martins name

Your Experience with Hypnosis?

2 posts in this topic

Maybe hypnosis should be in the actualizers™ tool belt. Please share your experience with it and compare it to other tools. Is it worth it?
I've heard people lose their tobacco addictions with it, so it seems very powerful.

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I went to a hypnotist once when I was 12 and she kinda cured my fear of flying. I say "kinda", because it has actually come back in later years, although not in the same way as before. Before, it was more around the event itself, but now it's only triggered if there is severe turbulence. I actually think it's because I started studying in another city where I started flying these tiny propeller airplanes which are cheaper and used for shorter distances, and the turbulence hits way differently on those ? There will be like a slight breeze and the plane flips upside down and folds in on itself.

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