
Can't take rejections anymore

16 posts in this topic

I have taken several courses on pickup and performed around 500 approaches over the course of 2 years. on that time I went from being almost a virgin to around 14 lays mostly from tinder, but a few from daygame. all this looks good so far. but over the last year and half my results became zero, I had a few months were I did daygame and nightgame couple of times a week and had a few dates but most of them with low caliber girls to my standard(mentally and physically). What changed between the time where I had some success and after is that in the beginning I would devote most of my energy only to pickup and would rely mostly on routines to get girls to my bed where Now I'm focussed mostly on my LP and don't have neither the mental bandwidth nor the desire to think about pickup techniques, so I just show up as my authentic self.

I have reached a point where I fear approaching mostly because of the vast number of rejections I received since I started playing as my real self. it's almost unbearable to talk to new girls. when I go out with friends and they talk to girls I almost don't interact with the girls they open because I already assume they won't like me.

I know what I should do is just keep going out and opening but can't bare rejection anymore. My current plan is focus on doing psychedelic exploration of myself and try to understand what's going on in that way.

I struggled to relate with girls for most of my life except for the short period of my life where I would use routines and manipulation to get laid

Just wanted to share it with you and listen to your perspectives.

Edited by pablo_aka_god

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Approaches should never be something you force yourself to do. You have to reach a point where you're so healthy, energized and happy with yourself that you automatically approach girls without even thinking about it. 

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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bro trust me some girls won't get attracted to your true authentic funny introvert self but the best girls will and they'll almost guaranteed to sleep with you if you stick in there (but don't be too attached and clingy, let them breathe and be their true self too ) BUT FIRST all of that will never happen if you don't approach ! 

get excited going in the battlefield you'll die a brave man or live a brave man either way you still gain experience

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Contemplate what rejection really is...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, pablo_aka_god said:

performed around 500 approaches over the course of 2 years. on that time I went from being almost a virgin to around 14 lays

That is a phenomenal result.

You are complaining over nothing. Your attitude is all wrong and negative. And if girls are rejecting you so much then you gotta really work on your game. You need to analyze how you are doing the approaches wrong.

If 14 girls slept with you from online then obviously you're an above average looking, fairly attractive guy. Your game just sucks. Learn proper game. Study the theory, identify your sticking points, maybe take a bootcamp.

And most importantly, stop being so negative. You got laid more in 2 years than most guys will in their entire life.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, pablo_aka_god said:

I have taken several courses on pickup and performed around 500 approaches over the course of 2 years. on that time I went from being almost a virgin to around 14 lays mostly from tinder, but a few from daygame. all this looks good so far. but over the last year and half my results became zero, I had a few months were I did daygame and nightgame couple of times a week and had a few dates but most of them with low caliber girls to my standard(mentally and physically). What changed between the time where I had some success and after is that in the beginning I would devote most of my energy only to pickup and would rely mostly on routines to get girls to my bed where Now I'm focussed mostly on my LP and don't have neither the mental bandwidth nor the desire to think about pickup techniques, so I just show up as my authentic self.

I have reached a point where I fear approaching mostly because of the vast number of rejections I received since I started playing as my real self. it's almost unbearable to talk to new girls. when I go out with friends and they talk to girls I almost don't interact with the girls they open because I already assume they won't like me.

I know what I should do is just keep going out and opening but can't bare rejection anymore. My current plan is focus on doing psychedelic exploration of myself and try to understand what's going on in that way.

I struggled to relate with girls for most of my life except for the short period of my life where I would use routines and manipulation to get laid

Just wanted to share it with you and listen to your perspectives.

@pablo_aka_god I'd do a deep dive on inner work. Ie something like pstec or ifs therapy. Plus start a meditation practice of some sort that clicks with you.

Also, field report

Edited by Ulax

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One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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Thank you all for your comments. I have an amazing life that I have built with hard work but this area has been driving me insane for the last couple of years because seems so counterintuitive to how all the other areas of life work that I still struggle to wrap my head around it. Still I will make a conscious effort to focus on all the good stuff in my life.

