
List 4 Things That Do Not Bother You Anymore?

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*list as many as you want..... :)

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Wow. There is a huge list for me. I ve grown so much and I have let go a lot of things. And I love it.

1. My ex. I used to freaking hate him. Its a long time ago that I let this anger go,and this sadness go, and I for sure have lived with a lot of benefits since then. 

2. I stopped fighting with my dad. I used to hate him,but then I let the feeling of hatred and frustration go. Its awesome as well.

3. My acne. This is a huge deal for me. I let that go. Its so liberating. Now,that doesnt bother me anymore. I dont even put the effort to cover it. Its there and I embrace it. I like it. Its a part of me.

4.In general,the bad opinions other people have for me. And I wouldn't have done SO MUCH WORK on it If I haven't read about Abraham Hicks teachings. I truly LOVE Esther.

5. My crush...Not that he used to bothering me,no. But me thinking of him,that I can never approach him. I doesnt bother me amymore. Im more liberated than ever. Now I dont mind If I never try with him. I had to let 'him' go. Amd I did. It feels perfect.

ALOT OF THINGS BABY. A LOT. things that are just tiny that were still bothering me,but not now. I wonder If it is helpful to post them here. ???

Edited by egoeimai

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- Hating things

- Negative emotions/ getting mad

- People projecting their neurotic petty intentions 

- Awkwardness


Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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What I think of me

What people think of me

What other people believe/do

What my future will be like

EDIT: wow, when I think about it, that's a lot, 8 months earlier I was so weak !

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Approval (to an extend) still a massive people pleaser though. This will take many years for me to weed out. 

The intense anger I had from 5-15 -- I almost never get angry anymore even when people disrespect and or humiliate me. 

My self-judgement (to an extend). It'll never truly go away completely. 

Self-sabotage: I am more aware of it and I know how to not sabotage myself when building new habits. Took 2 years for me to really let go of self sabotage. 


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-Having "nothing to do"

-When things don't go as planed

-People's worldview 

-Being alone


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My ego :P

He says: sorry cant come up with more :D

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  • My past
  • Being alone
  • What people think about me
  • American dream life ( study, work, good job, car, big house, husband, lot of kids, a dog, decorate the house and happily ever after, maybe get a fish, and a parrot cause I would still be looking for the happiness outside myself and everything that filled that empty hole made by all my illusions)

I cant even think about the "old" me, I was a marionette of society and my ego

Reminded me of the song "human" from the killers, I used to sing and didn't even know what I was saying xD

"are we human? Or are we dancers?"

Close your eyes, clear your heart, cut the cord.. 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare



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@Loreena Great question :)

Things that do not bother me anymore are: 

  • Familly rules, having to visit my grandmother, aunt, cousins, ect
  • Goals
  • Society norms

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Singing in public! (Sometimes people get mad at me, but I'm more in tune with when and where it's appropriate!)

My very simple appearance, and yes the acne doesn't bug me as much anymore

Communicating with people

Speaking Spanish without hesitation

Being awkward

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It's not that they don't bother me at all, but it's all greatly mitigated

1.Thoughts and beliefs.

2. Opinions of others

3. Limitations of my "self" as human and individual

4. The fact that I will never bang Natalie Portman

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1. Being Authentic - Rarely did I express my TRUE SELF

2. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) - I used to always feel like i'd "just missed" something. Now I figure it wasn't meant to be so who gives a fuck!

3. Having zero general knowledge on pop culture (Yes i actually felt STUPID when I didn't know the actor or singer they were talking about) - Now I realise I was filtering this garbage information for a REASON. 

4. Death. - I was terrified of this concept "HELL", thanks Christian high school!

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• being alone - especially when I had depression I couldn't be on my own. It was torturous! Now I actually prefer it usually.

• lack of noise - used to almost always have some sort of noise going on - music, TV. Now I can both embrace silence and some good music.

• having no plans - used to really hate being "unproductive" with my time, now I appreciate having no plans so I can just do whatever I want!

• other people's behaviour - when you start this journey it's easy to judge others. I still do, but a lot less. If they want to talk about meditation or enlightenment I'll talk, but I don't force it on them.

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1. People who act narcissistic

2. Losing

3. Perceptions of me

4. Obsessions about the timing of events

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to wait

the most annoying thing ever


One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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1. Fear of meeting people

2. Being alone

3. Not starting a family (still worries me, but not as much)

4. Gray city life

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