
A General Question - Not Intended to Offend Anyone

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This is a general question. I do not intend to offend anyone.

I see a lot of people here pursuing on enlightenment stuff. How come you guys have time for this? I barely have time to do these - mind you I've got into this stuff a bit. Strong Determination Sitting, lots of times doing holotropic breathwork myself at home (this one really changed me a lot - I think).

Do you guys, many of you, have managed to pay your bills? Do any of you work in the IT field? A developer or DevOps engineer or SysAdmin?

I'm just occupied, my time is consumed by the things I need to learn to get better at work - honestly I'm not bad at studies, so lot of things I learn are not something that I should've learned instead of wasting time.

I know the value of turning inwards - at times I feel "Why am I living? Why do I have to enjoy if not work?", other times I'm just occupied with studying tech-related things.

So I just wanted to know how you guys manage? And let's say I want to dive into awakening and enlightenment stuff, how should my attitude be? The right mindset?

I apologize if I offended any of you, not truly my intention.

Thank you.

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Mindset: Be a 2-year-old, like the gentleman below. And just look if its doable. And scare the adults :D


And a Meditation Technique that allows you to carry the meditation as soon as possible (but not before) off the pillow, into daily life.

  • For example "Pointing Out the Great Way, Daniel Brown". Starting with the Yoga of One Taste, it can be done off the pillow, while working and in daily life.
  • Realistically, only when you can use large parts of your life for meditation you can bring enough "momentum" to get visual field to become nondual and mere groundless appearance. But that can be done living a normal life with a normal job. At least my experience.
  • Starting Yoga of One Taste (for example in the book above, Page 382, " Bringing Forth Awakened Wisdom by Cognition- and Perception-Simultaneousness"),  you can  take the mental continuum INCLUDING thoughts as "meditation-object", and still don't loose Mindfulness. Its an advanced technique, and needs previous concentration meditation and practice on the pillow. But if you can do it, you can use large parts of your day. Maybe not highly distracting conversations in the beginning, but most of the rest. (One Taste in the Yoga of One Taste means Nonduality. The visual field gets nondual if you do that long enough. The One Taste of all arisings thoughts/perceptions/exerpiences/world bubble).
  • Take that book as your bibel (if you are so inclined :)), practice, read it 5-10 times, because you need practice-experience to understand the more advanced parts. For me, it worked nicely.

And some Psychedelics to get previews of what its all about....

Bon voyage!

Selling Water by the River

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My life is devoted to God. There is nothing more important. All I do with my free time after work is think about god. No family maybe hang out with friends one night a week. I spent the first 33 years of my life terrified of quieting my mind now God has given me peace to focus on him.


A smart man use his voice to sing song about money and family a wise man knows the only thing your voice should be used for is to worship God everything else is just filler

Edited by Hojo

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To the breaking point, the more occupied your mind is, the more difficult to disidentify from it. Beyond the breaking point is being. The flow state is not only freedom from identification with the mind, but it is unconditional energy which enhances everything, including the deliverables you produce at work.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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8 hours ago, caesar13 said:

So I just wanted to know how you guys manage? And let's say I want to dive into awakening and enlightenment stuff, how should my attitude be?

The attitude I recommend is:

- desire to embrace the unknown, even if there’s a ton of resistance in you.

- radical open-mindedness

- willingness to drop ideas you hold onto for dear life, even if they appear to be 100% correct to you and everyone else you surround yourself with.

8 hours ago, caesar13 said:

The right mindset?

When you truly understand what’s going on, you won’t need the right mindset. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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In my opinion, awakening stuff is on the higher echelon of the hierarchy of needs. Personally, I'm trying to just figure out how to do basic survival still. Introspection is helpful but I'm not going to weigh myself down with any expectations to be more "enlightened" than I am.

I sometimes have my inner musings on the nature of reality, which I'll entertain if they ever come up but I don't feel any need to embody any type of spiritual awakening. If I do fel that motivation, it is usually because I think it'll help me solve my problems somehow which is probably the wrong mindset.

I just take things as they come, one thing at a time.

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As I've said, your career determines what you will be able to understand about reality. So be careful what career you choose. If you're not careful you will waste your whole life staring at a computer screen.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

As I've said, your career determines what you will be able to understand about reality. So be careful what career you choose. If you're not careful you will waste your whole life staring at a computer screen.

Furthermore, the career options you have access to at a given time hinges greatly upon your openness to try new things. This requires being adamantly clear and honest about what your values and vision are for yourself.

[I’ve heard there’s a great course one can take to figure that out ;)]

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Everyone has time for that which they prioritize. Chances are that getting better at your job will do less for your life overall than consciousness work done well. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you're not careful you will waste your whole life staring at a computer screen.

And then to add insult to injury an AI will replace you


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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work is essential. You are taking a lot of what society gives. look at your phone where you write things in the forum, the work and passion of many has made it possible. what do you give in return? you have to give passion too

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@Leo Gura then you work your ass off in order to learn AI and not be replaced, and waste your life staring at a computer screen doing AI.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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this body rises at 3 sits until 7, doing nothing is a mystifying waste of time and major annoyance for a mind, the rest of the day anything is ok

happy to die the way things are

Edited by gettoefl

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I'm awake and have a full time job in government.   I contemplate being the divine all the time.  It's not like work prevents me from realizing I'm God imagining everything.  But wow, I've been tripping on this notion of God Realization and it's amazing.  I am an enigma even to my True Divine Self.  How can anyone not want to embrace the mystery of the divine is beyond me.

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4 hours ago, Ramu said:

How can anyone not want to embrace the mystery of the divine is beyond me.

They do, it’s just that they do it the way they know how based on their state of consciousness (among other things, of course). 

Take someone who climbs Mount Everest solo, for example. Or even someone who’s at a pizza restaurant with their friends and decides to order a pizza that they’ve never tried before.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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4 hours ago, Ramu said:

How can anyone not want to embrace the mystery of the divine is beyond me.

Most people prefer to do it in small installments :) 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Different phases in life

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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