
John's Practical Guide to Enlightenment

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I recently created a guide of how to practice enlightenment work for my friend, and I figured I would post it to the forum as well. It consists of three sections, one being a summary of what enlightenment is, another being my most powerful guided contemplation thought exercise, and the last section a list of some of leo's videos in chronological order of how they should be watched and contemplated, and how to go about contemplating them. Highlighted portions are to be most contemplated and important. See attached doc below. 

John’s Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment.pdf

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Good for realizing no self.  But there is much more to become conscious of than that  .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Great post, thanks for sharing

Are you familiar with Steven Norquist's essay on enlightenment? I've been all over the place with god realization experiences, but I had my first real taste of no self while reading his essay. It was freaky

I'm at an interesting point on my journey, for so long I've been all into chakras and healing, then "enlightenment" (peak experiences) and God realization, life is a game, life is a cosmic joke, etc etc. I was on that track for so long

Even now I sit here and I think, oh please let God realization be the real end. It can't be true that the final truth is abiding in no self..

Anywho. No self contrasts so supremely with every other teaching I've devoted myself too. I'm learning what words describe it so I can read more about it... I'm also looking again at teachers that I had put aside as being too weak sauce cause it wasn't dripping in cosmic God realized bliss lol.. like Adyashanti, Jed McKenna is enlightened too

Have you "crossed over" permanently yourself? It IS the freakiest thing and I struggle. Adya seemed mostly fine with it but Jed and even Steven describe all of the difficulties with letting go, Steven wrote a small book called Haunted Universe about his experience, and McKenna even calls no-self enlightenment a boobyprize

You describe it very well. Although, I also wonder if the linked Leo videos are more helpful or harmful for realizing no self, I get the impression that even though he's describing a big empty space, that maybe that space has a little "self" in there somewhere.  He's also steered clear of no self teachings since

Here's Steven Norquist's essay if you haven't seen it

Other essays

Best wishes

Edited by cosmic fool

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@cosmic fool Great stuff right there thank you for replying to my post and giving me some good content, I very much appreciate it. I just read Steven Norquist's essay, and it makes me want to pursue enlightenment so badly. However, this leads me to my next point, which is I have NOT permanently crossed over, because after my first couple successful enlightenment experiences after three years of practicing Leo's enlightenment contemplation exercises, I got the shit scared out of me, and told myself never again. To feel yourself physically start to disappear, well, that is some extremely heavy stuff. It made me realize that I have a lot more fundamental things to work on in my life before I attempt a strike at the top of that pyramid again. Since then, I have gotten a lot of shit together in my life, and am almost at the point where I need to be to try again. This is the second ultimate thing to realize on my bucket list, the first being god realization.

Now, because of my 3+ years of only contemplation at this point (no real meditation or psychedelics), my mental contemplation muscle for enlightenment is basically on steroids, meaning that with a simple hour of contemplation at any moment, I could spill into enlightenment at any time. It is difficult for me to keep myself at a level where I do not start to forget what I have learned which could possibly take me further away from enlightenment causing me to forget the means of getting back there, while at the same time making sure I do not spill into enlightenment when I am not ready, and have dropped all attachments to the small self.  As I have said the article you have sent gets me very excited, but I know not to be fooled: this is some serious heavy shit, and I have to be extremely careful.

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To be honest this is excellent and I saved a copy. I encountered such a thing very briefly, and now it's been so long I no longer feel I can trust myself that it really happened.

Earlier on the treadmill I stared at a sign on the wall and tried to take myself out of the equation but it just was not possible.

I think it's not going to be possible again until I'm dead. Until then I'm just trying to accomplish the impossible task of recreating something that happened. Like there's a magic thought that will make it happen again...

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@ActualizedJohn When it first happened I felt Satan (metaphorically speaking here) had tricked me into stumbling across something nobody should or would ever want to know. I also tried to take it out of my mind and promised I'd never let myself get there again.

I think largely it is because we are taught something different, I think largely it's the shock of the situation that scares us. It doesn't seem natural, it seems something abnormal is happening.

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Steven Norquists descriptions are spot on. 

But the reactions of "Hauntedness/scary/nothing there/groundless" are ... more arising of the breaking-apart (or rather transcending) of personality/Ego/separate self dynamics at the face of the Abyss/Nothingness. You get used to that after some time.

