John Paul

Why do Trans need rights?

61 posts in this topic

@John Paul

2 hours ago, John Paul said:

I agree. We should be focusing on basic family values, math and science, English, maybe Spanish, basic history etc.

   However, pre pubescent children to adolescent teens will still be curious about sex and explore their bodies privately, and sometimes when playing games with their peers in places outside of sight. Also, even if we just focus on basic areas of education like math, science, English language and other languages, history(of their home country firstly, before world history or not even this), PE, option classes, this won't prevent them exploring sexuality, nor would it prevent indirect notions and ideas of sex appearing in their minds. For example, sexual themes sometimes appear on tv shows, movies, radio, news papers, computer/mobile with other social media sites or other websites, in conversations with peers(the boy/girl locker room talks), marketing and advertisements, and so on. What do we do with so many indirect ways that sexuality and ideas of it get to their minds? If they don't have some basic sex education, and awareness at least sometimes knowledge of other gender roles and sexual orientations, especially trans gender, how does this lack help with the culture shock of these children seeing trans and other different genders for the first time?

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4 hours ago, Israfil said:

This just increases the overall sexual obsession that fills our culture. Why are you teaching someone sexually immature about sex? Why don't we spend that energy to create the other socialization foundations that will lead to healthy exploration and discovery of sex and sexual identity when the time is due? If children do not feel sexual desire, why the need to discuss sexual preference? These things should be taught during puberty.

   However, pre pubescent children to adolescent teens will still be curious about sex and explore their bodies privately, and sometimes when playing games with their peers in places outside of sight. Also, even if we just focus on basic areas of education like math, science, English language and other languages, history(of their home country firstly, before world history or not even this), PE, option classes, this won't prevent them exploring sexuality, nor would it prevent indirect notions and ideas of sex appearing in their minds. For example, sexual themes sometimes appear on tv shows, movies, radio, news papers, computer/mobile with other social media sites or other websites, in conversations with peers(the boy/girl locker room talks), marketing and advertisements, and so on. What do we do with so many indirect ways that sexuality and ideas of it get to their minds? If they don't have some basic sex education, and awareness at least sometimes knowledge of other gender roles and sexual orientations, especially trans gender, how does this lack help with the culture shock of these children seeing trans and other different genders for the first time?

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The same reason why everyone needs rights.

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This is the topic of everything peoples , every creation must be allowed to be a part of a life, we are all here to wise up , wake up , the entire existence life could be at stake , it is not , at least that is what  i feel , anyways listen , the whole of life is to love with your entire being , does not matter if its returned its just someone may need it to give , but not the selfish kind. it is the having of loving that sets our souls free and happy. it is as if the whole world could stop spinning then its spinning out of control, it is the air flowing through your veins , its the letting go and holding on at the same is the flow of sunshine on your face , its that whisper of faith amongst all the chaos, it is the only hope to hold on to that i have left and i can be who i want without judgment , not because some one bulling me, it is the love that will set life to happiness. It is love giving that holds life together.

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11 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   However, pre pubescent children to adolescent teens will still be curious about sex and explore their bodies privately, and sometimes when playing games with their peers in places outside of sight. Also, even if we just focus on basic areas of education like math, science, English language and other languages, history(of their home country firstly, before world history or not even this), PE, option classes, this won't prevent them exploring sexuality, nor would it prevent indirect notions and ideas of sex appearing in their minds. For example, sexual themes sometimes appear on tv shows, movies, radio, news papers, computer/mobile with other social media sites or other websites, in conversations with peers(the boy/girl locker room talks), marketing and advertisements, and so on. What do we do with so many indirect ways that sexuality and ideas of it get to their minds? If they don't have some basic sex education, and awareness at least sometimes knowledge of other gender roles and sexual orientations, especially trans gender, how does this lack help with the culture shock of these children seeing trans and other different genders for the first time?

Sure, but it is part of being a responsible parent to supervise media consumption by children. Not only sex, but violence, horror movies, and drug use shouldn't be part of a 6 or 7-year-old child's repertoire. As they grow older to a pre-pubescent age, they should be informed about bodily changes and education on harassment prevention and reporting should be increased, problems of pornography and unprotected sex should also be informed. As puberty hits and develops, and with it sexual identity matures, you can talk in more detail about gender identity and sexual orientation.

Children need to be children. Let them explore and incentivize them to figure out reality on their own. Both the binary gender paradox and the LBTQ+ perspective on gender are metaphysical constructions about part of our identities. And that part of our identities takes time to develop and shouldn't be so heavily influenced by society's biases.  

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@John Paul

What trans is, is very important concept to understand in order to have clear picture or our society's state right now. Asking why trans people need rights in general is very low conscious question, because obviously people all kind of should have equal rights if that just is possible to obtain in reasonable ways.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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Don’t trans people already have enough rights?

and why can’t parents teach their kids about sex when they feel comfortable?

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@John Paul

23 minutes ago, John Paul said:

Where is the science behind trans?

   I think the science being done on this is towards the gender dysphoria, and less about transgenderism, although this science isn't that common and on the fringes and is still ongoing. 

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@John Paul

27 minutes ago, John Paul said:

Don’t trans people already have enough rights?

and why can’t parents teach their kids about sex when they feel comfortable?

