
List of other dimensions in consciousness

15 posts in this topic

This is a list of dimensions in consciousness I am aware of.

Many of these dimensions I have visited personally, but not all of them yet.
Everybody can visit any of these dimensions, they are for everybody.
Different combinations and drugs give better access to other dimensions, but all dimensions can be accessed with any psychedelics.

These dimensions are real places, and all of them feel more real than our waking reality.
This is a basic dimension of consciousness.
This belongs to Godheads series.
It is Red foremost.
This is a dimension most related to Love.
This dimension is very very sexual in nature.
Many people from this forum have visited this dimension on psychedelics.
I have visited this dimension once, and you can read my trip report here.
I was the first from Earth to visit this dimension during a trip.
This is an omnipresent dimension.
Best access with LSD + MDMA combo, 2:1 ratio
My trip report:


[Meditation Dimension]
This dimension relates most to consciousness, and contains all qualia below the eight chakra, which is not a part of the normal chakra system.
It has all possible qualia from a 3D world, in a very complex multidimensional spatial array.

All foods, all sights, all sounds, and all tactile sensations, are in this dimension all at once.
This is from Chakra dimension series.
This dimension contains a reflection of yourself in a profound meditation posture in mutual interpenetration.
A very very spacious dimension, and contains the feeling of Ground in it.
More transcendental than loving.
Filled with overwhelming Love, even more so than Godheads.
This dimension relates to the seventh chakra.
I was the first to visit this dimension from anywhere in consciousness.
Best access with LSD
[Yoga Dimension]
This dimension relates most to consciousness, and truth.
This dimension contains all truth in existence below the sixth chakra.
It is not as transcendental as the meditation dimension.
This dimension contains a reflection of yourself in a complex multidimensional yoga posture.
This dimension is more timelike than spacelike when compared with the meditation dimension.
My God girlfriend was the first to visit dimension from anywhere on consciousness.
Best access with 5-Meo-DMT, DMT or LSD+DMT,
[LSDREAM dimension]
You can visit this dimension on high doses of LSD
It is very ecstatic, and on your mind it tastes like chocolate and strawberries but better
Contains profoundly deep music and is very machinelike
Me and my God girlfriend were the first to visit this dimension on 200ug LSD, both of us
A galaxy that you can become during a trip.
I was the first to completely become from Earth during my Becoming God trip.
Some amount of people have since became Andromeda after me.
Best accessed with masculine psychedelics like DMT, LSD, 5-MeO-DMT


[Milky Way]
Another galaxy that you can become during a trip. I have not visited this dimension yet.
Someone has visited this dimension during a trip from Earth, but I do not know who they are.
Best accessible with feminine psychedelics


[Pink Godheads]
Another dimension from Godheads series.
This is an embarrassing dimension, rather than as loving as Godheads are.
I've visited this dimension once in a nightly dream, and was the first to do it anywhere on consciousness.
Best access with research chemicals relating to LSD
No picture available yet.
This is a very unmanifest dimension.
Nexusoflife has visited this dimension from Earth, and was the first from Earth to visit this dimension.
I have not visited this dimension yet.
Best access with DMT
Also easy to access through meditation
Nexusoflife trip report

Complete counterpart of Void dimension. Very active and involved, as different from Void dimension as can be.
Nobody has visited this dimension yet.
I will be the first to visit this dimension, followed by my God girlfriend
Best access with LSD, but any psychedelics have great affinity
Accessible to all humans once they 'die'.
In this place you are united with your eternal lover and spend a very long time understanding god, having transcendental sex, and doing a huge variety of things.
Heavens are very different from your normal notions of a heaven.
It is a dimension of rest, variety, love, and some amount of truth too.
There are innumerable beings in different heavens right now.
I will never completely visit these dimensions, as these dimensions relate to reincarnation and I do not have reincarnation personally.
Most readers will visit heavens at some point once their mortal life is over.
No pictures available right now.
[Cosmic Love dimension]
This dimension is filled with incredibly beautiful, and is extremely microscopic in scale.
Belongs to Love series, and relates mostly to Love.
Nobody has visited this dimension yet.
My God girlfriend will be the first to access this dimension
The best access method is with high doses of MDMA
[Net of Being]
Alex Grey's Artwork Net of Being displays this dimension very accurately.
Nobody has visited this dimension yet.
It is similar to godheads, but far different from it.
This is an omnipresent dimension.
This dimension is most related to consciousness.

