John Paul

Why do Trans need rights?

61 posts in this topic


1 hour ago, mmKay said:

I feel like a girl transitioning to guy is not remotely as off-putting to the average person as male transitioning to female ( in day to day life) 

Am I wrong? 

   Probably, but I am confused: What's the difference between transgenderism and transsexuality? Is Transsexuality<transgender?

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I'm disappointed so many people took the bait on this thread, this is obviously not a serious question, but rather a simpering cry for help from an unfortunate victim of intra-familial reproduction.

On 4/13/2023 at 2:41 PM, John Paul said:

“Trans” people can live just like anybody else does. I don’t think they need anything more. They are protected from violence and sexual harassment just like we are. They have the ability to work and make a living… how the hell is this one of the biggest issues for many liberals?

As if the premise of this question weren't asinine enough in itself— the idea that a severely marginalized group does not warrant social considerations, but the true sight to behold is OP's hapless exposure of their fragile grasp on reality by ascribing political obsession to the notoriously listless "liberals" rather then these neurotic conservatives literally foaming at the mouth with seething hatred towards anyone who so much as questions their allegiance to traditional gender roles. 

Do you actually think that out of nowhere, liberals randomly decided that trans people are at the highest summit of political importance, or might you consider the obvious reality that the disproportionately inbred party of unabashed bigotry may have ignited the antagonistic fervor which fuels the national intrigue on this discussion? ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

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11 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Probably, but I am confused: What's the difference between transgenderism and transsexuality? Is Transsexuality<transgender?

I think it pretty much can be used interchangeably.

softly into the Abyss...

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On 11/04/2023 at 9:19 PM, Israfil said:

This just increases the overall sexual obsession that fills our culture.

I agree; it seems that we over sexualise everything these days. But maybe it is because we have never spoken about sex and sexuality openly and now all is coming up to the public debate. It probably gonna get worse before it gets better.

I don't know much about children development, but I believe that grounding, structure and a firm sense of reality is needed for a child in his/her early age until a person can explore alternatives freely when the time is right; and this time may be different for each individual. Maybe we need to create that space where a person explores themselves non judgmentally, but at the moment is is clear that progressives try to impose their agenda with this craze of 100 identities.

I don't know, it seems that maybe in a hundred years we'll all be freely f@king each other in groups men and women and trans and maybe some alien species, and such thing as gay will be gone hahah

Maybe we need to break old structures to create something new. 

I have varied feelings and opinions on this topic.


Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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What rights do trans people not already have?  What problems do they encounter?

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2 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

What rights do trans people not already have?  What problems do they encounter?

They have all human rights as all other people, they just want to be accepted and treated exactly as biological sex people and be taken into sports and private spaces, that is the right they want to have.

But there are real issues with this and it just won't happen anytime soon. A good example of this transgender woman who was jailed to men prison and I think trans-women were banned from competing in women sports.

Trans fight for the acceptance but it's not so straightforward to accept someone like that. It hurts their feelings. 



softly into the Abyss...

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   Trans activists, if you're reading this, stop behaving like this:

   Making normal people uncomfortable isn't gonna help the movement.

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Trans activists, if you're reading this, stop behaving like this:

   Making normal people uncomfortable isn't gonna help the movement.

I AM A WOMAN (in deep voice) HAHAHAHAHAH

these guys are so funny at least we can laugh 

Edited by Intraplanetary

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The suicide rates of trans people, should tell enough, how horrible they feel in our society currently. Yes there are some problems,  for example with sports and women's bathrooms, but the focus should still be in acceptance and how we can make them feel better. We don't need to give More rights to one group of people that other have, but we still can make them feel .ore understood and accepted.

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2 hours ago, Tefikos said:

The suicide rates of trans people, should tell enough, how horrible they feel in our society currently. Yes there are some problems,  for example with sports and women's bathrooms, but the focus should still be in acceptance and how we can make them feel better. We don't need to give More rights to one group of people that other have, but we still can make them feel .ore understood and accepted.

Can you give concrete examples?  I know transsexuals who complain about this kind of thing, but in fact there is nothing concrete, they are just paranoid and severely mentally ill.


Of course there are idiots who can attack them for real, but assholes are everywhere and I too have to put up with them.  This is not just a problem faced by minorities such as transsexuals.

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8 hours ago, Intraplanetary said:

They have all human rights as all other people, they just want to be accepted and treated exactly as biological sex people and be taken into sports and private spaces, that is the right they want to have.