   What do you consider as enough rights for a transgendered person?

   Why are you asking why can't parents teach their kids about sex when they feel comfortable? In what setting do you have in mind?

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22 hours ago, Kksd74628 said:

@John Paul

What trans is, is very important concept to understand in order to have clear picture or our society's state right now. Asking why trans people need rights in general is very low conscious question, because obviously people all kind of should have equal rights if that just is possible to obtain in reasonable ways.

   The word 'Trans' is mostly as a prefix to most other words to add the meaning of 'going beyond' or 'above one or two things'. For example, the word 'transformation' is a modified version of the word 'formation', which means that multiple things form together as a singular formation, or when a single thing 'conforms' to other things in nature, like ant colonies working as one unit, or birds flying in formation. Therefore, the word 'transformation' is adding meaning to formation that's going beyond formation. For example, a caterpillar has a form, and is a formation of other components and compositions, begins it's life small, and then gets bigger as it's eating leaves, until it reforms itself into a shiny chrysalis, or sometimes a silk form, then transforms into a butterfly, which later feeds off of necter and mates with other butterflies, and lays eggs, and restarts the cycle again. me, when someone says they're transgender, their sense of self image that identifies with their biological sex has 'gone beyond' the normal sense of the two gender roles here, as female and male. So, in practice, to me, is that these transgendered people, who are trans-sexual in nature, would look like an asexual person, beyond the constraints of the biological and psychological pulls of sexuality, which is extremely rare in nature. However, the majority of the time when someone says they're a transgender, they're still deeply confused about themselves deep down, and the ego doesn't know what to tether and attach itself to, as a male or as a female because it doesn't have stronger attachments to either gender, so we end up with gender dysphoria in most cases.  

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“Trans” people can live just like anybody else does. I don’t think they need anything more. They are protected from violence and sexual harassment just like we are. They have the ability to work and make a living… how the hell is this one of the biggest issues for many liberals?

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@John Paul

24 minutes ago, John Paul said:

“Trans” people can live just like anybody else does. I don’t think they need anything more. They are protected from violence and sexual harassment just like we are. They have the ability to work and make a living… how the hell is this one of the biggest issues for many liberals?

   It's a good question, I can't give elaborate details, but intuitively why this is an issue, not the biggest for liberals, is mostly for rhetoric and optics gain, you just appear to care for this type of minority group, whilst virtue signaling care for other groups and push for inclusiveness, signal boosting care to the ideological left progressives/socialists/anarchists, but it's manipulation to gain more voters in that psychographic and demographic.

   It's merely the very vocal extreme of the transgender community, the Twitter/Tik Tok variants of this ideology that are the ones falsely signaling that there's this much noise, but really it's not a big deal. But those extremists will make it a way bigger deal! Which is why we need internet governments to somehow downregulate this type of ideologue and upregulate more accurate information or more honest and honorable person.

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14 hours ago, John Paul said:

and why can’t parents teach their kids about sex when they feel comfortable?

Most parents will never feel comfortable. And they will teach unscientific red-neck crap.

What conservative parents want is to indoctrinate their kids with their pet dogmas, fears, and prejudices.

Edited by Leo Gura

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11 hours ago, John Paul said:

“Trans” people can live just like anybody else does. I don’t think they need anything more. They are protected from violence and sexual harassment just like we are. They have the ability to work and make a living… how the hell is this one of the biggest issues for many liberals?

That is like saying, what's the big deal about gay rights and black rights? Gays and blacks can live free without harassment. Yet you totally take for granted the fight that was necessary to secure those rights. And the rights are still not equal. You just don't see it because you're not one of them.

It's not just a matter of legal rights, it's also a matter of being accepted and respected by mainstream culture. Rights are not enough when people look at you like trash.

Edited by Leo Gura

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not just a matter of legal rights, it's also a matter of being accepted and respected by mainstream culture. Rights are not enough when people look at you like trash.

I'd be interested in a documentary following a few trans people in everyday life and seeing how society treats them.  I think one of the many problems the right have with trans they don't come across them to understand them.  

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I'm for equality and fairness at all times, however, I have issues with transgender women coming into biological women spaces such as sports, toilets, spas, etc.

Transgender is a new breed and should be treated as such. It is not right to treat transgender-women as a biological women. Hence, there should be separate sports events and privater spaces. 

Show me one transgender man who beats men at sports? None; cause biological men have advantage so men/transgender-women beat women at sports all the time where they are let into a competition.

And, I don't care about epistemology here or an argument 'gender is a social construct', I'm talking about a relative world, where I want to feel safe as a women and I don't feel comfortable with transgender women being in private spaces with me, it is what it is; exactly as transgender and non-binary want to be respected I also want to be respected.

Women should stand for themselves more. 



Edited by Intraplanetary

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4 hours ago, Tanz said:

I'd be interested in a documentary following a few trans people in everyday life and seeing how society treats them.  I think one of the many problems the right have with trans they don't come across them to understand them.  

Good idea

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   Can someone engage with this question: Is transgenderism and transsexuality the same? 

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I feel like a girl transitioning to guy is not remotely as off-putting to the average person as male transitioning to female ( in day to day life) 

Am I wrong? 

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