Something Funny

Microdosing Mushrooms / Advise Needed

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I tried 0.38 gramms of dried mushrooms today (I didn't grind them or make a tea, just ate a whole mushroom) and I feel like I got pretty good results. 

My mood was great and I was able to be productive. So the dosage seems to be about right.

Now I want to start doing it regularly but I am not sure about what is the best schedule. 

Also, I am wondering if I should just keep eating them whole like I did to day or grind them down and make pills or something.

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9 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

Experiment and see what works best for you. Some do it every other day, some every day, no need to plan it better by feel.

What about tolerance build up? If you do it everyday, after how many days will ypu need to take a break? And how long should a break be?

10 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

I grind mine and make pills, that generally works best for me

How do you weigh the pills/powder. Do you use any special tool to scoop it all and to not waste any?

Will the powder loose its potency faster or is it okay if you put it inside of a pill right away?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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8 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

What about tolerance build up? If you do it everyday, after how many days will ypu need to take a break? And how long should a break be?

In my experience the tolerance with shrooms isn't some linear thing that builds up, I don't really understand it. But with your dose, I would always do one day break, or more. The days in between dosing can be the most beautiful ones. As I already said, experiment with it and see what works best.


How do you weigh the pills/powder. Do you use any special tool to scoop it all and to not waste any?

I don't weight the powder, just fill the pills completely and they end up with around 0.2mg shroom powder. No special tool, just a small scoop and my fingers and nothing goes to waste.

28 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Will the powder loose its potency faster or is it okay if you put it inside of a pill right away?

I don't know

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The standard suggested protocol from ThirdWave is 2 days on 1 day off and that was also was working well for me in my experimentation.

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Do you guys feel any noticeable effects when micro dosing? I heard that a micro dose is supposed to be subperceptual but I really don’t get it. 

0,38g I would be mildly tripping. And it's not like I have crazy high sensitivity, my macros tend to be around 3g typically. I tried as little as 0,05g and still had perceptual modulations. 

Maybe I just need to take even less but I am suspiscious that what people call subperceptual is really not subperceptual. 

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@Rigel it did feel like a mild trip for me, yes. 

As I've said this is my first time microdosing. And I wasn't sure how much to take so I just took what intuitively felt right.

@Cireeric @acidgoofy how much do you usually take?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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Some effective examples

1 day on 2 days off 1 day on ect..

1 day on 1 day off

2 days on 2 days off

4 days on 3 days off

or Intuitively..

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@M A J I does a dosage matter in choosing a schedule? 0.4 seems a bit too much for 2 days in a row, no? 

i mean tolerance wise. Like if I took another 0.4 today, it would probably feel much less potent, right?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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9 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

@M A J I does a dosage matter in choosing a schedule? 0.4 seems a bit too much for 2 days in a row, no? 

i mean tolerance wise. Like if I took another 0.4 today, it would probably feel much less potent, right?

Microdosing is usually around 0.1 - 0.25 of a gram, you are not really meant to "feel it" as much, cause then its not really a 'micro-dose' and you have taken to much. It more meant to be experienced like a slight or subtle "enhancement" without any disruptions to daily tasks and motor functions. Anymore is beyond micro-dose territory.

This way you can take the same amounts for a long period of time and experience benefits without any tolerance build up.

(2 months on 1 month rest) is a good practice to incorporate with micro-dosing.

Edited by M A J I

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