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Victimization is an energy protection mechanism

3 posts in this topic

Many people have very strong pent up energy charges caused by trauma and/or prolonged stress.
It's like having techtonic plates in your brain.

I tend to sabotage myself, to tell myself classic incel victimization stuff.
One day I got overconfident and for the first time I "flirted" a girl on a train and took her number.
After a brief exchange she finally explained that she was not interested.
It was nothing, just the refusal of a random girl, but this refusal woke up things buried so strongly that I basically fell into depression for several days, I could not do anything but stay in my bed. , I didn't even want to eat anymore, it was hard.

Everything is energy, people take psychedelics/antidepressants/drugs of some sort, not because the effect of the particular neurotransmitter is "good", but because it increases brain activity and blood sugar.
I can literally change my mindset and outlook on my image by doing something that raises my blood sugar, like pull-ups, push-ups, etc.
Because it gives your brain/CNS the impression that it will be able to absorb (and "expunge") a stronger emotion, in this case failure
I also noticed that a lot of ruminating was used to do this, when I was younger I spent ruminating over and over again, fantasizing about destruction, and then a moment passed and I became normal or even optimistic again.

The guys on or this kind of forum are just traumatized, they looked for a way to live the emotion they have to live, but they can't/hardly because they are too alone.

It's all about loneliness really.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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6 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

It was nothing, just the refusal of a random girl, but this refusal woke up things buried so strongly that I basically fell into depression for several days, I could not do anything but stay in my bed. , I didn't even want to eat anymore, it was hard.

That's why so many people are incels. Getting the whole dating thing off the ground takes tons and tons of rejection, so you have to basically be rejection proof eventually, though in the beginning it's hard. For me it was an extremely stressful process that I can now see many men are afraid to start, and for good reason, but if those guys only knew that that's simply what it takes, many of those guys would be fine.

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7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

The guys on or this kind of forum are just traumatized

They're just a bad case of it. The vast majority of people are traumatized to a certain degree. The ability to get traumatized helped people survive in prehistory so it's really just a part of the human condition.  

7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Everything is energy, people take psychedelics/antidepressants/drugs of some sort, not because the effect of the particular neurotransmitter is "good", but because it increases brain activity and blood sugar

Smart people could use psychedelics to rewire their brain (ie fix their energy) so it could be at a healthier baseline state. 

7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

but they can't/hardly because they are too alone.

It's all about loneliness really.

Being alone only leads to loneliness if the loner feels that his lonesomeness is a problem.

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