
e-commerce coaching

4 posts in this topic

Is this worth it? Basically all the info is on the internet. Why would I need a coach for it if I wanted to do it? I feel like coaching is only useful for people who need to be babystepped and aren't that bright. A coach is not a therapist imo. If you need therapy, go seek therapy.

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It's only worth it if you are a really old person with little knowledge of internet marketing. You literally need help signing in and stuff. But if you are old, you might as well just make some payment upfront and ask a marketing company to set up your ads and online shops first instead of joining a course.


Also, instead of joining a course, it might be better to just hire a young person/student to do the ads and online sales for you. You can just pay the student $6 an hour and tell him/her to do this and that and you may be amazed at what they can do because they are of a different generation.





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Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing "e-commerce guru/coaches" and all alike. I've seen "Coaches for Consultants" lmao. I implicitly/intuitively feel that MANY of them are just full of sh*t given how easy it is to sell high-priced digital products but I would imagine some are pretty credible and great.

In all seriousness, it is what is is, If you THINK you need it then you probably don't...but I my approach (bias) stems more along of what Steve Jobs once said:


Edited by Dauntment

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