Dan Arnautu

Enlightenment And Personal Branding

1 post in this topic

DISCLAIMER: People that don't know anything about spiritual enlightenment will not understand a word I say.

Hi guys. I've been doing personal development for a few years and stumbled one day on Leo's Spiritual Enlightenment video, which hit my ego like a truck. Now, after becoming more desensitized to the truth and trying to resume a normal, external life (while also looking at it like it's for the first time), I'm trying to find a way to continue with it without identifying myself with upcoming labels that are associated with some projects I will start. 

Leo I think did a very good job with this while building actualized.org (as he heard the truth then), but I want to know if building a business around a person's name and not making it separate from it would be any different. As in my name being associated with a band member, guitar teacher, youtube content creator etc. You get the point.

Does it only consist in dissociation practice? Thanks in advance.

Additional background info: I already have a meditation habit in place and am way behind in the ladder towards spiritual enlightenment (college still needs to be finished,growing a business to assure the income part and so on). Enlightenment will most probably be put in the back seat for at least a few years, but am willing to go through with it.


”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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