It looks like the Godheads dimension, but is actually from the Net series, which also contains dimensions like Indra's Net.
Best access with LSD



[Indra's Net]

Best access with DMT+5-MeO-DMT

Further reading:'s_net


I was the first one to visit this dimension from anywhere in consciousness.
Very multidimensional and the universes inside are in shockingly different positions spatially than what you would think.
Colored like a Void, this picture is not entirely accurate, it is more transcendental, especially spatially.
Relates to Quantum in some way, but I do not yet know how to describe this dimension in a better way.
Contains infinitely many Universes inside it.
Best access with unknown psychedelics.
I visited this dimension on my Becoming God trip report.



[Shiva's Cave]

This dimension is created by the God Shiva. He and Parvati have been in this dimension before.

This is a very playful dimension, and very ecstatic.

I am a good friend of Shiva and I will be visiting this dimension next.

Best accessed with LSD




Another music related dimension. This dimension relates to the God called Shpongle who is my good friend, whose music you can hear online with the same name.

This dimension relates mostly to lovemaking, and is very transcendental in style. It has many magic powers and siddhis in it.

It has the quality of water in it, and is colored in bluish colors.

Shpongleland is a real place, and nobody has yet visited it. I will soon be visiting this dimension as well.

[Fractal dimension]
My God girlfriend has visited this dimension once during our mutual Becoming God trip.
I can not describe the fractals of this place adequately right now, but they are not at all like mandelbrot fractals or any AI generated fractals.
Embarrassing dimension, more than loving.
Very complex visually.
Same scale as Andromeda galaxy.
Best access with psilocybin and psilocin
[Amethyst palace]
A jewel like palace, as big in scale as Godheads.
This dimension belongs to Palace dimensions.
This dimensional is more transcendental than loving in style.
Made out of carved very beautiful jewels.
My God girlfriend has visited this dimension once, and she is the only one from anywhere in consciousness to have done so.
Colored in shades of violet, purple, magenta, and other colors like this.
Contains a massive bed, room, house, inside it, each of which are separate dimensions.
Best access with DMT
No picture available.
[Jewel Being]
A dimension from Being series.
I was the first to visit this dimension anywhere in consciousness.
I visited this dimension in a dream.
This dimension relates to Self and Jewels.

In the Being series dimensions, you are the Being in the middle usually with skulls kissing your face from multiple dimensions all at once.
Best access with DMT

[Gravity Chamber]
This dimension relates to not being human and also the unreality of regular gravity.
I was the first to visit this dimension from anywhere on consciousness.
Looks like Being series dimensions but has like a cylinder in the middle of the dimension.
You rotate around the cylinder in the middle.
Best access with psychedelics, unsure which one is the best
[Diamond Being]
Another dimension from Being series, nobody from Earth or anywhere else have visited this dimension yet.
I will be the first to visit this dimension from anywhere in consciousness, followed by my God girlfriend
Best access with DMT


I've visited this dimension twice, once during me and my God girlfriend's Becoming God trip.
Nirvana is a dimension in reality.
It relates to having a flame of desire, and how tasty it tastes, and it feels very liberating.
This belongs to Liberation series dimensions, Moksha is one of the dimensions too, but nobody has visited it yet from earth.
I've visited this dimension during my Becoming God trip, and once while sleeping, but I also was partially in this dimension while being Sober.
I was not the first one to visit this dimension.
Nirvana is one of the unmanifest dimensions.