  • Not the small you, but the big You. The small you at some point just travels through You/Reality like the wind, like any other arising. Not anymore a separate self, but a part, something of the big You/Reality, still functioning, but not separate. 
  • Which then after some getting used to, is not scary, but becomes lovely. Norquist also said that he (and anybody other realizing that) wouldn't trade that realization and the ensuing states for anything else.

The True You is all of Reality, so nothing more falls away than certain separate self illusion arisings in You/Reality. So nothing really essential falls away. Just some kind of mistaken Identity/Illusion. That caused a lot(!) of suffering in the first place. You are infinitely more than these separate-self arisings.

But that realization is "protected" by those scary scary arisings (Haunted, No Person there, Green Mile,...). Courtesy of and best regards from Maya herself. How much its scary...

  • ...depends also on the speed how fast you get dropped into that Abyss of the Real No-Self.
  • If its fast, its probably more scary than on slowly dissolving over time. Then its more like a mild scary fear, like Francis Lucilles Enlightenment:

Steven Norquists progress was rather fast, see his bio. There is a video-lecture of him, where he tells his story.

The gateless gate can seem scary from the opening entry. 

Something like: First time?


Hope my taste of humor is not misunderstood.... :$ :) . In case it is, please recheck for relaxation the last video with the smoking stuff I posted.

Selling Water by the River



"99.999% of the spiritual books and teachers out there are completely wrong. They are wrong for one simple reason, they are not enlightened, they don’t know what’s going on. So in order to keep the illusion of personality, of the idea that there is something or someone, they invent stories, or theories, or ideas, wear special clothes, perform certain rituals and so on. They teach this stuff. But the truth is so simple, it is laughable.

Now let me make a clear distinction on one point, mystical experience is not enlightenment. You may have mystical experience, see God, get abducted by aliens, receive messages from an angel, contact your spirit guides, the list could go on. But always and forever, no matter what is going on the truth is, every experience, mystical or ordinary is a happening of Universe/Consciousness."

99.999% is probably a bit much, but a scarily large part teaches something like nonduality/God-whatever/Infinity with certain aspects/filters/lense of certrain remaining separate self elements still well and alive, and identifying with that. Maya is a High Performer 9_9. Nearly 100% success rate. And she can also handle the candidates on the finishing line also quite well...

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1 hour ago, OldManCorcoran said:

To be honest this is excellent and I saved a copy. I encountered such a thing very briefly, and now it's been so long I no longer feel I can trust myself that it really happened.

Earlier on the treadmill I stared at a sign on the wall and tried to take myself out of the equation but it just was not possible.

I think it's not going to be possible again until I'm dead. Until then I'm just trying to accomplish the impossible task of recreating something that happened. Like there's a magic thought that will make it happen again...

Lots of people believe that there is an incredibly small percentage chance that even if you pursue enlightenment as hard as you can, that you still wont get it. From experience however, if you try absolutely with 100% effort as hard as you can, there is a 100% chance you will  get it. If you can't get it, you aren't trying 100%. 

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31 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

This is the common notion of no-self and I agree with Leo that that's not "it".

But moreover I would say that's not actual no-self. Just a shift from localized personal self to unlocalized impersonal Self. 

Couldn't agree more. Thanks for the reply.

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Somebody heard the sound of the One Hand clapping here? Did a No-Self hear it? 

Sorry, just kidding along. 9_9

If there is doubt that what Steven Norquist describes is Enlightenment, then


Sorry. Just my humble perspective. Then just lets agree to disagree. :)

Bon voyage

Selling Water by the River

Edited by Water by the River

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But according to Leo, no one on this forum is awake.  According to Leo enlightenment and no self is all bullshit, so I guess we have to start over from scratch.  I thought I might be making some progress but Leo's new stance is that we're all misguided and stupid.

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On 4/18/2023 at 0:06 PM, OldManCorcoran said:

@ActualizedJohn When it first happened I felt Satan (metaphorically speaking here) had tricked me into stumbling across something nobody should or would ever want to know. I also tried to take it out of my mind and promised I'd never let myself get there again.

I think largely it is because we are taught something different, I think largely it's the shock of the situation that scares us. It doesn't seem natural, it seems something abnormal is happening.

On 4/18/2023 at 1:34 PM, Squeekytoy said:

This is the common notion of no-self and I agree with Leo that that's not "it".

