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"Slavery in Pakistan"

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Sup peoples, I personally like to spend time everyday in what I call "grace" by broadening my worldview to incorporate a bigger picture for some context. I live in the USA (as I imagine many of you may as well) and try to communicate as much as possible how fucking "easy" life is here; it is so easy  (for the most part), that the difficult part is NOT getting too comfortable. Appreciate what you have and strive to improve the quality of life (of others) as much as possible. 

- A WHOLE FAMILY has been WORKING (not sitting down in air-conditioned office job that they drove to, but creating bricks in a desert) for 23 YEARS, giving up half their pay in order to "pay a hospital bill debt" (which happens to have no record). Can you imagine that? No customer support line. No brand to threaten against. No legal system to protect you. No wealth or power to fight back with. No one is coming to save them. etc. Damn.

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