
I Want Ego Death And I Want It Fast!

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long ago a monk said to his zen master.if I meditate one hour a day and do yoga for another two how long will it take for me to be enlightened.the master said.approximately 10 years.ok then but what if I meditate for 3 house and do yoga exercises for another 6.then you will get there after 20 years!

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@100rockets If a recipe for baking bread calls for 300 degrees for 20 minutes and you try to rush bake it at 600 degrees for 10 minutes all you will have is burnt bread not fully baked.

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13 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

Osho Dynamic meditation a jet-speed method for inner transformation, for creating a space. Osho Dynamic meditation is a fast, intense and thorough way to break old, ingrained patterns in the body-mind.

Thanks I will look into it

38 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@100rockets If a recipe for baking bread calls for 300 degrees for 20 minutes and you try to rush bake it at 600 degrees for 10 minutes all you will have is burnt bread not fully baked.

Thanks to everyone for the input, I understand that rushing it might be counter productive. But I also know that too little won't get me so far. I really just wanted to know what is the minimum work that needs to be done to attain enlightenment or at least diminishing the ego to a substantial degree in a short amount of time. A few years perhaps, I'm not deluding myself to think it can be done in a week.  

Edited by 100rockets

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What are your motives to become enlightenment?

Are you ready for it?

If your motives come from the ego. Like: you want to be the best or impress others. I think, you are still far from enlightenment.

If you want to stop suffering, you may be closer (like Eckhart Tolle).

I think there is a sign to know if you are ready for permanent enlightenment. Ripe enough to fall from the tree and never come back:

If your main interest in life have been to answer existential questions like: What am I doing here? How did universe come into exsistance? Why we humans behave the way we do? In other words, if want to know the Truth for the sake of knowing the Truth and no other motive, you might be very close.

In conclusion: It’s not a question of wanting to be enlightened. It’s a question of being eager to discover the game of life.

Edited by Andres
Correct typing

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Get a teacher and ask him/her your questions. It's better that someone competent can mirror to you what you are and also point out misconceptions than people that are also just on the path.

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Check out Mooji's Satsangs. People are literally waking up in real time there.

Don't try to become a Buddha. Just be yourself. That is the Buddha.

Bliss out to LeakyBliss ? ➡ https://bit.ly/2Ld2QOC


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@100rockets be careful because when your ego dies, guess what happens?  You and reality merge as one.  Its pretty strange walking around "being" the universe.  You will never return to the old "you".  Its very emotional and jaw dropping as well.  Namaste.

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