Leo Gura

Fox News Trial - Most Beautiful News Of The Year

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Great news but would it really make that much of a difference? 

I'm all positive vibes + kundalini energy 

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It's the biggest defamation verdict ever. Not sure what more you want.

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@Leo Gura

44 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's the biggest defamation verdict ever. Not sure what more you want.

   For them to actually stand trial? It's great they immediately conceded and settled and have to pay millions, but that victory is very short and will be mostly forgotten in time, but a lengthy, dramatic court hearing and process? Televised throughout America? That's slightly much better, that'll be more impactful and most will remember longer and it sends a more clear signal to start being more honest and more transparent with your sources.

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I'm asking, if a person appears unbiased for attention and views of looking unbiased, is another bias?

Anything you do as a human is in some way biased, so yes.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's the biggest defamation verdict ever. Not sure what more you want.

Rupert Murdoch to do a DNA test to find out how much of him is reptile. :D

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Makes me appreciate the the BBC and ITV so very much more even though they’re full of shite too. ?? ?

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5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Leo Gura

   For them to actually stand trial? It's great they immediately conceded and settled and have to pay millions, but that victory is very short and will be mostly forgotten in time, but a lengthy, dramatic court hearing and process? Televised throughout America? That's slightly much better, that'll be more impactful and most will remember longer and it sends a more clear signal to start being more honest and more transparent with your sources.

Alot of time, money, and effort went into discovery to factually document all the lies and corruption.  It would be nice to have this laid down as a permanent public record that everyone could access.   The whole purpose of a judicial trial is to establish what is true.  But, that is why Fox settled - so these facts don't become revealed to the public.  Look at how much they were willing to pay.  This is the value that they placed on silence.    

Edited by Jodistrict

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A trial would have been nice, but don't get too greedy. This was a good win nonetheless.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura

5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A trial would have been nice, but don't get too greedy. This was a good win nonetheless.

   All right, I'll settle for Fox settling, but this event must be talked about for more than 3 months, if it's forgotten then it should've made trial, whether Fox wants to or not.

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It should be noted that these weren't just any lies.  But lies that strikes at the legitimacy of democracy and consequently the legitimacy of the government itself.  They were lies that caused a riot at the capital.   That’s the reason why its important to preserve a record, inform the public, and penalize the transgressor.

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4 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

It should be noted that these weren't just any lies.  But lies that strikes at the legitimacy of democracy and consequently the legitimacy of the government itself.  They were lies that caused a riot at the capital.   That’s the reason why its important to preserve a record, inform the public, and penalize the transgressor.

   That's the thing! I'm not American nor am I knowledgeable on the laws, but there should be some exceptions of reversing a ruling or in this case, considering  the wide spread misinformation and harms that could have resulted, they should have went for the public trial and court proceedings and show the world and America what's been happening. Is there a rule for this in the American court system???

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Hopefully with the next trial, smart matic or whatever, Fox won't be able to afford an enormous settlement and will have to go to trial to at least reduce its amount (hopefully smart matic is playing 4d chess to force this) -- they'll probably get out of it somehow but I'm thinking they'll at least go bankrupt. Info vacuum might appear, and unfortunately Fox News viewers don't like leftists very much so it won't be them, but hopefully the normies will just stop watching propagandistic news altogether.

I have no idea the true significance of this though. I could be missing a lot.

Edited by The0Self

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5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   That's the thing! I'm not American nor am I knowledgeable on the laws, but there should be some exceptions of reversing a ruling or in this case, considering  the wide spread misinformation and harms that could have resulted, they should have went for the public trial and court proceedings and show the world and America what's been happening. Is there a rule for this in the American court system???

It's not a ruling.  It's a settlement which is a binding agreement between two parties to resolve the dispute.    

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10 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

It's not a ruling.  It's a settlement which is a binding agreement between two parties to resolve the dispute.    

   Okay, but do you see the significance of what I'm asking? For example, yes, if you caught a mass shooter or serial rapist, and due to the nature of the crime it's that atrocious that there's nation wide coverage, and  a trail is underway most likely, whether they plead guilty or not, whether they're offered to settle and take this to court. In comparison, Fox News's harm and damages due to misinformation is HUGE! VERY HUGE!!! That's nothing compared to one mass shooter that may have killed several children and teachers and injured 10 more, or that serial rapist having had 5 victims and killed 2 of them, Fox's potential zone of harm is much much greater as there's 100 millions of viewers, 10 millions of viewers, most are normal, some aren't maybe 1,000,000 suffer from some mental health issues and mental stresses, some less have actual mental disorders, listening to misinformation that makes these people susceptible to wrong information, maybe 10,000 people take seriously and act on that. Can you see my point of view, why this should have gone to court? That Fox News needs far more accountability as a news agency to stand trial, and not settle, in comparison to the mass shooter and serial rapist?

   Another more relevant example, the above is to get my emotion across, this one also deals with the scale: take @Leo Gura's story of having to deal with a business partner that ran off with payments, and having to travel to Toronto to make his case. In an alternative scenario they could both agree to settle, and not take to court, which is fine to me because the dispute is between two people. At scale, because Fox News is bigger and has many bad faith actors, dealing out BS and misinformation, when it does this to some other business group, in theory at scale it's obfuscating and distraction when a settlement is agreed upon, a slap in the wrist when they should've, the government, proceed to the court room.

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11 hours ago, The0Self said:

Hopefully with the next trial, smart matic or whatever, Fox won't be able to afford an enormous settlement and will have to go to trial

Fox can easily afford another $1B settlement. They earn more than $1B per year in profits.

If they settled this one, makes no sense for them to not settle the next one.

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27 minutes ago, JTL said:

The iceing on the cake ?





Edited by Extreme Z7

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I wouldent be suprised if Tucker ran for president himself in the future.

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Tucker leaving Fox is now the most beautiful news lol.

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Tucker said word 'Shill' to a general audience. This raises a question and an implication. Cant have that. You are allowed to play left and right but you are not allowed to question the meta game.

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