
Personal development as exponential curve

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@Leo Gura mentioned in one of his early videos that personal growth is exponential. I have forgot in which video it was. Can you guys help me understand this concept more? Do you believe that personal growth can truly be exponential in various aspects of life, such as relationships, health, physical strength, intellectual growth, awareness, and decision making? Why or why not? Share your thoughts and experiences on whether consistent effort and dedication in these areas have led to compounding results over time.

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If you really focus on understanding whatever you try to understand and put the real work on it. After building strong fondations, there will be a time where you’ll naturally draw lots of connection between anything and all will become more clear and as you are making all this link, it becomes easier and easier to link and every areas of your life will feed this other parts creating multiple virtuous spiral.

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Well, a teacher I know says that the first step is the same step as the last one when it comes to spiritual growth. On the other hand to me it has felt like there has been an increase in the speed of my development after learning how to do the work better and therefore being able to dedicate more time to it. I don't know how that looks in the bigger picture.

New skills and abilities often require more energy from us at the start. Due to this ease of maintaining compared to the beginning, it does seem like things are at least very rewarding since it's like overcoming a hump after which we have more time to spare for other things. 

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I see, so, growing in one area requires lots of energy in the start because we're adapting to it, then once we have adapted / integrated the habit, changed our belief, then we don't have to focus our attention as much on that anymore which frees us to focus on growing on other areas. Once a critical mass of changes has been integrated, then the curve of growth shoots up exponentially. At that point we'll be better able to recognize patterns and be more wise to see the consequences of our actions.

This is such a fascinating topic. What is growing exponentially? Understanding? Clarity? Pattern recognition? Knowledge? Ourselves? Is that a specific thing or all of it.

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Personal development isn't exponential. You are already divine to begin with.

Say you complete a good project this month. You believe you only did it because of the personal development you did. Are you so sure about that? Are you sure that the you from 3 years ago cannot do the same project?

You are getting older with each day. How can life gets exponentially better?



Edited by hyruga

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5 hours ago, hyruga said:

Say you complete a good project this month. You believe you only did it because of the personal development you did. Are you so sure about that? Are you sure that the you from 3 years ago cannot do the same project?




I am definitely sure. :P

It is all about investments. Investments very often know an exponential curve or you might say an arc-tangente(inverse tangente) as after a burst of improvement, you generally stabilize a little bit other wise you would mahasamadhi very soon after your first improvements. But even then the more you have epiphany and stabilize the more it is likely to happen again, so you can not really escape the exponential growth if you are serious about life. 

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If you zoom in : consecutives arc-tan

if you zoom out: exponential

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