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Shrooms trip report

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@Leo Gura Out of 7g I took 3 long strains and had these epiphanies.

I am God creating reality. By God I don't mean the ego me the universal me. The reason why I can't get what I want is because I have to maintain the ego.(the ego which thinks it's unattractive who will never find the one)  I have to change my entire identity to reach milestones. I realized suffering exists because God loves playing games with itself. It wants the ego to experience ying and yang to expand it's consciousness. I cried learning I have to love myself before I expect other people to accept me. I still have some strains left but this trip was profound.

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Very good, and yes well learned. If you think about it, the reflection in the mirror will never smile unless "you" smile first, the reflection is your Universe, that is why there is a "U" there :)

As above so below, as within so without.

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