Edited by pablo_aka_god

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The thing is some guys when they get a girl its always turns into a long term relationships because there girl get addicted to them. But in your case you had 14 lays in 2 years and non of them stuck around. This is a potential red flag, why arent girls sticking around? 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Sleeping with what averages out to a new girl every 2 months is tremendous results. You are selling yourself short. The overwhelming majority of men can't even get sex with a different woman yearly.

It sounds like you've already put a decent amount of work into that area of your life and should let it coast for a while. You are being too hard on yourself and have a flawed perspective.

I would focus on other areas of your life and other reasons you might be unhappy with rejection. You don't have to club/pick-up every weekend. Just put a few hours into dating here and there.


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@Roy Thanks for your comment. I got used to very good results too fast and after my focus changed my results were greatly reduced and I became frustrated, Also started to compare myself with very promiscuous friends I have and felt bad for spending several months without getting laid. 

I'm going to work on focussing on all the great things I have

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@integral thanks for your reply, the crazy thing is that I'm in an distance open relationship with a girl I met in Colombia 6 months ago and I'm going to visit her next month, it's my first serious relationship with a girl so this is actually great progress. But because I live in Argentina I became very negative about the fact that it's been 3 months since I came back from Colombia and haven't gotten laid since. Also before leaving to Colombia I spent several months without sex, that's why I left in the first place.

My main issue is negativity as I said to Roy above I got some results quickly and maybe I became a little entitled, also I have very promiscuous friends so I wrongly compare with them and feel bad.

I will focus on the lots of good things I have and will try to not compare with them, it's hard since they love to talk about their promiscuous lives but will try

Edited by pablo_aka_god

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8 hours ago, RebornConsciousness said:

Almost every man has multiple involuntary dry spells in his life. That's why certain industry is allowed to exist.

It doesn't exists only because of dry spells. It exists because men are horny asf...dry spells or not. No complaint here. Lol. 

8 hours ago, RebornConsciousness said:



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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You got decent results, so there is nothing wrong with you. You know that if you did it a few times, you can repeat it.

I had my time when I used routines because I was very shy. And that gave me confidence. But leaving them behind... was tough, it was like starting again almost from scratch. But is the good move long term.


If your focus is your LP or exploring psychedelics, go for it and forget about girls.

Listen to your inner voice and go with it.

Is tough to balance 2 or 3 big things at once. But be sure you are not changing your focus as an escape.



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5 hours ago, RebornConsciousness said:

Of course

Give the average woman a shot of testosterone, and she'll understand why men think the way they do very quickly LOL

Still, some of the sex workers I've met are some of the most inteligent people I've ever met. It's inherently smart to make money from the thing you enjoy doing. Which of course, doesn't mean a big portion of the industry isn't fucked up. Gotta pick the good apples from the bad ones. Or maybe not pick at all.

Both genders have both hormones. Men just have more. Give a woman a shot of testosterone and she might just grow a beard. How'd you like that.?. Don't be fooled, most women in the industry don't really enjoy the act with strangers. They might enjoy the rewards or maybe enjoy the idea of making $$ that way, but most aren't going around saying they're enjoying making $$ doing what they love. Not with strangers anyway. Our food industry is more fucked up than the sex industry, also our Government system and many other "legitimate" systems in our society. It's only put down because most people see it as immoral and doesn't take much brains. From my experience, there's a lot more immorality and "non-brainy" things happening in our society than women trying to make a living where there's a high demand and being of service. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Yeah, it does sound like you got over-entitled due to your short period of good results, then you set unrealistic expectations for yourself, which then led to you being very negative due to ''failing''. And this negative energy you carry around with yourself when talking to girls, is destroying you, which then leads to further negativity, and then the downward spiral is complete.

This particular is an inner-game issue, which is most of game anyway. Of course, there probably is more outer game to learn as well, but that is for another time.

Practice self-love more and have patience + compassion towards yourself. 

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