But moreover I would say that's not actual no-self. Just a shift from localized personal self to unlocalized impersonal Self. 

Couldn't agree more. Thanks for the reply.

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On 4/18/2023 at 0:47 PM, Water by the River said:

Steven Norquists descriptions are spot on. 

But the reactions of "Hauntedness/scary/nothing there/groundless" are ... more arising of the breaking-apart (or rather transcending) of personality/Ego/separate self dynamics at the face of the Abyss/Nothingness. You get used to that after some time.

  • Not the small you, but the big You. The small you at some point just travels through You/Reality like the wind, like any other arising. Not anymore a separate self, but a part, something of the big You/Reality, still functioning, but not separate. 
  • Which then after some getting used to, is not scary, but becomes lovely. Norquist also said that he (and anybody other realizing that) wouldn't trade that realization and the ensuing states for anything else.

The True You is all of Reality, so nothing more falls away than certain separate self illusion arisings in You/Reality. So nothing really essential falls away. Just some kind of mistaken Identity/Illusion. That caused a lot(!) of suffering in the first place. You are infinitely more than these separate-self arisings.

But that realization is "protected" by those scary scary arisings (Haunted, No Person there, Green Mile,...). Courtesy of and best regards from Maya herself. How much its scary...

  • ...depends also on the speed how fast you get dropped into that Abyss of the Real No-Self.
  • If its fast, its probably more scary than on slowly dissolving over time. Then its more like a mild scary fear, like Francis Lucilles Enlightenment:

Steven Norquists progress was rather fast, see his bio. There is a video-lecture of him, where he tells his story.

The gateless gate can seem scary from the opening entry. 

Something like: First time?


Hope my taste of humor is not misunderstood.... :$ :) . In case it is, please recheck for relaxation the last video with the smoking stuff I posted.

Selling Water by the River



"99.999% of the spiritual books and teachers out there are completely wrong. They are wrong for one simple reason, they are not enlightened, they don’t know what’s going on. So in order to keep the illusion of personality, of the idea that there is something or someone, they invent stories, or theories, or ideas, wear special clothes, perform certain rituals and so on. They teach this stuff. But the truth is so simple, it is laughable.

Now let me make a clear distinction on one point, mystical experience is not enlightenment. You may have mystical experience, see God, get abducted by aliens, receive messages from an angel, contact your spirit guides, the list could go on. But always and forever, no matter what is going on the truth is, every experience, mystical or ordinary is a happening of Universe/Consciousness."

99.999% is probably a bit much, but a scarily large part teaches something like nonduality/God-whatever/Infinity with certain aspects/filters/lense of certrain remaining separate self elements still well and alive, and identifying with that. Maya is a High Performer 9_9. Nearly 100% success rate. And she can also handle the candidates on the finishing line also quite well...

Yes, it is in fact on my bucket list, it is going to happen for sure, I just hope it happens very very slow and gradually. I appreciate the media and feedback. May I ask about your story and if you have crossed over?

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4 minutes ago, Ramu said:

But according to Leo, no one on this forum is awake.  According to Leo enlightenment and no self is all bullshit, so I guess we have to start over from scratch.  I thought I might be making some progress but Leo's new stance is that we're all misguided and stupid.

What if you stop taking into consideration what Leo says?

What if you just do your stuff and see for yourself with zero concern for Leo or any other teacher?

There's a subtle balance between being close minded and too arrogant, and being too dependent on others.

I'm not talking down on you, when I say you I mean me too. I'm getting kind of sick of listening to anybody about spirituality because all I know is what I experience for myself.

If Leo says you can become an alien mouse and experience unimaginable states of consciousness beyond anything anyone has ever talked about, all I can say is: okay. I don't dismiss you. But I can't just believe you. Because all I really know is my experience.

You know when someone explains something ordinary to you but you only truly understand when you try it yourself and have the experience? How could Awakening be different?

This is what Leo is teaching us more recently with his aggressive tone. STOP BELIEVING OTHERS, SEE FOR YOURSELF!!!

Fuck, it's so obvious... But it's so easy to fall for it.


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@Vibes I really like and appreciate what you said!  Thank you Vibes!

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9 hours ago, Ramu said:

I thought I might be making some progress but Leo's new stance is that we're all misguided and stupid.

Think for Yourself ;)

I AM back

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