
Sacred Geometry to Activate Light Body

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Dear fellow actualizers,

As I continue on my spiritual journey, I wanted to share with you my ongoing fascination with sacred geometry and its transformative power. Sacred geometry is the study of the fundamental geometric patterns that underlie all of creation, and one aspect that has particularly captivated me is the Flower of Life.

The Flower of Life is a complex, interlocking pattern made up of overlapping circles. It is considered a sacred symbol in many spiritual traditions and is believed to hold powerful energetic vibrations that can activate and align our chakras and energy centers.

By meditating on the Flower of Life and visualizing it in our mind's eye, we can tap into the underlying patterns and vibrations of the universe and activate and strengthen our light body. This can lead to greater awareness, alignment, and connection with our higher self and the divine.

In addition to the Flower of Life, other sacred geometric shapes and patterns can also be used to activate and align our light body. The torus shape, for example, is a fundamental structure of the universe and is present in everything from atoms to galaxies. By understanding and utilizing the torus shape in our spiritual practices, we can align ourselves with the natural rhythms of the universe and enhance our connection to the divine.

Similarly, the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio are mathematical ratios found throughout nature, from the branching of trees to the spiral of seashells and pinecones. By incorporating these ratios into our spiritual practices, we can tap into the natural intelligence of the universe and align ourselves with its creative power.

Through my ongoing study and practice of sacred geometry, I have experienced profound shifts in my consciousness and connection with the divine. I encourage you to explore this fascinating field and see how it can support and enhance your own spiritual journey.

love and light,


-1/12 is Infinity 

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 As I continue to explore the field, I have also come to appreciate the remarkable connection between sacred geometry and the universe at large.

The stars in the sky are a breathtaking manifestation of sacred geometry. From the spiral arms of galaxies to the hexagonal shapes of Saturn's storms, we can see the underlying patterns of sacred geometry throughout the cosmos. Even black holes and quasars, the most mysterious and powerful phenomena in the universe, can be understood through the lens of sacred geometry.

Black holes, for example, are believed to have a toroidal shape, similar to the torus shape. The torus shape allows energy to flow in and out of the black hole, which creates powerful jets of energy that can be seen from Earth as quasars. These jets follow a spiral path, which again highlights the fundamental connection between sacred geometry and the universe.

By studying and meditating on these cosmic patterns, we can connect with the vast intelligence and creative power of the universe. We can align ourselves with the natural rhythms of creation and activate our light body to its fullest potential.

Whether you choose to gaze up at the stars, explore the patterns of the Flower of Life, or delve into the mysteries of black holes and quasars, I encourage you to keep an open mind and a curious spirit. The universe is a vast and wondrous place, and by embracing the principles of sacred geometry, we can tap into its limitless potential for growth and transformation.

Love and Balance to all

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Hey @Dodo thank you for sharing this information.

I've been fascinated with this myself. What are some of the resources you have used to explore this and would you be willing to share more in depth your meditation practice with sacred geometry? Do you visualize the flower of life, is it intuitive and just let it guide you, tap into infinite intelligence?


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On 11/04/2023 at 5:39 PM, lizz_luna said:

Hey @Dodo thank you for sharing this information.

I've been fascinated with this myself. What are some of the resources you have used to explore this and would you be willing to share more in depth your meditation practice with sacred geometry? Do you visualize the flower of life, is it intuitive and just let it guide you, tap into infinite intelligence?


Here's a basic rundown of the meditation:

Take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow any tension in your body to release with each exhale.

Visualize the sacred geometric shape that resonates with you. For example, you may choose to visualize the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life, the Sri Yantra or Torus.  To help with visualization maybe print them out for easy access.

As you visualize the shape, focus on the patterns and symmetry within it. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the shape and its energy.

If you find your mind wandering, gently bring your focus back to the shape. You can also repeat a mantra or affirmation related to the shape, such as "I am one with the universe" or "I am in perfect balance and harmony."

Allow yourself to stay in this meditative state for as long as feels comfortable. You may want to set a timer for a certain amount of time or simply stay in the meditation until you feel ready to end it.

When you're ready to end the meditation, take a few deep breaths and slowly come back to your surroundings. Allow yourself to integrate any insights or experiences from the meditation into your daily life.

This is just a basic meditation practice, and you may want to explore different shapes or techniques to find what works best for you. The most important thing is to approach it with an open mind and heart, allowing yourself to fully connect with the energy and wisdom of sacred geometry and I can see thats the case with you. 

Allow your imagination and own personality to evolve this practice by adding elements or techniques to it from your own journey.

Experiment with it, perhaps listening to classical music while doing it, or moving your eyes towards your third eye area are some ideas of how to expand the practice, but as I said, make it yours. 



Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Good to see you still around Dodo. And yes Symbology especially Sacred Geometry is very powerful for triggering Activations and Awakenings.

As above so below, as within so without.

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