Something Funny

10 Year Anniversary Of

15 posts in this topic

Wow, it's crazy that has existed for so long and, unlike many other channels, didn't become stale, repetitive, or irrelevant, but is constantly evolving and going deeper. All due to Leo's vision, idealism, dedication, and hard work over all those years.

Leo's dedication to his life purpose is something that I personally look up to.

Seriously, thank you, Leo. You have created something that is truly unique and life changing. 


From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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Actualized to infinity and beyond!

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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GG Leo! xD

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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I discovered this work about 8 years ago. I just wanted help with studying when I was still in school.

I definitely didn’t expect to go down a rabbit hole made out of pure LOVE xD


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Maybe @Leo Gura Can share the posts that he finds meaningful or anything that was said to him or that he did in his life for the 10 year anniversary of

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Thanks for sharing all these insights other people would need a lifetime. Especially about psychedelics

No one has openly discussed the value of psychedelics so good an honest an authentic like you 

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@Something Funny

20 hours ago, Something Funny said:

Wow, it's crazy that has existed for so long and, unlike many other channels, didn't become stale, repetitive, or irrelevant, but is constantly evolving and going deeper. All due to Leo's vision, idealism, dedication, and hard work over all those years.

Leo's dedication to his life purpose is something that I personally look up to.

Seriously, thank you, Leo. You have created something that is truly unique and life changing. 

??? is living example of life purpose, vision, hard work, dedication, and caring of one's personal values as top priority over external motivations. Keep up the great work @Leo Gura. I might never gain those levels of insights, but at least it's a possibility of me improving my life similar to this.

   However, screw the body building example, DOMs suck to experience. Powerlifting, strongman and martial arts all the way!

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@Danioover9000 what body building example?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

Thanks for sharing all these insights other people would need a lifetime. Especially about psychedelics

No one has openly discussed the value of psychedelics so good an honest an authentic like you 

Of course. Science and scientists are afraid to dive deeper into psychedelics, because it has the potential to completely challenge everything that they think they know.

That’s why I’m glad stuff like ketamine, cannabis, mushrooms (and soon MDMA, LSD, etc.) is approved for people with mental health conditions, because many of us already have a deep intuition that there’s something more than the material world.


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Thank you, Leo. You are an exceptional being. Been about 4-5yrs following your content and I must say you have truly made me more aware of a lot things within my experience. You pretty much paved the pathway for me to begin my "Spiritual Journey". Initially I was led to influencers like  Aaron Abke (who I've also learnt a lot from, just in a different way) and was just merely watching his videos and others in the same category when YT's algorithm led me to your channel. I was getting dressed one night for work and wasn't really paying attention to the screen when I heard some guy talking a lot of gibberish. That gibberish got me engaged and interested, so I subscribed and the rest is history. You made me weep in a particular video of yours...not because I was in pain but because I couldn't believe I was denying myself all these years when I used to say "there's no God", there can't be a God. Where is he. I grew up in the church and was baptized at 14yrs old with my mother, but as I grew older I left the church because I started to think for myself. Long story short I started questioning everything even the existence of God and, "walla", it appeared to me. Your videos have given me a deeper knowledge of existence and its nature and I've emotionally matured immensely from this knowledge. A lot of the stuff you talk about I've become aware of in my experience with myself and others I've interacted with. Gaining knowledge from your Spiral Dynamics series and Ego Development has made me understand human nature and have directly noticed the similarities in comparison when im interacting with people . It is so on-point. Even with myself. I'm now watching a lot more quality content on YT for a few years now and, even tho I don't take everything I hear at face value- I try to contemplate on it to see if it makes sense to me, the pieces of the puzzle are starting to fit together with a better understanding of my ("why's). You have created an exceptional piece of work with your channel, this blog and forum, with so much valuable information and have dedicated your life to the only thing that truly matters in life which so many people have missed. You are authentic and knows how to express your sovereignty and I admire that about you. You get a lot of shit talk from others who don't understand you but so did a lot of Great Minds who graced us with their presence and were truly for the empowerment of humanity. There's a lot more I could say, but I'll end it here by saying thank you for this last post you made because I feel, and already sense the turn around on the forum from more if us expressing gratitude and appreciation for what you do, not so much by constantly saying it but by what we don't say and focus upon. Thank you.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Yes, thank you from me as well Leo. I am very grateful for your work


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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