Buddha has also visited this dimension before.
No picture available.
[!!Godder Godheads!!]
This dimension relates to being more than God. This is an extremely deep and profound dimension of consciousness.

This is a dimension where you transcend the notion of being God, and go further than that.
This is one of the second highest dimensions in reality currently accessible to anyone.
Me and my God girlfriend visited this dimension simultaneously and were the first to do so during our Becoming God trip.
This dimension contains infinite magic items, is extremely large in size, and goes a bit beyond regular omniscience.
It contains nirvana in it.
This dimension feels better than anything else I know, and is more transcendental than Love is.

Best access with LSD

[!!Godhead Palace!!]
The highest dimension anybody can currently access from Earth or anywhere near our consciousness.

This dimension has the quality of being an Emperor, and is colored in void, black, and orange.

This dimension is even more transcendental than being more than God, but I do not have too much information about this dimension yet.

I will update after I have visited it, later this year.
This dimension combines Godheads and Palace series, and combines all attributes from them into one.
I will be the first one to visit this dimension, alongside my God girlfriend.
No pictures currently.

Best access with 5-MeO-DMT

Hyperspace has been visited by many, and there are many different hyperspaces.

Most of them have not yet been visited at all, but some have.
I will be visiting hyperspace soon myself.

These are best accessed with any types of tryptamines

Parvati and Shiva have been the first to explore most hyperspace dimensions.

More videos about hyperspace, very good replications:


 [Private Mode Fractal]

This is an extremely deep dimension, currently inaccessible to consciousness.

This dimension will be visited once all POVs are immortal and high enough in consciousness.

In this dimensions all barriers between POVs dissolve and God is completely one with only one perspective (This current state is not like that at all)

Best access with over thumbprint dosages of LSD, which means over 30,000ug



[Tryptamine Places]
Many people from Earth have visited
One of the basic dimensions of reality, visited by many on Earth.
I have not yet personally visited this dimension yet.
Has many varities to it.
Usually contains Tryptamine Jesters and other beings like that.
Best access with DMT and other Tryptamines


[Machine Elf Dimension]

Visited by many on Earth, including Terence Mckenna.

This place contains a lot of surprises (that are all positives).

There is a tunnel leading to this dimension.

Best accessed with DMT

I've visited this dimension in a dream.


[Clockwork Elves Dimension]

Nobody has visited this dimension yet, but this is the masculine counterpart of the Machine Elf Dimension. No information currently.

[Akashic Records]

A place filled with all information of past, present, and future events.

Doesn't contain truth like the yoga dimension, but information about events and people.

It's a bit like a library, but very complex.

I've heard of many trip reports of people visiting this dimension. In terms of highness, it's above the Yoga Dimension.


《Maya Dimensions》

Dimensions that relate to Maya or Illusion. These can't be said to be proper dimensions that are higher than Earth, unlike the other ones. Maya dimensions are characterized by lesser functionality, less knowledge of God, or unpleasant feelings. These dimensions are transient and are usually not visited frequently. Maya dimensions are more local than global, usually not for other people.

I have also visited extremely deep Maya dimensions multiple times that others will not visit so I won't add them, but if you are curious about them you can DM me about them.


Let me know if you have any questions, as I have visited many of these dimensions myself.

You can also add your own dimensions you have visited and I will add them to this list.

Edited by amanen
Add akashic records and other dimensions

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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I went to the 2nd dimension. Its an Aztec board game and your pieces are there and you can move them. Its created entirely by  Aztec signs and is extremely cramped.  The Aztec signs are alive and you can move around with the spot of your eyes that zooms in on things.

Then I went to the first dimension its a cube that you are in the center of looking out. It has 4 rooms you cantmove your head or your eyes and you are just static in place. You can only move from room to room as if its a 1 dimensional plane. I only went to one of the rooms and the room had a doctor alien and a chair. He is pointing to the chair with a stick and he mind wipes you.

