
I Want Ego Death And I Want It Fast!

29 posts in this topic

Hypothetically speaking, lets say I was willing to do everything it takes how do I become enlightened fast?

What if I do 2 hours of meditation every day plus 1 hour of self inquiry will that work? how long will it take? tell me please! what do I need to do? why wait 40 years? I need it now!

Edited by 100rockets

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i dont have access to that! And I want it to be permanent

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Self can't get out of self. Contemplate that for a moment 

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12 minutes ago, 100rockets said:

Hypothetically speaking, lets say I was willing to do everything it takes how do I become enlightened fast?

What if I do 2 hours of meditation every day plus 1 hour of self inquiry will that work? how long will it take? tell me please! what do I need to do? why wait 40 years? I need it now!

If you want it that bad, take all your savings, and rent a cabin in the woods.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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37 minutes ago, Afonso said:


Bad advice >:(

40 minutes ago, 100rockets said:

Hypothetically speaking, lets say I was willing to do everything it takes how do I become enlightened fast?

What if I do 2 hours of meditation every day plus 1 hour of self inquiry will that work? how long will it take? tell me please! what do I need to do? why wait 40 years? I need it now!

First awnser the quesion to who wants this.

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51 minutes ago, Shin said:

If you want it that bad, take all your savings, and rent a cabin in the woods.

I dont have savings but I technically live in a cave and I dont interact with humans that much.

21 minutes ago, Bob84 said:

First awnser the quesion to who wants this.

Yes yes I know what you're getting at 9_9  Im looking for a serious breakdown of what needs to be done. I know its the quality that matters but I need some direction whats the minimum I need to do to get this done quickly.  LEO how many hours a day do you spend on this stuff? can you give me a breakdown? Like:

2 hours meditation

1 hour self inquiry

1 hour contemplating

1 hour doing X

(I dont have access to the god stuff >:()

How do I quote user (LEO) when he's not on this thread????

Edited by 100rockets

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1 hour ago, 100rockets said:

Hypothetically speaking, lets say I was willing to do everything it takes how do I become enlightened fast?

What if I do 2 hours of meditation every day plus 1 hour of self inquiry will that work? how long will it take? tell me please! what do I need to do? why wait 40 years? I need it now!

This is ego talk. good luck trying to get rid of ego through ego. the effort of "trying to kill the ego" is egotistical

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1 minute ago, Richard Alpert said:

This is ego talk. good luck trying to get rid of ego through ego. the effort of "trying to kill the ego" is egotistical

100% I'm extremely neurotic right now but so what? I still want to know

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2 minutes ago, 100rockets said:

100% I'm extremely neurotic right now but so what? I still want to know

let go of the want and you might get it

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@100rockets Desire for liberation is good. You need that. The key now is to channel it effectively rather than just to spout hot air.

If you're serious, you can start by reforming your lifestyle. Clean it up. Make it conducive to enlightenment work. Start building the right habits, including mindfulness meditation, clean eating, cutting out TV and other addictions, visualizations, etc.

Then you need to make sure you understand this path conceptually, and all of its traps. Which means lots of study. (See my book list for best enlightenment books).

Then you will be ready to invest more and more time into self-inquiry.

If you're serious, try doing a solo 7-day contemplation/meditation retreat. Plan it out well and spend 7 days straight in contemplation or meditation, with short breaks for eating and naps.

This isn't rocket science. It's all very basic and common sense stuff. The trick is, you gotta actually do it. And your ego will create excuses.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@100rockets Desire for liberation is good. You need that. The key now is to channel it effectively rather than just to spout hot air.

If you're serious, you can start by reforming your lifestyle. Clean it up. Make it conducive to enlightenment work. Start building the right habits, including mindfulness meditation, clean eating, cutting out TV and other addictions, visualizations, etc.

Then you need to make sure you understand this path conceptually, and all of its traps. Which means lots of study.

Then you will be ready to invest more and more time into self-inquiry.

If you're serious, try doing a solo 7-day contemplation/meditation retreat. Plan it out well and spend 7 days straight in contemplation or meditation, with short breaks for eating and naps.

This isn't rocket science. It's all very basic and common sense stuff. The trick is, you gotta actually do it. And your ego will create excuses.

Lifestyle wont be so hard I've just been backsliding but I can get back to it. I can find a few days straight for contemplation I never did that before.

Thank you Leo.


Edited by 100rockets

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Time is you truest teacher, you cannot speed up things.. Only time will tell when your 'ready' and don't worry it will be soon enough if you let go of getting it now.

Short term grasping of enlightenment will not work. Im not enlightened as far as I know but I vow to attain it in this lifetime.

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@100rockets you have a awnser but instead want me to tel you to run around your house 100 times per day O.o.

Sometimes you just need to do one million rounds in order to realize its pointless. Have fun :)

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1 hour ago, 100rockets said:

I Want Ego Death And I Want It Fast!

Try this well-proven 100% guaranteed money-back method:


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@Principium Nexus  I know this intellectually however I'm just very impatient lately and would like to speed it up ;)

18 minutes ago, jse said:

Try this well-proven 100% guaranteed money-back method:


Best answer I swear

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I am a complete newbie but from what I can see from the typical answers on this forum, the fastest way is to realize there is no way and that you are already enlightened but don't know it etc.. while the slower (and less cryptic way) is the "Leo method". From what I can gather from his videos, it should be possible in a couple of years through sustained hard work (meditation, self enquiry, psychedelics and minimalist lifestyle).

''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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36 minutes ago, mp22 said:

I am a complete newbie but from what I can see from the typical answers on this forum, the fastest way is to realize there is no way and that you are already enlightened but don't know it etc.. while the slower (and less cryptic way) is the "Leo method". From what I can gather from his videos, it should be possible in a couple of years through sustained hard work (meditation, self enquiry, psychedelics and minimalist lifestyle).

Dont take those timelines too literally. Those can be a mindfuck for some people. For ekhart tolle it was one night etc. It could be for you too if it was for ekhart. It probably wont, but it could..

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5 hours ago, 100rockets said:

why wait 40 years? I need it now!

Enlightenment happens, you can't force it. If you are in a hurry, it will never happen. If you have infinite patience, it can happen, right now.

Osho Dynamic meditation a jet-speed method for inner transformation, for creating a space. Osho Dynamic meditation is a fast, intense and thorough way to break old, ingrained patterns in the body-mind.

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Doesn't have to take 40 years. Could take less than 2 if you know what to look for and depending on your current situation. If you start doing that amount of meditation and self-inquiry every day you'll soon fall off track.

Meditation habit, yes. I'd say minimum 30 minutes a day, of course if you have time then more is good. Self-inquire, yes.

The process is about gaining awareness of the ego and your concepts and slowly seeing through them all until there's nothing left. You are removing the years of programming which is present.

Bring silence into your life and eat well. I'd also give psychedelics a go at some point. Watch Adyashanti videos for sure. That's my 2c.

Edited by RossE

Founder of The Great Updraft: Articles, Courses + More


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