) 

Now, what do you do about social-skills? In a Stage Blue country, privacy and individual identity aren't that much of a thing. So, you shouldn't struggle that much to talk to people in and of itself. Now, learning to treat people with respect is its own thing that you won't learn in a Stage Blue country. This is why you leave and go elsewhere, to a more developed country. 

Stage Blue relationships are not about mutual happiness. Rather, they are about compromise and maintaining a social image. You have to play the image-game even if you don't personally care what other people think of you. The reason is that people, in general, aren't very respectful to each other. So, if they think you're 'weird', they will get into conflicts with you. Very serious, problematic conflicts. Like landlords not giving you an apartment for rent cuz you're young and single. Which is why, originally, I said that if you want a happy relationship, you leave. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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if you're tired of not getting laid and have no excuses then do it 
if not then don't 
if you're not getting result you want or feeling like you can't do it, it's ok, sometimes you win sometimes you lose, it's a game
a game of chance and your chance of getting laid is VERY low if you don't play it proactively
trust that a small part of girls that you approach will love you very much just because you're attractive in her eyes (approaching her makes you more attractive)

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