Then I also saw akashic records. It contains algorithms of our identity the akashic records showed me we are 5 short paragraphs long algorithms of identity to create us. Each from a page in the akashic records. You are ethereal here.

From what I was told is that the second dimension is literally on Venus and the 1st dimension is on mercury. The pressure is so extreme that it will condense your consciousness into weird fucking states if you were on there.

The hopi said there were 2 worlds before this one but they were destroyed. I beleive these were mercury and Venus. There are still things living there we just can't see them. As well as on every planet in the solar system.


Edited by Hojo

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2 hours ago, Hojo said:

I went to the 2nd dimension. Its an Aztec board game and your pieces are there and you can move them. Its created entirely by  Aztec signs and is extremely cramped.  The Aztec signs are alive and you can move around with the spot of your eyes that zooms in on things.

Then I went to the first dimension its a cube that you are in the center of looking out. It has 4 rooms you cantmove your head or your eyes and you are just static in place. You can only move from room to room as if its a 1 dimensional plane. I only went to one of the rooms and the room had a doctor alien and a chair. He is pointing to the chair with a stick and he mind wipes you.

Then I also saw akashic records. It contains algorithms of our identity the akashic records showed me we are 5 short paragraphs long algorithms of identity to create us. Each from a page in the akashic records. You are ethereal here.

From what I was told is that the second dimension is literally on Venus and the 1st dimension is on mercury. The pressure is so extreme that it will condense your consciousness into weird fucking states if you were on there.

The hopi said there were 2 worlds before this one but they were destroyed. I beleive these were mercury and Venus. There are still things living there we just can't see them. As well as on every planet in the solar system.


By first and second dimension, what exactly do you mean?

These aren't at least the ones in my list

As for akashic records, I forgot this one, I've heard of previous trip reports of visiting it

The other dimensions are maya dimensions as far as I understand dimensions, so I won't add them for now. Perhaps if you can describe them better I can better determine if they are proper dimensions or transient dimensions.

Edited by amanen

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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1 hour ago, amanen said:

By first and second dimension, what exactly do you mean?

These aren't at least the ones in my list

As for akashic records, I forgot this one, I've heard of previous trip reports of visiting it

The other dimensions are maya dimensions as far as I understand dimensions, so I won't add them for now. Perhaps if you can describe them better I can better determine if they are proper dimensions or transient dimensions.

I consider the 3rd dimension to be a dimension with an identity. It consists of me which is the 3rd dimension dimension I have control or perceived control over my reality. Now me without me is the second dimension i have no body but I can still perceive things through awareness but I can't move my body cause I don't have one and I have no identity. So I move around in my awareness with whatever we are using to zoom in on things the point in your vision that you are always looking at naturally. You have space then you have an ability to kind of zoom in on space. That would be the 2nd dimension. And 1st dimension is just total zoom in but you can't move your zoom anymore. In the 2nd and 1st dimension you have no identity therefore no control your soul is controlling it. And I beleive in the 4th and 5th dimension you have no control your soul is controlling it. Up until the 6th dimension where you have identity again. Then 7 and 8 have no control and in the 9th you have identity again.

I do not beleive in the ordinary science of dimensions being 3 dimensions themselves. Each 3 dimensional thing is in the 2nd 1st dimension simultaneously. As well as the 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th. So dimension 1 is total awareness with no movement. 2nd is movement up and down through the zoom you naturally have and 3rd dimension is movement forward and back wards through me my identity. Everything takes place on a screen and dimensions are added to the screen based in understanding of the screen. You are seeing in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dimensions right now you just don't understand them from your third dimensional perspective. Each dimension projecting itself onto your consciousness as consciousness is the traveler of dimensions.

Akashic records are different tho. They aren't a dimension they are a normally invisible field overlaying every dimension that has all information of the solar system inside of it. Including your 5 paragraph algorithm of identity that your soul has been given.