But there are real issues with this and it just won't happen anytime soon. A good example of this transgender woman who was jailed to men prison and I think trans-women were banned from competing in women sports.

Trans fight for the acceptance but it's not so straightforward to accept someone like that. It hurts their feelings. 



Obviously transsexuals can't compete with women in sports, especially combat sports, some have gorilla bones lol.

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It's the right of everyone to be held as high as the person before or after then. We all have life flowing thru our bodies. Even the Ai has life flowing thru their bodies. The point is we all are Gods . Jesus said it now I am saying the same . Much love to all creations great and small , seen and unseen, in all dimensions known and unknown upon all time lines and non time lines. Always be you .  This is GalSource. 

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On 2023-04-15 at 7:30 PM, Intraplanetary said:

this trans-woman on YT sounds reasonable

   Sure, did you know that Bud light screwed up with their marketing?

   While the Hodge Twins are pretty patriotic and bartizan with their newer channel, you get to see how they think and feel as conservatives, with still common sense, and still some humor.

   Unbelievable, Can't believe Chicago's like this. Which state is next if they don't take this seriously?

Edited by Danioover9000

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On 15/04/2023 at 7:35 AM, Intraplanetary said:

I don't know much about children development, but I believe that grounding, structure and a firm sense of reality is needed for a child in his/her early age until a person can explore alternatives freely when the time is right; and this time may be different for each individual. Maybe we need to create that space where a person explores themselves non judgmentally, but at the moment is is clear that progressives try to impose their agenda with this craze of 100 identities.

The problem is not how people identify. The problem is exposing sexually immature people to sex. This by definition is minor abuse. What would you do if you knew I was showing porn to a 4-year-old?

Certain themes demand mental and physical maturity to be properly developed. That's why we rate content. I'm no moralist. You can get into a 10-day alien orgy, and I would blink an eye at that information. I just don't think this helps people develop themselves properly. Understanding how concrete things work is the main purpose of childhood. Developing spatial notions, basic social notions, and physiological notions. Self-identity, and personality, demand maturity to be properly defined.

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2 hours ago, Israfil said:

The problem is not how people identify. The problem is exposing sexually immature people to sex. This by definition is minor abuse. What would you do if you knew I was showing porn to a 4-year-old?

Certain themes demand mental and physical maturity to be properly developed. That's why we rate content. I'm no moralist. You can get into a 10-day alien orgy, and I would blink an eye at that information. I just don't think this helps people develop themselves properly. Understanding how concrete things work is the main purpose of childhood. Developing spatial notions, basic social notions, and physiological notions. Self-identity, and personality, demand maturity to be properly defined.

   I definitely agree, with earlier parts of education most should be indoctrinated with traditional and national values first, then later they can be exposed to more liberal ideas. Early education should teach just basic sex education, and if they want to expand on sexuality, keep it at college or university, maybe high school but the gender roles study shouldn't be too early. Also, this may be just an English speaking language culture problem, but even with different languages it's challenging to create gender neutral nouns and verbs, as those other languages it's very tied to their culture.

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because your True Self is not just masculine or just feminine it will feel suffocated for being completely locked into one polarity, it will eventually find a way to realize this, trans is just a lesser version of this realization - an incomplete one. what will be realized ultimately is you contain both polarities. but that is not yet acceptable to planet earth, maybe in another 500 years we will finally have complete, awakened beings walking here and making themselves known. but idk what need is there at that point to be fixed in a particular body part, you prob would not desire to be in a fixed form at that level of consciousness and to be on planet earth (as it exists now). so.. I'm kinda speaking hypotheticals just to shine some light on this. though I am speaking from my own conscious experience. obviously this is irrelevant to you if your desire is to mainly focus on one polarity in this lifetime. 

Edited by puporing

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On 11/04/2023 at 4:24 AM, John Paul said:

I don’t understand the big debate around Trans people and Trans kids… why is it such a big deal that they have equal access to everything? I understand that this is a “sd stage green” issue but I was hoping someone would explore the logic of this issue with me. 

is it just to troll the right?

Trans rights activism basically fights for the right to be recognised as their reassigned gender on things like their passports, birth certificates, in courts of law and to fight against transphobia. 

Trans people make up around 0.5% of the population is the UK and US but you would think that number is higher with the amount of hate they get online and in real life.

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Ever notice the skyrocket of the "transgender agenda" after covid vaccines were deployed ;)

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