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Is writing down my fears bad?

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I am not that developed person in terms of personal development. I guess I am pretty ordinary. I have some anxiety issues like many others do. And I thought if I write down my fears everyday, I would be able to more clearly see my fears and maybe overcome them. Now, its has been over a year doing this but it didn't really helped. Maybe it is because I just write them for sake of writing and do not pay careful attention. Also, I write them very simple usually in one sentence. I do this at the end of the day, and most of the days I can usually recall at least one anxiety I felt throughout the day. Days that I really cannot recall being anxious is very few.  And my anxiety is usually petty stuffs. Anyway, I am kind of wondering writing down my fears is actually bad. Would it have sort of a affirmation effect? Also, would it be bad in terms of the law of attraction?

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