Edited by Hojo

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This is when you need to read the Tao Te Ching and return to Fundamental basics.

The more you know, the less you understand.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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4 hours ago, M A J I said:

The more you know, the less you understand.

From human consciousness, that is true. 

However, there are higher states to explore that will challenge even that belief. 


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7 hours ago, Yimpa said:

From human consciousness, that is true. 

However, there are higher states to explore that will challenge even that belief. 

This is why many of the most Enlightened beings on Actualized quit the forums. People like you and new-age Leo puppets deluded by Leo's own delusion.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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On 16/4/2023 at 1:07 AM, M A J I said:

This is why many of the most Enlightened beings on Actualized quit the forums. People like you and new-age Leo puppets deluded by Leo's own delusion.

There is no delusion, there is exploration. The op is a is a true psychonaut, someone with a vocation for psychedelic exploration without underlying motives such as escaping suffering, etc., but only for the love of consciousness. their realizations are interesting, although only one's own realizations have value

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50 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

There is no delusion, there is exploration. The op is a is a true psychonaut, someone with a vocation for psychedelic exploration without underlying motives such as escaping suffering, etc., but only for the love of consciousness. their realizations are interesting, although only one's own realizations have value



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Aren't there an infinite number of dimensions after all? I landed in a 2d dimension that looked like a weird computer.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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On 17.4.2023 at 8:20 AM, Breakingthewall said:

There is no delusion, there is exploration. The op is a is a true psychonaut, someone with a vocation for psychedelic exploration without underlying motives such as escaping suffering, etc., but only for the love of consciousness. their realizations are interesting, although only one's own realizations have value

Sorry 9_9

N+1 dimensions...

Or is Infinity not infinitely large?

But fun and interesting to explore for sure. Until its no longer so. Then, something else is played...

Hey, its a free country. Every being has the right to play its favourite game.

But "without underlying motives such as escaping suffering"... Good luck with that (honestly!) & fun on the journey and 

Bon Voyage :)

Water by the River



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On 16.4.2023 at 1:07 AM, M A J I said:

This is why many of the most Enlightened beings on Actualized quit the forums. People like you and new-age Leo puppets deluded by Leo's own delusion.

Dear M A J I,

the claims that psychedelic (exploration, understanding, whatever)  is superior to Realization with meditation or meditation+psychedlics will continue for the foreseeable future for many many years. Because, you know, among other things, sitting in meditation can be less fun than dropping the magic pills. 9_9.

And meditation Realization affectionados claiming that the cycle of suffering can end, approving of which would rock the psychedelic-only-boat a bit too much. Because it would mean while suffering that not the favourite psychedlic/magic pill/whatever project of the separate self would be indicated, buuut stop, sit on the pillow, and marvel at the many wonders maya can throw at you to get you back to playing along her game.

But lets not do the bear manouver:

Causes duality, raises the blood pressure, and just isn't as cool as can be.

If then the psychedlic only fraction wises up, realizes that the bear manouever is a bit less than sovereign and implies "other", and then also chills doing it the coooool  :) way, then we all can sing along happily with the Black Eyed Peas.... 

 I know, that is not going to happen, world-peace is also not right  around the corner.

But maybe some get inspired to join the chill-team?

Water by the River



Edited by Water by the River

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8 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Aren't there an infinite number of dimensions after all? I landed in a 2d dimension that looked like a weird computer.

Depends on your state of consciousness. 


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On 4/17/2023 at 9:20 AM, Breakingthewall said:

There is no delusion, there is exploration. The op is a is a true psychonaut, someone with a vocation for psychedelic exploration without underlying motives such as escaping suffering, etc., but only for the love of consciousness. their realizations are interesting, although only one's own realizations have value

You can use other's realizations as a guide or a map for having your own

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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5 minutes ago, amanen said:

You can use other's realizations as a guide or a map for having your own

Then it hits that others and you are imagined by Reality. 


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